12hr House Temperature Status
as discussed by @Ildar_Gabdullin -
Added the following to deal with my 0/100 AC Status sensor value, sits on the Y-axis.
aggregate_func: max
on AC Status entity discussed and tested below postupper_bound_secondary: 100
ensures humidity shows correctly below postlower_bound_secondary: 0
Show secondary labels, for humidity 0-100%
labels_secondary: true
Added 4-Sensor card-mod as discussed in below post
-Shows Temperatures at all three levels of my house including outdoors
-Shows Heating status of heat pump (lightsalmon block)
-Shows Cooling status of heat pump (mediumturquoise block)
type: custom:mini-graph-card
name: House Temperatures
- entity: sensor.netatmo_devonport_tas_indoor_temperature
name: Upstairs
color: brown
show_state: true
show_indicator: false
smoothing: true
show_fill: false
- entity: sensor.netatmo_devonport_tas_indoor_outdoor_temperature
name: Outside
color: dodgerblue
show_state: true
show_indicator: true
smoothing: true
- entity: sensor.air_conditioning_downstairs_temperature
name: Downstairs
color: orange
show_state: true
show_indicator: true
smoothing: true
show_fill: true
- entity: sensor.air_conditioning_temperature
name: Middle
color: gold
show_state: true
show_indicator: true
smoothing: true
show_fill: true
- entity: sensor.ac_cool_living
name: AC Cool
color: mediumturquoise
show_legend: false
show_line: false
show_points: false
smoothing: false
y_axis: secondary
aggregate_func: max
- entity: sensor.ac_heat_living
name: AC Heat
color: lightsalmon
show_legend: false
show_line: false
show_points: false
smoothing: false
y_axis: secondary
aggregate_func: max
name: false
icon: false
legend: true
extrema: false
fill: fade
labels: hover
labels_secondary: false
state: true
font_size_header: 9
align_state: center
hour24: true
animate: true
group: true
smoothing: true
line_width: 3
hours_to_show: 12
points_per_hour: 15
upper_bound_secondary: 100
lower_bound_secondary: 0
height: 150
style: |
.states {
justify-content: normal !important;
font-size: 11px !important;
.state {
flex-grow: 1;
.states--secondary {
flex-flow: row !important;
flex-grow: 2;
margin-left: 0px !important;
.states--secondary .state.state--small {
font-size: unset;
margin-bottom: unset;
flex-grow: unset;
.states--secondary .state.state--small:nth-of-type(2) {
margin-left: auto !important;
.states--secondary .state.state--small:nth-of-type(3) {
margin-left: auto !important;
.ellipsis {
font-size: 12px ;
6hr Living Room Climate Status
as discussed by @Ildar_Gabdullin -
Added the following to deal with my 0/100 AC Status sensor value, sits on the Y-axis.
aggregate_func: max
on AC Status entity discussed and tested below postupper_bound_secondary: 100
ensures humidity shows correctly below postlower_bound_secondary: 0
Show secondary labels, for humidity 0-100%
labels_secondary: true
Added 3-Sensor card-mod as discussed in below post
General code layout tidy up
-Shows Temperature of Middle Floor
-Shows Temperature of Upstairs Mezzanine
-Shows Humidity of Middle Floor
-Shows Dew Point of Middle Floor
-Shows Heating status of heat pump (lightsalmon block)
-Shows Cooling status of heat pump (mediumturquoise block)
type: custom:mini-graph-card
name: Middle Floor Temperatures
- entity: sensor.air_conditioning_temperature
name: Middle
color: gold
show_state: true
show_indicator: false
show_fill: false
- entity: sensor.netatmo_devonport_tas_indoor_temperature
name: Upstairs
color: brown
show_state: false
show_indicator: false
smoothing: true
show_fill: false
- entity: sensor.dewpoint_living_room
name: Dewpoint
color: dodgerblue
show_state: true
show_indicator: true
show_fill: true
- entity: sensor.air_conditioning_humidity
name: Humidity
color: rgb(135,206,250,0.5)
show_state: true
show_indicator: true
show_graph: true
show_legend: true
show_fill: true
y_axis: secondary
- entity: sensor.ac_cool_living
name: AC Cool
color: mediumturquoise
show_legend: false
show_line: false
show_points: false
smoothing: false
y_axis: secondary
aggregate_func: max
- entity: sensor.ac_heat_living
name: AC Heat
color: lightsalmon
show_legend: false
show_line: false
show_points: false
smoothing: false
y_axis: secondary
aggregate_func: max
name: false
icon: false
legend: true
extrema: false
fill: fade
labels: hover
labels_secondary: hover
state: true
font_size_header: 9
align_state: center
hour24: true
animate: true
group: true
smoothing: true
line_width: 3
hours_to_show: 6
points_per_hour: 15
upper_bound_secondary: 100
lower_bound_secondary: 0
height: 150
style: |
.states {
justify-content: normal !important;
font-size: 11px !important;
.state {
flex-grow: 1;
.states--secondary {
flex-flow: row !important;
flex-grow: 1.2;
margin-left: 0px !important;
.states--secondary .state.state--small {
font-size: unset;
margin-bottom: unset;
flex-grow: unset;
.states--secondary .state.state--small:nth-of-type(2) {
margin-left: auto !important;
.ellipsis {
font-size: 12px ;
Sensors required to be added to configuration.yaml
- sensor:
# Air Conditioning sensors for Mini Graph Card
- name: "ac_heat_living"
unique_id: 4b0aa109-9f6b-430e-9f75-d3bc64645e70
icon: mdi:sun-thermometer-outline
state: >-
{% if state_attr('climate.air_conditioning','hvac_action') == 'heating' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
- name: "ac_cool_living"
unique_id: 463de126-9e29-46bd-b0cd-c2c4f97f8fa2
icon: mdi:snowflake-thermometer
state: >-
{% if state_attr('climate.air_conditioning','hvac_action') == 'cooling' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
12hr CO2 vs Door/Window Status
as discussed by @Ildar_Gabdullin -
Added the following to deal with my 0/100 Door Status sensor value, sits on the Y-axis.
aggregate_func: max
on Door Status entity discussed and tested below postupper_bound_secondary: 100
lower_bound_secondary: 0
Hide secondary labels, due to being a number and not a word.
labels_secondary: false
Added 3-Sensor card-mod as discussed in below post
General code layout tidy up
-Shows CO2 levels in relation to a door and window group sensor
type: custom:mini-graph-card
name: CO2 vs Door
- entity: sensor.netatmo_devonport_tas_indoor_co2
name: CO2
color: lightsalmon
show_state: true
show_indicator: false
- entity: sensor.middle_floor_sensor_status
name: Door Open
color: gray
show_legend: true
show_line: false
show_points: false
y_axis: secondary
smoothing: false
show_state: false
aggregate_func: max
name: false
icon: false
legend: true
extrema: false
fill: fade
labels: hover
labels_secondary: hover
state: true
font_size_header: 9
align_state: left
hour24: true
animate: true
group: true
smoothing: true
line_width: 3
hours_to_show: 12
points_per_hour: 15
upper_bound_secondary: 100
lower_bound_secondary: 0
height: 150
style: |
.states {
justify-content: normal !important;
font-size: 11px !important;
.state {
flex-grow: 1;
.states--secondary {
flex-flow: row !important;
flex-grow: 1.2;
margin-left: 0px !important;
.states--secondary .state.state--small {
font-size: unset;
margin-bottom: unset;
flex-grow: unset;
.states--secondary .state.state--small:nth-of-type(2) {
margin-left: auto !important;
.states--secondary .state.state--small:nth-of-type(3) {
margin-left: auto !important;
.ellipsis {
font-size: 12px ;
Sensor required for door status
- sensor:
- name: "middle_floor_sensor_status"
unique_id: bf540135-35df-439c-a6a7-3bd328a1fb08
icon: mdi:door
state: >-
{% if states('binary_sensor.middle_floor_sensor_group') == 'on' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}