Grouping Automations on frontend for organization

+1 The new automations editor is awesome! Makes the automations list feel very old school/terminal-like.

+1 :slight_smile: as well

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Would help organizing :slight_smile:

There is a chance to vote for exactly this now in October Month of WTH:

+1 amazed this hasn’t been done

Currently, I group my automations in separate yaml files (appliances.yaml, lights.yaml, doorbell.yaml, ups.yaml), but the problem is that you cannot edit them in the frontend. So, everything is separated by functionality.

So, It would by fantastic to group automations by a custom tag

Big +1

I +1 this, it would be super helpful

I vote for tags…just because tags are more flexible and provide more options e.g. multiple tags. Tags are also more the direction of home Assistant is living now.

Right now I’m drowning in my automations and scripts…tags will save me many days :grin:

Tags or not…home assistant stays the best :sunglasses:

Just went to my ocean of automations in which I’m currently drowning.
It would also be very cool to be able to add tabs within an automation (which wouldn’t be probably the best name then anymore).
Each tab represent an automation
e.g. If you have several automations for a pool you can add an automation like you do now, on top of that automation you can create tabs for each separate automation (with it’s own triggers, conditions and actions).
For the pool you can then add an automation for the heatpump, on another tab a new automation for the salt system, and another tab for the pool lights, a tab for the heatpump/temperature control etc.

Maybe we need a Poll for:

  • Tags
  • Tabs
  • Groups

Here, have my +1.
My automation page is starting to be a bit messy.

Having the ability to nest automations together would be awsome. Like if you have an automation for kitchen light on and kitchen light off. All this is nested in one tab that will either expand or open to another page. Then both automation are there.

the real issue with all of this is automations should also become more powerful to allow to express rules like “when sensor in this area goes off, turn on light in the same area for 30 seconds” instead of having to build multiple copies of the same automation.

  platform: state
    - binary_sensor.motion_room_1
    - binary_sensor.motion_room_2
  to: 'on'
  from: 'off'
  service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: >-
      {{ area_entities(trigger.entity_id) | select('search', '^light') | list }}

You mean like this?



  platform: state
    - binary_sensor.motion_room_1
    - binary_sensor.motion_room_2
  to: 'on'
  from: 'off'
  service: light.turn_on
    area_id: "{{ area_id(trigger.entity_id) }}"

I think you mean area_id rather then area_entities in that one. But yea, even shorter, multiple ways to do this task.

oops, corrected :slight_smile:

already asked here

Your topic is not oldest and closed. Why the post?

I think he’s under the impression that his post was first? It was not, this post predates his post by 3 years.

For me, apart grouping, it will be really useful if I could have the description automation on the list of automations.


I was working on some automations recently and it struck me - how come it’s impossible to create groups? I was sure it must have been proposed, and I found this thread, so I just want to voice my support for this addition : )