Lists for everything - beyond shopping only

Hi. The Shopping List component has become very very popular in our household, now my wife wants me to integrate a similar To Do list. Todoist component is overkill for us, and the HA Shopping List is so elegant and functional. Seems to be a shame it is limited to Shopping only. Why not replace it with a Shared List component; where a user can configure more than one listā€¦ Shopping, To Do, Home repairs, Tasks for lazy son, etcā€¦

I stumbled across this page but have no idea what GitHub pull requests are and whether there is any code here that can help me. #18875 (Lay groundwork for multiple lists in shopping-list)

Alternatively, would it be possible to copy the code from Shopping List component, edit-out all Shopping List references to be for example ToDo List, and reference something like .todo_list.json - then install it as a custom component? Could that work in the interim?


I am also interested in having multiple list.

I already asked for updates in topic Multiple Shopping-lists but no feedback :frowning:

Also, is this currently the best bet for storing lists of recent phone calls? I canā€™t think where else or how else I could store this information in HA

Sorry for being a bit oftopic here, but Iā€™d like to propose a new function to Shopping List and since everyone here are using it - I think it may be a good place to bring attention.
Please vote for it here: Shopping list - add possibility to reorder items

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Been looking but still canā€™t see if multiple shopping lists was implemented. Has anyone managed to get something working?

multiple shared list could be just perfect ā€¦ +1
with an android widget
I hope that HA community will improve this feature

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I would like this feature too. multiple shared lists and an Android Widget.


Hi! I am also interested in this functionality, the shopping list can do a lot more! And it could be an amazing tool with just some tweaks.

+1 here - there were some Google Keep integrations out there but it seems they donā€™t work anymore + Google is constantly playing nasty with their APIs. So doing simple lists HA-native way would be grandiose! I donā€™t imagine this is a difficult thing to do since we already have the shopping list featureā€¦


Just started using Home Assistant and having the ability to create multiple lists would be great. It doesnā€™t need a ton of features and things like Grocy are way too much for meā€¦just a basic listing of items is probably sufficient for most people.

Also, what would be great is a service which checks if an item was already added to a list, rather than the current services which only allow/adding removing items. For example, for a shopping list this means I can avoid duplicates where one of my automations adds new printer cartridges to the shopping list.


Reordering list items in the current shopping list integration would be awesome!


I support this request.
I guess the best way to implement this will be to make multiple ā€œshopping listsā€ in configuratiom.yaml
That way the same list can be used between multiple views (like today), but it will also be possible to show different shopping-lists in different views.

Other features i want:

  • log of removed items
  • loging of changes in ā€œHistoryā€
  • Added date (and removed date in log)
  • Who is adding/removing

Also would like this feature

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Supporting the same request, keep it simple with allowing multiple lists.
Use cases: birthday lists, wish-lists, etc.


Iā€™d like this feature too :smiley:

This is would greatly increase the ā€œSpouse Appreciation Factorā€ for many home automators, thus it is currently my #1 wish.

Tomorrow she is gonna do groceries while I do chores. It would be incredibly convenient should we able to create separate lists for both.


Agreed. My own use case thus far (extremely limited because of the limitations of the list itself):

  1. Spouse suggested HA is the best place to keep our to-do lists of smart home home-improvement projects. Spouse is correct. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  2. I realized we couldnā€™t make a separate list/category/tag/branch/etc. for the HA goals.
  3. I havenā€™t told spouse yet :innocent:

Iā€™d like to do this with Shopping Lists but if anyone else has a technique or tool they use, that is tied together using HA, Iā€™d be very happy to hear it (ā€œwhen all you have is a hammer,ā€¦ā€).

Oh yes please more lists, another +1 for this!

Would also be nice to see WHO has added an item

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Hi all, I would like to support this usefull request.