I recently bought a few Ikea Smart Blinds “Fyrtur” that I have connected through Deconz to control.
Now I would also like to add the support of the original ikea open/close remote while maintaining the ability to control with home assistant.
Can anyone help me set this up? I have tried adding both at the same time but without avail.
I have the open/closed switch linked through Deconz, but I am unable to find it back anywhere in HA.
Any help to get this going either, through direct control with the remote or through sending actions with the on/off remote to HA, would be hugely appreciated.
Remote controls in Deconz will not show up as entities, instead you will get events of with the name “deconz_event”.
In the remote control section of the deconz integration docs you’ll find details on how to use remotes with deconz.
You can do both, what it means is that you add the blind to the multicast group the remote signals on. You will still have both the remote and blind available in home assistant as well. What you gain in this approach is that the remote works with the blind regardless if deconz and hass are up and running or not
Sorry but my question is somewhat related. I have been working on getting the blinds and wifi repeater(the thing needs to be connected and paired with the remote, or else no success in pairing with the blinds)
I must say I am getting pretty frustrated, perhaps someone can tell me the correct order, sequence how to add the remote open/close, the wifi repeater and the blinds to the Deconz stick.
I first did the steps for just getting the repeater, remote and blinds working:
factroy reset all three of the devices
after factory reset signal repeater, I was able to connect the remote to it
the I was able to connect the blinds, I have two to the remote.
So open and close work with remote, but… no integration into HA
Then I did this:
factory reset the repeater and remote, AND IN THE MEANTIME: having deconz open and looking for new switch. It finds the switch and repeater. I thought yes got it.
But then tried to pair the blind to the remote, no success. The deconz_event listner works, I see the buttons coming in, but no response from the blinds, since they are not paired to the remote.
I literally tried more then 6 times and then was sick of it; I do see all kind of comments on forums, but none about the procedure how to get it connected as three devices AND see the events in HA.
Please anyone who can help and explain me the steps?
Sorry for not mentioning that before, but I even tried that suggestion you did earlier in this thread. But when I click on the Open Wireless Light Control 2016 it right away jumps back into the new look.
So I can’t get the old GUI environment.
How can I still see this old interface?
So I definitely feel your struggles, it’s taken me multiple hours in multiple days to finally get everything working as expected using 2 range extenders, 2 fyrtur blinds and 2 open/close remotes.
My first issue started with the installation of my conbee II in deconz.
When I initially installed deconz in home assistant, I choose the path of /dev/tty/conbee_II_Dresden_electronics (some other stuff*). When doing this, deconz worked okay, but I had a lot of issues pairing several devices from different brands. As soon as I figured out that I couldn’t vnc into the Conbee II, I reinstalled the addon but used the path:
When doing this, I was able to vnc into the conbee as well pairing all devices went smoothly.
The order I then used to connect my fyrtur blinds is as following:
Reset the range extender
Hold open/close remote within 10cm from range extender (which is to be plugged in near the deconz II stick) and reset the open/close remote. This should pair the remote to the range extender confirmed by blinking light pattern.
Start search for light pairing in deconz
Reset range extender again, and it will show up in deconz. It is then paired.
Go to the switches tab in deconz and start the search for switch pairing. Pick any ikea remote template search. Then reset the open/close remote again and it will show up in deconz. (tip. VNC into the deconz stick, which will confirm whether or not anything is connecting to your zigbee network).
Pair fyrtur blinds in the lights section by running search, and resetting the fyrtur blind.
Once all devices are connected, I created automations, which used the deconz_event code to trigger either open/close(from both the remote and Hass input) of the fyrtur blinds.
[how to find the deconz_event?]
Go to developer settings in hass
Go to events
In the bottom you’ll see listen to event, typ here deconz_event
Then once started listening, you have to click any button on the remote to listen to the event code.
Use the preferred event code trigger in automations to control your blinds with the the open/close remote.
The steps might seem excessive, but this seemed to be the only thing that made everything work for me.
Thank you so much for handing out these step by step plan.
Step 1-5 from the pairing/connecting blinds work fine, BUT the hard one is step 6: Pair the blinds.
So I do the light search in Deconz, after several tries I do get one: Window Cover blind in the overview while still searching. I then somehow thought I knew which one was connected, but apparently I pair the same one again, losing the connection in the Deconz window, but still see it in the vnc overview, but not connect to any of the other Zigbee devices.
I then tried that one and the other blind, got that going, I thought but also re-paired it, so no both blinds are not in the overview, they are in the VNC screen.
I have now over 15 times tried to get one of them back again, no success, rebooted, Deconz, hassio and numerous time the blinds, none of the two come back in the list.
Can you please give me some other suggestions? Perhaps step by step again.
Ok so you’re running deconz as an addon? Then it W won’t work. Feel free to come to the poscon beta channel on deconz discord to help request gui support for covers
How to add the IKEA Covers (Blinds) to Deconz II Stick:
Reset the range extender/repeater
Hold open/close remote within 10cm from range extender/repeater (which is to be plugged in near the Deconz II stick) and reset the open/close remote. This should pair the remote to the range extender/repeater confirmed by blinking light pattern.
Start search for light pairing in Deconz
Reset range extender/repeater again, and it will show up in Deconz. It is then paired.
Go to the switches section/tab in Deconz and start the search for switch pairing. Pick any IKEA remote template search. Then reset the open/close remote again and it will show up in Deconz. (tip: VNC into the Deconz stick, which will confirm whether or not anything is connecting to your Zigbee network).
Pair IKEA Fyrtur covers (blinds) in the lights section/tab by running search then reset the Fyrtur cover.
When the cover (blind) is not connected in the light overview, you can take the battery out for 30 sec. and try again. I noticed that the cover will show up in the light section/tab but a second time you look in the light section/tab the cover is gone. In VNC you do see it.
The cover you can find in the state overview in the developers section of HASS.