How to just show actual value in history chart?

Hi all!

Anyone know how do I get the history chart to just show the measured value, not the min/max/mean value? I want to see what is happening not a “manipulated” chart.

In the case below, I just want to see how the power changed over time and simple to read (for my simple mind!)


Ever thought about why it’s called …History ? And is not “manipulated” it’s Recorded, As is. History of present values, ff you find min/max/mean then it’s either because the sensors deliver this, Or because you have chosen to

Changed over time IS History, Current Value IS what your sensor show (now), In a split second or minut that becomes History
Click on " Show more " and you come to the History section

What you are looking at is a Card, Where you most likely have chosen to show min/max/mean

Hope this was simple enough explained

PS: The “Light” thin line is your " Power Over Time ", In Your Card, if you dont want to see Min/max/mean , don’t chose to show it in your Card

You could also just Find your power-sensor-entity, and click on that , then you get the sensors value

Thanks for the reply. I put manipulated in air quotes (so to speak) as I wasn’t sure how to really say what I was thinking, I realise it isn’t actually manipulated it is just the data in a format that isn’t helpful for the way I’d like to visualise it.

This isn’t a card I have created, this is what pops up when you click on a gauge on the panel (I cut it down a bit as there is some personal info on it). Clicking the Show More does indeed show the info in the raw format (that is probably the word I should have used) without the min/max/mean on show.

I wish this popup would just show (or give the option to switch between) the raw data and the trend data.

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The change to displaying 5 minute LTS data (long term statistics) rather than state data in the more info pop-up was introduced to speed up display of graphs on slower connections/hardware. Particularly for graphs with a lot of data. The 5 minute max/min/average is only 864 LTS data points for 24 hours. A 10 second updating sensor would be 8640 state data points to display.

You have two options to see the state data:

  1. click the “Show more” link in the pop-up card this will take you to the history panel where actual state data will be displayed. If you go back in time longer than your recorder purge_keep_days setting (10 days by default) this will revert to LTS data.


  1. Remove the state_class from your sensor. This will prevent LTS (long term statistics) being collected for that sensor and the pop-up card will revert to showing state data.

NOTE: removing the state_class from energy sensors will prevent them from being able to be used with the energy dashboard.

You could also use a 3rd party graph card (e.g. apexcharts) to display the state data in your dashboard. Or use the 3rd party browser_mod custom component to make your own pop-up card replacements.

I probably know the answer but shouldn’t that be a choice for the user to make?

the current behavior could be the default but there should be a config option in the graphs to use raw data instead. Then if the users hardware can handle it everyone can get what they want.

the suggestion to cripple some functionality (or use a third party plugin) to get the desired data seems counter-productive.


Yeah I’m not a fan of the change, especially as it makes very little difference to my loading times and just reduces the clarity of my history in the pop up.

A lot of other changes could have this question asked too. In the end the devs have made a decision to not support a large array of different options. What are we to do? :man_shrugging:

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This is not a History.
This is LTS - a result of processing (“manipulating”) real data.
And you probably do know a difference.
For some sensors this difference may be rather significant.

i.e. to see REAL data, not processed.

No, this is not a card, this more-info window - which used to show a real History - and in some HA release was replaced by Statistics graph for sensors with LTS.

Oh, people below already explained other things.
I am also not a huge fan of displaying LTS in more-info.

? … Past 1.5 hours of W values is hardly LTS

Right ( That was what i said, or mend, if you read the “context” )

Right, which is a pop-up “card” from either clicking any other card, where he has this sensor

You can call it a Window if you want

Notice, No “manipulated” data, as i clicked a simple entity in an entity.card

PS: Pop-up card ( aka Window ) in 2023.11 VS 223.12 ( OP is still on, 2023.11 or less, when opening this Topic, which you apparently found some reasons to “jump” me :wink:

Still " Entity Card Pop-ups " , Not a / some card with other Values such as min/max/mean “attached”

However This was a pretty Weird effect in 2023.12 ! … Not sure i like that, assume this will be “fixed” soon

LTS is calculated every 5 minutes, it becomes available after 5 minutes after creation of a sensor supporting LTS.

The 2nd screenshot is a custom card embedded to more-info.
I do not not what it shows - either a real History data or LTS.

I do not understand a clear meaning of this expression. Although this forum is using English language, there are plenty of non-English speakers here.

It’s a plain entities card, and it shows “Temperature” as it also clearly “indicates” … °C

PS: 3 hours x-axis span " HA-2023.11 "

With my all respect, in one post you are saying one thing, in another different.

The 2nd screenshot here is a custom card inside more-info.

Seriously NO im not, … but yes your red text is correct 2023.11 VS 2023.12
I have no idea what and where you mean/think i say “something different”

However ALL pics are plain entities card( I promise ! ), and the diff’s are pretty obvious And the diff’s are Not on the x-axis … As my xamples as-well-as OP’s are from the cards pop-up-what ever

So lets just stop it here !

NO It’s Not, it’s plain entity in entities 2023.12

PS: Sorry lldar , but you made me doubt, as i was comparing my 2023.11 with my 2023.12 (test-instance) , I do Not have a custom:more-info card, or any other custom card which i immediately can “connect/relate” this “discrepancies”
So i decided to update my “live” HA instance to 2023.12 … And it’s still about the same as before, no “fill” or “period-selections” and still have the " more-info " link ! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

So again i apologize And have no idea why ALL my more-info cards suddently is like this on my test-instance, i dont have custom:more-info card, there is nothing in my themes, or raw-editor mode which reveals anything, so i guess i have to dig deeper, to “revert” this peculiar effect ( which occurred on my test-instance after installed 2023.12

Initially i thought this was what the “new” update was mentioning, in regards to history , but there must be something else which have caused this … Maybe the " History explore card" somehow now have “infected” all cards even thou i don’t have any specific “history explore cards” in my views, i only have it "installed in HACS on this HA-instance

It is the 3rd party history explorer card. It has the ability to replace the more info pop-up card graphs. You did this to your own system.

@smartroad that is another option I forgot about. It is easy to replace the system graphs using this third party card. See: New interactive history explorer custom card

In particular:

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Dear sir, no problem, everyone can be confused, especially after a long workday ).
Good luck & health!

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Yeah, i understand lldar’s “confusions”, when it infact was me who was totally confused :frowning:

Bummer , found it, in my “lab” :roll_eyes:

… hmmm wondering when and how long it has been like this, but as you say … i must have done this my self :expressionless:
Thx Tom


It’s actually another solution to the topic’s original question. So that’s good.

By default it shows both combined, depending on what is available at your selected time range and zoom level.

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haha, not often i hear my messed up, unstructured head is “good” , but yes i now see the “lightning show”(stroboscope) in my “Live” instance, with min/max/mean … So now i even understand smartroad ! … Not Nice

Ahh, and now i “get-it” the “fill” uses “0” as base ( and now it’s - degrees here ), wasn’t like that a few weeks ago … so obvious, now that i think about it :laughing:

Actually pretty need, As one can doubleclick the “Header” and get “wide-screen-view”