HADashboard in IOS 5.1.1

your appdaemon addon works you say. so why try other kind of authentication?
in the addon the ha_key should be the same as the api_password in HA.

if appdaemon is running, you wont have errors in your log and in the log it says appdaemon is running.
if you have created a dashboard and you can reach that on a PC then everything is ok.

AD doesnt have any kind of authentocation(yet) unless you set the AD password.
i think that using dashboards on an ipad 1 is still not supported.

I was using the same ha_key even using the same config file from the hasson addon that worked 100% for me, but yet getting the same authentication issues when using algirdasc/appdaemon.

Regarding the ipad 1, stock addon works fine but not updating. it’s ok for triggering scenes and etc, but updating states and sensor will be very nice to have as well…

Finally found that the ha_key in conf file should come with quotes (with stock addon it works without).
Got it worked and my ipad 1 is updating again) Thanks!

sorry didnt know there was another addon also :wink:

I’m trying to get the same running, but probably I’m to noob for this.
Running Hassio on a Raspberry Pi and got docker running on another Raspberry Pi.
Got the Algirdasc image from Github and installed it in Docker.
How to proceed from there? Maybe a dealbreaker but I have Hassio running over SSL.

My installation is on the same rpi running hassio (docker) and the image I built from algirdasc.
I don’t think there’s a difference from running on the same machine or not.
Anyway, all i did is:

  1. clone the repository
  2. rename dockerfile-rpi to dockerfile
  3. run create_docker.sh
  4. i’m using this command to start the container: docker run -d --restart always -it -p 3030:5050 -v /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/appdaemon:/conf algirdasc/appdaemon:latest

It’s working!
Many thanks for the help.
@algirdasc, thanks for the modified Appdaemon.

I’m glad you sorted it out and got it running! :slight_smile: Btw, I’ve modified appdaemon and added “html_decimals” option to separate sensors value by decimals for CSS styling. For example:

    widget_type: sensor
    entity: sensor.bathroom_temperature
    precision: 1
    **html_decimals: 1**
    unit_style: "margin-left: -23px; margin-top: 0px;"

Will produce HTML like this:

<span class="whole">21</span><span class="sep">.</span><span class="fraction">5</span>

Tried the command above (gave a name parameter for ease) and easily pull up the same config that my other/official AppDaemon uses. I can pull up the page w/o issue but I still don’t see iPad 1 using Safari or older Chrome working when a switch is updated. Would love any suggestions…

I didn’t have to dump the Git locally, just ran the command and it pulled the Dockerfile content from the web. Is that the reason this fails, or something else?


Can you check if you indeed running the docker that you just built as described in steps 1-3 ?

Thank you! The key was to clone the repository locally because whatever is pulled from the Docker hub under the following name space, did not work: algirdasc/appdaemon:latest

However, once I followed the below instructions, it’s working great. Thanks for the awesome update @algirdasc!

cd ~
mkdir adsocks
cd adsocks
git clone https://github.com/algirdasc/appdaemon.git
docker image build appdaemon --tag jzsandbox/appdaemon
sudo docker run -d --name=appdaemon3030 --restart always -it -p 3030:5050 -v /home/hass/appdaemon:/conf jzsandbox/appdaemon:latest

Upon further testing, this command started to work w/o issues as well but did not before with multiple attempts. The benefit of this command is not having to do any local docker building with source:

sudo docker run -d --name=appdaemon3030 --restart always -it -p 3030:5050 -v /home/hass/appdaemon:/conf algirdasc/appdaemon:latest

@JZhass, could you please provide the link to original algirdasc post?

I’m taking another look at this and hoping I can get it into the next release.

Original post #41

But post 22 and your post 68 got me moving forward.

Building the container locally does provide some advantages because you can add AppDaemon auto-refresh like described here.

I’m sorry I’ve poorly documented how to build my appdaemon fork. All you need to do is to clone my repository (https://github.com/algirdasc/appdaemon) and build Docker Image with “create_docker_image.sh” script. Also, I’ve included Docker-rpi file to build AppDaemon on Rasbery PI or other arm CPU based SBCs. Just rename Docker-rpi to Docker and run “create_docker_image.sh”. If @aimc is going to get iOS 5.1.1 support into next release that would be soooo awesome :slight_smile:

Hopefully) Could be nice once it will become part of stock addon…

I am happy to announce that socket.io support has been added to AppDaemon! It is currently available in the dev branch and will be part of 3.1.0 when that is released.

All you need to do is turn on support for socket.io by adding this setting in the dashboard section:

    transport: socketio

Note I haven’t been able to test this on on older devices owing to the sad demise of my original iPad. I dusted it off for testing but it seems like the battery is beyond salvaging :frowning:

So give it a try and let me know if it works on older devices.

I went with socketio over SockJS because the code looked a little cleaner and socket.io auto-reconnects where as from what I could tell SockJS does not - either way this should fix the requirement to add HADashboard support to older browsers.

Thanks to both @algirdasc and @zarya for your work on this!


Wow! Great news! Thank you, @aimc

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Very cool, thank you! I may abandon my workaround of meta refreshing every 30 seconds.

Sorry but may be a lame question: you mentioned adding the transport: socketio tag into the dashboard section. AppDaemon.yaml has an hadashboard section. If possible, can you please clarify specifically which file and whether the dashboard section has a parent node, etc.

All the best!

Sorry @aimc a bit of bad news and hopefully related to something being wrong with the current DEV branch. When using @algirdasc’s version per my instructions above, everything works as expected and tiles truly update in IOS 5.1.1 using Safari. When using the current/official DEV branch per the instructions below, the tiles don’t update until page is refreshed akin to the old/original 3.0.1 version that I had. The other issue is that certain icons don’t seem to work like on all motion sensors, etc. I can share a screenshot if desired. Please see my instructions below and let me know if I’m doing something wrong… Thanks again!

cd ~
mkdir adsocks
cd adsocks
git clone https://github.com/home-assistant/appdaemon -b dev --single-branch
docker image build appdaemon --tag jzsandbox/appdaemon
sudo docker run -d --name=appdaemon3030 --restart always -it -p 3030:5050 -v /home/hass/appdaemon:/conf jzsandbox/appdaemon:latest