Life360 Officially Supported Integration

If you had a /config/life360 folder, then you applied some workaround at some point. That folder does not normally exist.

This all got overly complicated due to multiple “workaround” suggestions. Ultimately, the only things that were needed to get it working again was the 2023.12.4 release (which uses the updated life360 PyPI package, that was changed to compensate for changes in the Life360 API), and possibly changing your Life360 password, if at some time you had verified your phone number in the Life360 app.

Other than that, yes, the previous Life360 config entry (or entries) should “just work” (possibly with an updated password.)

Unfortunately, because this is still an undocumented & unsupported API, a lot of guessing and reverse engineering had to be done to come up with the appropriate fix. Hence the point of this topic.

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Now that there has been an update, would someone mid either pointing me to or explaining how to take advantage of the update.

When this first happened I uninstalled Life360 from my integrations page.
I did not touch any other files.

It seems that the discussion has lots of moving parts and I am very confused.

Thank you especially @pnbruckner for taking on the challenge

The confusion comes from multiple workarounds being suggested (that came from different times in the process of coming up with a fix.)

Upgrade Home Assistant to 2023.12.4. Then add the Life360 integration entry again.

If you get an authentication/authorization failure, then that seems to imply you’ve verified your phone number in the Life360 app. When you do that, the Life360 server uses a different auth process that the HA integration does not support. At this point you need to change your Life360 password (via the Life360 app or password reset website, which switches it back to the old method that HA supports), and do not verify your phone number if the Life360 app asks you to do so again.


You’re welcome. But the thanks really belong to @11harveyj who was able to figure out the changes needed in the life360 PyPI package to get things working again.


Did you have to remove life360 integration to get it to work? I changed my password, phone # shows unverified but it still fails.

Would anyone who still needs help getting the existing Life360 integration to work please ask for help in the following topic:

Life360 Device Tracker Platform - Third party integrations - Home Assistant Community (

There is actually a lot of good information there already.

Please use this topic for discussing whether or not effort should be put into negotiating some sort of agreement with Life360 to use their API and provide documentation and support for such. And mainly, use this topic to vote for that.

Thank you!


FYI, something changed this morning in the Life360 server API that has broken the integration again.

It’s getting too difficult to try to keep up. I’m throwing in the towel, at least for now. If some arrangement can be worked out with Life360 where they’ll officially support us I might be willing to work on the integration again. Until then, if ever, it’s been fun!


Thank you for supporting this integration over the years for us all @pnbruckner :saluting_face:
Life360 is really not being a good player in helping smart home enthusiasts to integrate their product…


thank you for your wonderful work, I wanted to use the Google Maps platform to share the location, does it consume a lot of battery?

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I will end up believing that a careless person (hacker) is having fun destabilizing this integration. last year or 2 years ago, it was the same thing. I understand #pnbruckner’s reaction I would do the same.

Just stopped working for me also… :face_holding_back_tears:

Thank you for all your work on the Life360 integration


Thanks for your efforts - a LOT.
I myself had to stop using Life360 on ~May 2022 (stopped working in Russia).
Let’s see what happens next to them. May be they will collaborate with HA-like platforms.
Hmm, they do not want to be accessed from 3rd party - and yet they sell private data.

Again, please do not discuss alternatives to Life360 in this topic. There are plenty of other topics (including your own) that do that. This topic is intended ONLY for discussing the possibility of an officially supported integration with Life360, and mostly for people to “vote” for that.

A few hours ago the life360 integration requested reconfiguration again, is there a solution?

No. And please see above comment.

Thanks again for all the work you put into the integration. It’s a shame it’s come down to this.

An authorised API is probably the only thing that would cause me to pay to use their service, so they’re pretty much losing the opportunity of my future custom.

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I only just paid for Life360 too, i’ll be cancelling that and wont be giving them anymore money or data. I would of even paid for API access too.

But anyway, thank you @pnbruckner for all the time you spent on this. :+1:

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Again, please do not use this topic for general discussion of the various available device tracker integrations. There are plenty of other topics in which to do that, and anyone is free to create another topic of their own if they like.