History Graph component takes significant time to display

it’s even worse in the 0.81.0b0

Out of interest, what DB are you all running? I’m just getting ready to upgrade from 0.80.1 to 0.80.3 I use the MariaDB addon as it made things faster in the past. Just wondering if this is impacting all DB types or just a subset.

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I am running the default sqlite database.

I confirm I have similar issues- history graph loads „sometimes” since the 0.80->0.80.3 update.

Cannot find anything Interesting in logs.

Using MariaDB on external host, dropping DB did not help.
Tried also the local SQLite with a new file, same negative result.

Downgrading to 0.80.1 helped.

I upgraded to 0.80.3 yesterday, advising to postpone your update.

(Used SQLite then switched to MariaDB to get the charts queries)

Issue https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-polymer/issues/1829 refers please comment there

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For me the issue also remained in 0.80.3. Rolling back to 0.80.1 solved the issue for me so far…

Has this been fixed in 0.81.0?

Yes. (Well I hope I haven’t spoken to soon!)

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Unchanged here. Takes a fair while to show the coloured bar and then times out while ‘expanding’

So that’s one yes and one no. Guess I’ll have to try.

I normally don’t do x.0 updates but this time I think I will. I’ve already added entity_ids to all my template sensors.

well there’s a nasty lovelace bug with 0.81 so I’d wait for 0.81.1 if I was you…

I’m not using Lovelace yet.

This update has improved the graph display times for me. For the first page refresh the graphs are now actually being displayed after a delay of up to 10 seconds or so as opposed to not at all. Subsequent displaying of the graphs is quite snappy (< 1 sec).

My log is being flooded with these errors though:

2018-10-28 13:34:45 ERROR (SyncWorker_11) [homeassistant.components.recorder.util] Error executing query: (sqlite3.OperationalError) database is locked (Background on this error at: Error Messages — SQLAlchemy 2.0 Documentation

thats a database delete situation

Bear in mind that I am using a NUC Intel® Core™ i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz as opposed to @DavidFW1960’s (I think) raspberry pi.

Yeah I figured as much. I was watching the other db files (.db-shm and .db-wal) they are being deleted after writes but the problem persists. Nuking the database is my next option but I’m about to go out and won’t have time to re-enter all my datetime inputs that get cleared. Will do it later this arvo.

I’m dying for a HassOS NUC image to be released.

You can install hass.io on top of debian or ubuntu.

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Nick - I also run a NUC7CJYH but you outgun me with an i5 lol!

That’s what I do. Debian. I would never run HassOS on a NUC - way too restrictive for no gain at all.