IKEA Tradfri - Batteries in the remote controls are quickly discharged

So how long do the AA batteries last?

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The latest firmware mentions optimized battery performance and stability improvements:


I am installing it right now, but I am not sure if I will be able to tell the difference. Since I am on Zigbee2MQTT and connect the buttons only through the IKEA LED drivers instead of directly to HA, things have been quite stable.

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Hmmā€¦ Not sure, I tried to do a OTA Firmware update with Zigbee2MQTT (which works, once you figure it out) and it stated that there was no update. OK undeterred, I got out my old IKEA hub, installed a fresh battery in an unused button, paired it to the hub and asked the hub to update itā€¦ Again, the hub reported that 2.3.079 was the current versionā€¦

Not sure what this update is, if it is just a hub update or if it is pending.

Also interesting, the IKEA hub was also reporting a remote with a low battery in spite of a brand new 3v Cell installed that tested at 3.24V on my multi meter.

The 5-button remote firmware update0x24040005 / v24.4.5 is real, and apart from requiring a pre-release Zigbee quirks file (likely until HASS 2023-03), is working well with ZHA + Yellow. Early indications suggest less polling ā†’ better battery life.

Details of how to install the pre-release Zigbee quirks file are in the linked GitHub issue:


That fixed it, thank you!

FYI - since update 0x24040005 / v24.4.5 and HASS 2023-03, all of my 5-button remotes have been rock-solid, work every time, and the battery life seems excellent.

Could this long standing issue be fixed for ZHA? Looks like it to me! :slight_smile:

Not for me and my two button remote. Iā€™ve tried everything.

Latest firmware, latest HA and the nearest Shortcut button to the coordinator just ate three batteries in the last 6 days. Had no problems for a year with my Conbee, but since switching to Skyconnect this started happening for me.

Same here three On/Off remotes and all of them lose connection and battery in a few days, one month after switching from deconz to SkyConnect. Never had this problem before.

Same here. When I was using original IKEA gateway I did not have this problem. I moved all remotes to HA with sonoff coordinator. I have 3 on/off remotes and 1 circle one with brightness and colour change buttons. The circle one and one of the on/off remote seems to work fine, but another 2 on/off remotes eat battery in few days. What I noticed is the one which seems to work fine after some time battery level sensor is going to unavailable and is coming back to available when any button is pressed. Looks like remote is going to some kind of sleep mode and wakes up after use. Another 2 of them showing battery level all the time.

IKEA just published (May 29) a significant update for Tradfri buttons and their roller blinds the firmware is reported to ā€œOptimised battery performanceā€

Do you think that after 2+ years maybe IkEA finally fixed these things?

I have begun the OTA firmware updates. I will let you know if anything changes or is better.

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Keep us updated! How do you get the updates? Do you need an idea zigbee hub?

OTA Firmware updates are in the docs:

In the past I have successfully did OTA firmware updates with Zigbee2Mqtt (with a Sonoff stick).
The blinds are easy, the buttons need to be woken up at just the right moment to take the update

Proceed with caution, since my update, my Blinds are flooding MQTT with update requests.

Iā€™m investigating.

So far I have updated 9 Blinds and 2 of my 9 buttons.

After the update the Blinds immediately flooded the MQTT system with messages and crashed the Zigbee system. It was interesting in that you could see the blinds randomly change the repeater that it was usingā€¦ I suspect that this is the issue with the battery drain with the buttons. Before the patch, you could see the blinds ā€œpingā€ a different repeater dozens of times a second.

By the next day I found a ā€œPollingā€ patch on github so proceed with caution if you have Fytura blinds

The two buttons I updated now report nearly dead batteries, but that is expected since the OTA normally drains about 20-30% of the battery to complete the 3-4 hrs of radio traffic.

I will let you all know if the batteries last more than a few days.

So the only way to perform a firmware update on the buttons is to start with a mostly full battery. The update takes about 3 hrs and the update will cause a significant drop in the battery 30-60%ā€¦ So to do the update youā€™ll need a couple of batteries.

Thats the bad news.

The good news is that since the firmware flash the batteries seem to be working well and the rate of drain does seem to be better.


Nope Battery drain is still variable and problematic Iā€™m at the end of my rope with this lousy buttons.

I also gave up after a year of struggling. They live in a new home now

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My battery drained today in a matter of hours from 100% to 0% ā€¦

Any updates on that matter?

To be able to offer suggestions, sadly a battery graph on itā€™s own doesnā€™t give us much to work with.

Which remote specifically please?
Where is the nearest mains-powered Zigbee device (i.e. radio range - add more switches)?
Which Zigbee coordinator? (i.e. ZHA, SilLabs, Conbee)

My IKEA TRƅDFRI 5-button Zigbee remotes work well (updated firmware and several mains devices to give a good radio mesh), and there are forum reports the latest 2-button devices also work.

Matter devices arenā€™t released in volume (yet) and the extra computation needed for crypto might mean larger batteries, at least for the first few generations.

You may have OTA enabled and your remote just did a firmware update