Home Panel - A web frontend for controlling the home

Hi all,

I also run hass.io and installed the home panel plugin. Can I ask why this version is still 1.8? I am having a lot of issues with the UI not changing from default pink and also date and time disappearing from screen.
I am a bit of a newb and am at a loss on how to upgrade to version 2 using hass.io.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Home panel looks pretty awesome and would compliment my home assistant well.

Thank you in advance

I see a couple of users posting the same issue as I have. “401: Unauthorized”
I have the following setup
Running on Raspberry Pi 4 with static IP
Installed home assistant using the guide at https://www.home-assistant.io/getting-started/
added repository https://github.com/hassio-addons/repository for community addons
Installed home panel from addon store.
Turned off ssl in configuration (both ssl: true and ssl: false give the same results)
restart addon.
then click on “OPEN WEB UI”.
Created username and logged into Open Panel
redirected to home assistant login page
after loging in to home assistant, I am not redirected to home panel. rather get the 401 error message.
I can paste the log here or upload as an attachment. I am not sure what the correct method is.

Can someone who has solved this please help?

At some point I finally got this to work but it has returned. I thought that updating my DNS solved the issue but for some reason this 'homeassistant.local’s server IP address could not be found.’ has returned. Frustrating. Seems like Home Assistant is running in its own domain and was not able to find a way to add and/or update it. Not sure if that is the issue or not.

Have had the same 401 issue, and “accidentally” opened Home Assistant / Home Panel in the Opera browser instead of my usual Chrome - and was able to log in to HA! Don’t know what prevents me from logging in using Chrome, it’s above my level of understanding.

Update: the above from yesterday. Today unable to connect the Panel with HA in Opera! Sigh!!

2021-01-17 11:44:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.ban] Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from ( (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36 OPR/73.0.3856.344)

Another edit: After HA restart, I’m now able to use the Panel in Opera again! Still no joy in Chrome and FireFox

Is there a way to delete a page ?
I have create a Page but I don’t use this one?
Kind regards,

I found it !
Long press on the page it self, and I can delete the page.
Kind regards,

Dear All,
Just installed HP in a docker container. I managed to get it running without SSL, can log in, create/edit panels, etc.
One thing that is giving me grief is getting a chart showing up. I saw the only :slight_smile: item in the FAQ relevant, and now I added that line to my configuration.yaml:


Still, the control shows up with the correct value, but with no history:

Any idea what I may be overlooking?

I don’t see any relevant error in HA, and I got the same behaviour when I installed HP as an addon, not a docker container.

Thank you for any pointers in advance!

Sorry all being super dense here but what is the url i should use for just displaying the home panel i? i want to use it as the front end control for my tablet but when point the browser at what i think the url is i get the whole darn home assistant UI with configuration supervisor developer tolls etc etc.

sorry probably super obvious to everyone else except me!

Hi, Home Panel works great. Is it possible to have german date format?


Looking forward to design my onw dashboards.

When I try to open Home Panel, I see the page for only a split second, this this appears.

The webpage at https://homeassistant.local:8123/auth/authorize?response_type=code&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.172%3A8123%2Fapi%2Fhassio_ingress%2F1Hw_hIVqpNw6KQRnwXUbia6dfyhjkXdEUi2imzvYJME%2F%3Fauth_callback%3D1&client_id=https%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.172%3A8123%2F&state=eyJoYXNzVXJsIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9ob21lYXNzaXN0YW50LmxvY2FsOjgxMjMiLCJjbGllbnRJZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vMTkyLjE2OC4xLjE3Mjo4MTIzLyJ9 might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Add-on version: 2.1.0
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: Home Assistant OS 5.12 (aarch64 / raspberrypi3-64)
Home Assistant Core: 2021.3.4
Home Assistant Supervisor: 2021.03.4

I tried to look for home-panel files to config or remove, to start fresh but they were not found.

Thank you

@spiddyspid, It isn’t just you. Did you get a solution?


I’m not able to get Home Panel to work.
It starts fine and I can login to HA with it, BUT: it always looses HA connection and it won’t save any changes in configuration. I can add boxes to screen, but they are not useful without HA connection…

What to do? It feels like to be in read only mode, but why and where that can be changed? I have latest HA Supervisor with latest Raspberry OS (and same problem was with Debian OS).

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Hi - suggestions? Want to change to light config and military time, but it never saves the options. Registered for news feed API, but nothing gets saved…

Any ideas folks?

Is there a way to force a ‘no password’ view?

For a wall based wall panel, needing a password is a PITA.

Hi @spiddyspid in the add-on configuration section I added port 8234 to the “host” section, tapped save, and restarted the add-on. After I was able to get to the Home Panel directly by navigating to 192.168.1.X:8234
I am then prompted with the log on screen for home panel. Hope this helps.

Lovelace one panel full screen Link address - #13 by geeked

Having same issue. Changing settings in configuration never saves the values.

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Hi, guys! I’m trying to add “run-automation” buton to Home Panel. I already successfully added same to Lovelace, but in Home Pane I got some problem - have no field “target”. What I do wrong?

This button code works fine in Lovelace

type: button
  action: call-service
  service: automation.trigger
  service_data: {}
    entity_id: automation.turn_off_the_lights_when_i_leave_home
entity: automation.turn_off_the_lights_when_i_leave_home


He probably used some sort of “kiosk browser” if you want to use a tablet for your dash board you can find many apps in the app store/play store

Did anyone ever get the news feed newsapi to work? there is little to nothing in the Home Panel documentation regarding the newsapi setup. Basically get an api key and…?
enter the key and then… nothing!!
I’ve seen where some people have managed to get a news sources drop down, but nobody as explained what they have changed, added, deleted, done to get to this point…
I would appreciate a little information, and would love to get this to work…

Anyone… Help… ?

Same issue here.