Lovelace: Button card

:tada::tada: Version 0.4.0 :tada::tada:
New Features

  • Introduce the same ripple effect as the default button
  • Long Press support (Fixes #55)
    - type: "custom:button-card"
      entity: switch.my_switch
      name: more-info
        action: more-info
    Thanks @thomasloven for the piece of code to achieve this easily.


  • It fixes the button staying selected after a click (Fix #93)
    Apr-19-2019 13-22-21

  • It fixes misalignment issues (Fix #89)


@klogg, please open a github issue. I think I have a fix ready for this.

Looks like the buttons perform no actions with 0.4.0, or am i doing somethin wrong?

  - entity: switch.test_switch
    name: Custom 1
      - icon: 'mdi:fan'
        spin: true
        value: 'on'
      - icon: 'mdi:fan'
        value: 'off'
    type: 'custom:button-card'

If i click the button it does nothing.

Can you try placing a entity-button on the same view?

Yepp! Works with one entity-button in the view.
Thanks @iantrich, for the fast reply.

Yeah. Unfortunately with the method used it is using the long press defined in HA core. So if you don’t have an element that supports long-press in your view, it won’t work

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So what!
Button-Card IS BACK!
Thanks a lot @iantrich and @RomRider


@RomRider we should probably make a note this or have a fallback for when long press cannot be found. Once we implement roll-up, we should be able to have our own hold implementation.

I suggest we update the documentation for now and add a issue for later.

@petro I added an anchor for styles just yesterday! But, what is the scope for anchors? That is, if I define them in a block early in the ui-lovelace will they be available to all areas below, including into !include files? Or, are anchor scopes perhaps limited somehow?

Starting to integrate the new hold_action into my UI and wanted to share a quick demo GIF to maybe give people an interesting idea:

I have a “Daily Stats” and “Weekly Stats” that are integrated into the same button now thanks to hold_action. Default is daily view and if you long press it swaps it out to a weekly view. Also shoutout to @iantrich Lovelace Text Divider Row.

On the right side is imo a cool usage of both state and animation (blink). When I press the Printer button it shows a conditional card underneath with all my printer stats, but the cool thing is how the icon changes to a big green blinking arrow pointing down so it’s obvious what happened and where to look. When @RomRider awesome looking WIP layout PR gets merged that printer settings button should look nicer too :slight_smile:


@RomRider I have some issues with the tap_action. In the cases (one example below) I replaced the single line “action: more_info” with the two lines below (according to examples in Github) the more_info does not show. (cleared cache etc)

type: 'custom:button-card'
entity: alarm_control_panel.ha_alarm
icon: 'mdi:bell'
  action: more_info
show_state: false
show_name: true
  - value: disarmed
    color: 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'
    icon: 'mdi:bell-off'
    name: 'OFF'
  - value: pending
    color: 'rgb(251, 210, 41)'
    icon: 'mdi:security'
    name: PENDING
  - value: armed_away
    color: 'rgb(0, 255, 0)'
    icon: 'mdi:security'
    name: ARMED

Sorry @Tyfoon, examples in the documentation are not completely up to date :blush: more_info is deprecated, you should use more-info
We’re going to fix the documentation soon.

@RomRider you are amazingly fast. Have been waiting for someone to implement the hold_action for months (I am not a programmer or I would have done it myself haha).

I will definitely try the card again now, but need to find the time to rewrite everything. Amazing job and thank you.

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Ah, that is a subtle difference;-)

Just updated. None of my buttons work. Here is some example code. What am I missing?

         - cards:
          - color: 'rgb(107, 181, 255)'
            entity: light.living_room_lights
            icon: 'mdi:lightbulb'
            name: Living Room
            type: 'custom:button-card'
            color_type: icon
              action: toggle    
              action: none             
          - color: 'rgb(107, 181, 255)'
            entity: light.bedroom_lights
            icon: 'mdi:lightbulb'
            name: Bedroom
            type: 'custom:button-card'
              action: more-info
              action: toggle
          - color: 'rgb(107, 181, 255)'
            entity: light.master_bathroom_light
            icon: 'mdi:lightbulb'
            size: 40%
            name: Master Bath
            type: 'custom:button-card'
              action: toggle    
              action: none                           
        type: horizontal-stack

Any errors in the browser console? I would venture a guess that you are having errors on not having longpress defined. Try placing a regular entity-button on the view as well

Here is what I’m seeing in the console:

It’s related to longpress. How do I define it? Is that the same as hold_action?

Add an entity-button in your view and long press will work. It’s a caveat of the current implementation. We’ll work on this in the future with @iantrich to not rely on home-assistant’s implementation.