Looks like a cool design! How would I go about using this wind rose with the default weather intergration? How do I expose wind speed and direction?
This works really well with your own anemometer providing continuous live values. It helps to illustrate the amount of wind and directions associated with those wind “bands”.
The weather providers tend to only provide an update every hour. To illustrate this discrete piece of information (which is what I do) i use a compass card to show the Met Office forecast right next to the live Windrose information
Thanks for the suggestion, but can you help me out with which entity would be correct for obtaining the wind direction and speed from the default weather integration - to display in the compass card. I see that this wind rose is more meant for accurate, current weather data from a home weather station.
i cant get the directions in the rose.
I have the yaml
< type: custom:windrose-card
title: Wind richting
hours_to_show: 8
entity: sensor.windrichting
direction_letters: NEZWX
use_statistics: false
direction_compensation: 0
- entity: sensor.thuis_windsnelheid
name: Average
speed_range_beaufort: true
output_speed_unit: kph >
Do i need to create a sensor in HA to get is working? I have 3 weather services but nothing works?
Hello @marksev1. Need to check information being provided by your weather integration. Either the integration or use Developer Tools. This is mine.
If you click on the weather at the top it will show you for example what daily and hourly forecasts are additionally generated.
I am not an expert but there are many guides on this forum on how to deal with weather templates (and extracting discrete data). I did mine a while ago and even have templates to convert key wind stats to Knots.
Hello @interoceter. It might be worth reading some of the messages above.
A compass card might be better, but only if the data is available, and you can set it up, from your weather integration.
What is this sensor? Where does it come from and what is the current value? sensor.windrichting
If you look in Developer Tools what value is the sensor showing?
if i look in developer tools is see unknown. But if i look at day 1 of day 2 i see values. So i dont understand.
In de compass card i am not ketting any values either.
nevermind. I`m using openweathermap and it al worked.
Really like this card!
I was wondering, can you make it possible to have the actual windspeed in the center of the compass? And move the direction arrow on the compass ass well, to see the actual speed compared to the rose.
Here’s an example:
New release, features added in version 1.12.0.
- New matching strategy ‘full-time’. See Readme for details. Fixes #102
- Corner info label and value text size configurable. Fixes #104
- Added CSS classes to the corner info labels and values. Can be used to modify CSS with card-mod. Fixes #104
- Moved a few settings from global to windbar specific. Fixes #60
- Speed ranges customizations.
- Rendering full or partial.
- Using Beaufort scale.
- Output speed unit and label.
- Tap action support for the corners, windrose and speedbars. Fixes #56
- Corner info sensor unit conversion for direction and speed sensor. Fixes #100, #103
- Direction sensor units: degrees, letters
- Wind speed sensor units: bft, mps, kph, mph, fps and knots
- Dynamic speed ranges depending on average wind speed. Fixes #93
Some feature did require code refactoring, possibly introducing new bugs.
These changes shouldn’t be breaking current configurations.
If you see strange behaviour or bugs, please submit an issue in GitHub here: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub
Also, if some parts of the Readme aren’t clear, submit an issue.
Hi Deadpool,
There is a feature request asking the same.
Today I released a new version with some implemented feature requests. This was not one of them, bit it’s on the list.
Release version 1.12.1
Fixes for dynamic speed ranges.
Release version 1.12.3
Added mouse hover hand cursor to action area’s, forgot one. Thanks @dcapslock.
Release version 1.12.4
Fix: background image is rendered in the background again.
Release version to 1.12.5
Fix: fallback to deprecated configuration for speed_range_max (root level).
Everyone, fix your configuration, don’t use the deprecated property’s anymore.
Sometime next year these will stop working.
Released version 1.12.6
- Improved error message about cardinal_direction_letters config. Fixes #114
- Position label windspeed Beaufort 12 is now centered. Fixes #116
Release version 1.12.7
Fix: 1 Beaufort kph speed limit fix, should be 0 to 1 kph.
Thanks issue reporter, he also fixed it on Wikipedia.
Release version 1.12.8
Fix: Only animate current wind direction indicator when it’s state changes, not when windrose is redrawn or on initial render.
Released version 1.13.0
- Intercardinal and secondary intercardinal direction labels can be displayed.
- Labels based on the four direction letters or custom values for all 16 directions.
- Colors and sizes adjustable per direction group: cardinal, intercardinal en secondary intercardinal.
- Updates and cleanup libraries/dependencies used by the card.
Possibly fixes the Failed to execute ‘define’ on ‘CustomElementRegistry’ errors some people get.