I have a noob question about the Home-Assistant distros… so, I have a RP3b running Hass.io image based on HassOS - everything works OK.
I’m planning to build a NAS with OpenMediaVault, running in a ROCK64, but before that, I’m testing the OVM in a VM.
In that VM I installed the OpenMediaVault with Docker running. For testing, I have installed via Docker the HomeAssistant latest build, the problem is that, the Hass.IO settings are now showing. Image of what is not showing for reference:
Home Assistant and hassio are different things in a sense.
Hassio is an “appliance” and home assistant is the application that runs on hassio (or via any other method you like). You won’t get ANY hassio features like add-ons and the hassio menu if you aren’t running hassio.
please read the script and understand what it does. The answer is in the script. If you blindly follow directions you will not know what is going on. Just read the script itself and piece it together.
Sorry if my post came off harshly. I just want to help people understand what they are installing. Scripting is great, but sometimes its just good to know what is going on behind that magic script, especially if you have to modify something to work in your environment.
hey @TiagoRoxo I’ve got hassio running on an OMV install but I’m having some issues setting up the samba share to upload the snapshot from my raspberry pi hassio install.
Are you using the samba plugin from the add-on store or are you using an OMV shared folder to upload the snapshot? Any advice to set that up would be appreciated!
I’m also curious how your experience has been since you last posted here.
follow the configuration instructions on this video to map the /config location to some place on your OMV computer:
I went to my.omv.ip.address:8123 and home assistant was running.
I had to disable the SMB share on OMV and enable the samba addon in home assistant to upload my latest snapshot from my raspberry pi. Once that was uploaded, I added all my 3rd party addon repositories and restored.
I set the static IP address of my raspberry pi to the OMV computer. DuckDNS automatically started working.
Finally, I enabled SMB on the OMV computer and disabled the samba addon in Home Assistant.
I’m still trying to figure out the SMB setup but I have home assistant running and can flip back and forth for the time being.
Note: The above share ( "/sharedfolders/AppData/HA” ) it’s a share that I can access remotely later via SMB(as example) to have access to the HA configuration.
Also, the above Hass.IO version it’s special for my device ( odroid xu4 ), you can check in the following page, what’s the version according your device: https://github.com/home-assistant/hassio-build/tree/master/install
Wait around 20 minutes. Depends on device performance and Network link speed. During this waiting period, you can check in the Docker Container the Log for the Supervisor to track the progress. Open your docker in OMV and you should see something like this:
Everything should be running smoothly now. If you open your Home Assistant page, after setup your username and password, you should see the Home Assistant Dashboard page and in the left side, the Hass.IO tools:
If something goes wrong with your setup, you can also connect via SSH and remove all repositories and containers related to HA with the following cmdlets: List the Containers and repositories:
docker container ls
docker image ls
<take note of the image ID of HA&HAsupervisor> Remove all the Containers and Reprositories associated with HA:
docker rm --force <IMAGE ID>
docker rm --force <IMAGE ID>
docker rmi --force <IMAGE ID>
docker rmi --force <IMAGE ID> List again the Containers and repositories to double check if any remaining are left from previus installations
docker container ls
docker image ls
hi @TiagoRoxo great job with the write up! it really helped me out especially the -d "/sharedfolders/AppData/HA" which allowed me to set the config directory to a shared folder (using the OMV native SMB versus using the hassio samba plugin).
The documentation on the -d flag was added after I had installed hassio on OMV, but I just took a snapshot and deleted everything and started over and followed your instructions.
This works also great on a RPI3b with usb boot on Raspbian strech desktop + Docker! Thanks for this.
But for me there is one minor downside. I like to use Teamviewer Host to control the pi of some family members. After some testing I found out that after the first command ‘apt-get install…’ Teamviewer Host doesn’t work properly anymore after a reboot. After the reboot I have to link Teamviewer Host again with my account.
Does someone have a idea what would be the cause of this problem and how to solve it?