Home Assistant Yellow

See here.

Hue, you can use your existing hub or move your hue devices to zigbee using ZHA and the inbuilt card,

As I understand it, you’ll still need your tado hub.

Looks like all the approvals are through now on the PoE version. Hopefully now there is not too much in the way :).
I heard the Aeotec Z Pi 7 will drop straight in for ZWave and that the ZWaveMe Razberry 7 will likely work as a direct drop in on the small header on the Yellow.
Does anyone know of any other Rasberry Pi ZWave modules that would be compatible?

The only thing to watch if you do transfer from one device to another (ie Pi 3 to Yellow) is to make sure your Zigbee (if you use it) network is backed up using the new backup process and restore that to the new HA instance.
ZWave should move across if you use the same ZWave stick, if you use Zwave devices.
WiFi and Bluetooth devices should migrate with the standard HA Backup.

Thanks, everything is wifi just now.
Will get stuck in to Zigbee and ZWave once I got the Yellow and added anything I need

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You should have absolutely no issues then. Full backup, then restore the backup.
If you are not already using it, there is a nice add-on that uses Google Drive to store backups in the cloud. This makes it even easier as you can just directly drop your backup onto the new instance.
Not my addon, but I have used it for several years.

Hue is not wifi.

It is as far as HA is concerned if he’s using the Hue hub/integration.


He was asking about using the yellow instead of the Hue hub.

And anyway the hue hub is not wifi, at least mine isn’t, it has an ethernet port.

Hue is NOT WiFi, but if Hue globes are in the Hue Bridge and Hue Integration and not stand alone Zigbee, then they will migrate with a standard backup.
Please do not confuse people. Home Assistant 100% does NOT treat Hue as WiFi, it is its own integration via a Wired connection. It may be using network, but it is not WiFi.
Integrations for various devices do not equal WiFi unless they are specifically WiFi devices. Hue is a wired HUB using its own API and ZigBee Mesh.

Edit: I repeated myself a few times. Still, gets the point across :slight_smile:

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Been so long since I dumped everything Hue (except for the motion sensors) I forgot the hub was wired only.

Wifi or wired, the integration is IP based and has nothing to do with HA’s zigbee, which I think was @HugosDad point in his response.

Yes, it will move with a standard backup.
If @HugosDad wants to migrate away from the Hue Bridge later to Zigbee on the Yellow, it will be unpair from the Bridge and then manually pair everything to the Yellow via ZHA (or whatever flavour of Zigbee Hub) and then make sure the entities match the automations already in use.

And it is not trivial to re-pair Hue stuff. Z2M has a good summary of the methods. Philips 433714 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT


I think I’ll leave the Hue hub… It’s in the loft anyway!


When/if you start to experiment with Yellow’s zigbee, know that you can have both ZHA or zigbee2mqtt and Hue running at the same time. It doesn’t have to be all one or the other.

Move a few devices over to HA, compare with Hue, and keep what you like.

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I don’t think you can run z2m and zha on the same co-ordinator.

You can’t, I said “or”. Maybe needed an extra comma in there.

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sorry, misread here.

Guess what turned up today… HA Yellow! It’s lovely.

I don’t run any zigbee on my Pi just now so, as above, looking forward to migrating some of my hardware to talk directly to the Yellow. I saw some people are buying the expansion cards for Z-Wave, and the range on some Z-wave devices looks incredible…

So, with Thread/Matter just around the corner and already being built in to the Yellow, is there a definite advantage to adding Z-Wave?
Thanks all for your inputs so far, super interesting to learn more about this side of HA

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Lucky man. What was your ship date on corowdsupply? When / did you get a tracking number before it came? Are you US based or elsewhere? Sorry for the interrogation.