Home Assistant OS Release 5

It after upgrading to version 5, my Odroid C2 no longer boots from the eMMC card.
I tried an SD card and it works fine, but when I flash the eMMC with 5.9 (I tried 5.8 as well), it doesn’t boot.
Anybody else using eMMC on Odroid C2?

Thank you

I experience the same with my C2.
For now I’ll be using an SD card and restore a snapshot once eMMC works again in the future (hopefully).
Having my whole smart home break down after the earliest stable 5.x update with no idea why was unpleasant. Especially as there were no mentions in the release notes (and I did not back my shit up, but that’s on me ofc :grimacing:).

Behavior with emmc is the same as mentioned and shown here: Hassio doesnt start with last update!

I’ve been cruising along in a Argon One M.2 running Home Assistant OS since dev5.6 pretty happily, now comfortably running 5.9.
This was a clean install after running Supervised in Raspberry Pi OS for the last year (I had a lot of crud to wanted to clean out, restoring a snapshot should work fine if you’re not after a clean start).

I wrote up how I got it working here if you want to have a look through (it’s also kind of a review of the case at the start, so it’s a bit of a read).
I’m going to update it to just be going to 5.9 directly today, as well as redo the fan control portion as an addon has just been written to contain all that completely

Question is… how do we know it’s fixed before attempting to update and killing it again?

@agners the changes related to mDNS in HA OS 5.8 broke the forked-daapd addon. Bug report is here and the author doesn’t know whether he can solve it. I hope you can provide some assistance! Without that addon I no longer can stream radio to my Denon receiver, nor local music to my Heos speakers.

I created a new topic here. Maybe it was just not known as of now.

Hm, I guess that is some interaction with systemd-resolved which now is used as mDNS resolver. I guess it’s not clear at this point what exactly is the issue and if we can do something about it. Can you create an issue in the Operating System repository and link the issue to the add-on?

That’s exactly what I needed, thank you @Jamezz98

So turns out my systemd-resolved journal is full of these hostname conflict messages:

A quick google of the issue did not bring anything obvious to me. Does that ring a bell for anyone ?

Home Assistant 2020.12.2
HA OS 5.9 / Supervisor 2020.12.7
Proxmos 6.3-3

Do you know if this would affect things like the fan controller than I use on the Pi4?


  - platform: rpi_gpio
      18: RPI Cooling Fan

  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: RPI Cooling Fan Controller
    heater: switch.rpi_cooling_fan
    target_sensor: sensor.cpu_temp
    min_temp: 55
    max_temp: 80
    ac_mode: true
    target_temp: 65
    cold_tolerance: 0.1
    hot_tolerance: 0.1
      seconds: 30
      minutes: 5
    initial_hvac_mode: "cool"

I’ve tried doing a fresh install of Home Assistant OS on rpi3 (for the first time) but fail with what looks like a docker network problem.
I’ve been running homeassistant core on the same rpi with the same ip for a long time.
I’ve tried installing varios versions (5.7, 5.9, 5.10 as well as 4.20). I’ve tried installing both on sdcard and on usb disk. I’ve tried with wired network as well as wifi (with netwok config from an usb stick).
All attempts with the same reslut: Network is connected (I can connect to http://homeassistant.local:8123/), but the installation fail, and these are some of the messages in the log:

21-01-06 23:28:00 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.utils.dt] Can't fetch freegeoip data: Cannot connect to host ip-api.com:80 ssl:default [Try again]
21-01-06 23:30:54 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.store.git] Can't clone https://github.com/home-assistant/addons repository: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(128)
cmdline: git clone --depth=1 --recursive --shallow-submodules -v https://github.com/home-assistant/addons /data/addons/core
stderr: 'Cloning into '/data/addons/core'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/home-assistant/addons/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443: Operation timed out
21-01-06 23:54:06 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.jobs] 'Updater.fetch_data' blocked from execution, no supervisor internet connection

When accessing the CLI and issuing “network info” I see that network interface is connected, but “host_internet : null” and “supervisor_internet: false”

I guess that network is connected but the ha docker image does not have connection.

Any suggestions?

Same for me! DHT22 on pin 4 not working

HASS OS 5.10 was released 6 days ago but I still am only seeing a prompt to update to 5.9 (from HA Core 2020-12.2 running HA OS 5.8).

It has never taken more than a day after production release to get the supervisor OS update notice.

Maybe the versioning file update for 5.10 was missed. Anyone else not seeing a Supervisor prompt to update to HA OS 5 build 10?

I’m on 5.2 and see 5.9. I was able to update from CLI.

ha os update --version=5.10

Maybe it was pulled as at the command line it also shows 5.9 as the latest. Give it a try. I had problems with 5.10 and went back to 5.2.
On github, it shows 5.10


Thanks Bill - I hadn’t considered that 5.10 may have been pulled. If so, it’s unfortunate that gitub HA OS releases still show it as the latest - especially so if there are problems with it as you experienced.

Thanks for confirming that I’m not alone and that you also see 5.9 update prompt, not 5.10. I’ll sit tight with 5.9. Working just fine for me.

i now have an update prompt for 5.10

better to wait or is everything good to go ?

I see it also. Not working for me. My pi4 on ssd freezes within 3 1/2 hours. No issues so far with 5.2. Maybe I’ll go back to the SD? Not sure as it worked also on 5.9. Maybe 64 bit vs 32. I have no idea what the issue is, several people with logs on github. Hopefully someone can figure out the issue.

Updated to 5.10 on rpi3b 32bits with supervisor 2021.01. Now the system boots but not fully. Recorder is stopped, can’t install addons, and core log stops at finish script. Tried restoring a snapshot without success.

[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts…
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts…
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.

Edit : after a clean reinstall to 5.9, I could upgrade to 5.10 without issues.

Proxmov 6.2-12, hassova installed as VM, OS5.10, HA 2021.1.0 on a NUC i5. It has two cores allocated. It was running around ~20-30% before the OS upgrade.

System Health

version: 2021.1.0
installation_type: Home Assistant OS
dev: false
hassio: true
docker: true
virtualenv: false
python_version: 3.8.7
os_name: Linux
os_version: 5.4.86
arch: x86_64
timezone: Europe/Copenhagen

GitHub API: ok
Github API Calls Remaining: 4548
Installed Version: 1.9.0
Stage: running
Available Repositories: 779
Installed Repositories: 35

logged_in: true
subscription_expiration: 19. januar 2021 01.00
relayer_connected: true
remote_enabled: true
remote_connected: true
alexa_enabled: false
google_enabled: true
can_reach_cert_server: ok
can_reach_cloud_auth: ok
can_reach_cloud: ok

host_os: Home Assistant OS 5.10
update_channel: stable
supervisor_version: 2020.12.7
docker_version: 19.03.13
disk_total: 146.9 GB
disk_used: 94.9 GB
healthy: true
supported: true
board: ova
supervisor_api: ok
version_api: ok
installed_addons: Node-RED (7.2.11), RPC Shutdown (2.2), AppDaemon 4 (0.3.2), Mosquitto broker (5.1), Terminal & SSH (8.10.0), Visual Studio Code (2.9.1), deCONZ (6.6.2), AdGuard Home (2.6.1), ESPHome (1.15.3), Samba share (9.3.0), InfluxDB (3.7.9), Grafana (5.3.6), Portainer (1.3.0), MariaDB (2.2.1), chrony (1.1.3), Bitwarden RS (0.6.2), WireGuard (0.4.0), Home Assistant Google Drive Backup (0.103.0), TasmoBackup (1.04.02)

dashboards: 5
mode: storage
views: 20
resources: 19

Initially after the upgrade yesterday I had 100% CPU utilization. After more than half an hour it dropped to ~30%, but it is now holding on ~65%, which is quite high, but I think that is due to Google Drive Backup not being finished yet, which is incredible, it has been at it for >6 hours.
Just to make sure that it wasn’t something else on the VM, I did a top, and one core is at 100%, the other is at sleep:

how did you do that? wish I had read this before, because Im left with yet again a bricked instance because of updating the OS…

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@Mariusthvdb Well, I had recent snapshots uploaded to Google drive by using the excellent addon here. So I formatted the sdcard on a pc, reinstalled hassos from scratched, booted, created a new user, installed the gdrive backup addon, restored my last snapshot. Then the day after I re-upgraded to 5.10 and it worked…

Sincerely having the gdrive addon is so useful, now its faster to reinstall from scratch and restore than trying to repair installations.

If your snapshots are not uploaded you can still access the sdcard data on pc or mac by using extfs software from paragon (free trial) to access the ext3 partition where the snapshots are stored. Beware of this app though, it seems to easily corrupt accessed Linux fs in rw.