I experienced that my Roomba’s password changed itself due to changes in my local network, like acquiring new router and such. This means that i “enjoyed” the process of retrieving my PW and BLID a few times When reading the explanations in related gits it does seem to be a quite technical process, but i will try to explain my quick and dirty “guerilla” method for doing this on a regular Windows machine. It is actually easier than you think We will even clean up nicely afterwards.
First let us fetch the stuff we need. This is two files in total. Create a temporary folder on your desktop for extra convenience (you can name the folder whatever you want) and put these two files inside that folder:
Python installation package. I recommend getting the latest “executable installer”. You can find this in the ‘Download’ section of the official Python website https://www.python.org
Roomba Python Library. This is a zip-package of files normally used to establish integration with your Roomba (you can find it at https://github.com/NickWaterton/Roomba980-Python). Look for a green button marked “Clone or download”, Click it and select “Download zip”.
So, you now have these two files (one exe file and one zip file) in a folder on your desktop? Great, then we can move on
- Start Python installation by running the exe-file. Select “Customize installation”. Click “Next”. On the “Advanced options” page be sure to check “Add Python to environment variables” and edit “Customize install location” to “c:/Python”, then click “Install”.
Please keep the Python installation file in your desktop folder for now.
Open the Roomba zip-file and locate the “roomba” folder inside. Copy this folder into your freshly installed Python folder (c:/Python).
Use your favourite method of opening a DOS prompt (example: click the magnifying glass besides the Start-menu icon and search for “cmd”). Then use the DOS prompt to navigate to your C:/Python folder using the “cd \python” command.
Once inside the Python folder, type “pip install six” and press ENTER. Now this mysterious package called “six” should begin to install. After a few second you should be back in the DOS prompt.
Type “python .\roomba\getpassword.py”, hit ENTER and wait a few seconds. Now your Roomba should be detected by the script. From here on you should follow on-screen directions (something about making sure your Roomba is turned on and parked in the base, and then holding the “Home” button for a few seconds to hear a bleep. This should cause the wifi indicator on your Romba to flash - then hit ENTER to continue and wait a few seconds more).
… and there you have it Your Roomba’s BLID and password now appears in the bottom of the DOS window! You’re welcome Copy this info to a txt-file, grab a screenshot or whatever method you like best.
From here on you can follow the instructions found on the Home Asistant website on how to add your Roomba to your “configuration.yaml” file (https://www.home-assistant.io/components/vacuum.roomba/). Then you’re ready to reboot your Home Assistant and enjoy the goodness of Roomba
Now for the cleanup:
Start the Python installation by running the exe-file in your temporary desktop folder and select “Uninstall”. Then you can delete the C:\Python folder, and also delete the temporary folder from your desktop.
All done