Thanks mate! I was searching for this.
Hello Francis,
Do you want to share youre esp yaml file? The flashing wan’t a problem but the yaml for the GU10 bulb drives me crazy. Because i dont know which gpio pin is which option.
Kind regards,
I use tasmota on my GU10. So I don’t have a yaml.
Hi Francis,
yes… i didnt know youre using tasmota. Ok… then i will test is some time with esphome. And otherwise i must go back to tasmota.
You can use it with all the color patterns and warm white?
Yes, everything is working as it should.
LCS GU10 yaml and files
For those who interested to use the GU10 with esphome. I got so far as this.
I only get the bulb on with cold white.
1 - First flashed with tuya convert
2 - Flashed with the tasmota interface OTA to esphome
3 - Make a dir custom_components/sm2135 in the esphome folder
4 - Put in the 4 files and reboot HA
Link to the drivers sm2135:
name: keuken_led_01
platform: ESP8266
board: esp01_1m
ssid: “networkname”
password: “password”
ssid: “Keuken Led 01 Fallback Hotspot”
password: “fwgkHguEzsiE”
port: 80
- platform: status
name: “keuken_led_01 Status”
- platform: wifi_signal
name: keuken_led_01_wifi_dB
update_interval: 10s
id: keuken_led_01_wifi_dB
data_pin: GPIO12
clock_pin: GPIO14
- platform: sm2135
id: output_red
channel: 0 - platform: sm2135
id: output_green
channel: 1 - platform: sm2135
id: output_blue
channel: 2 - platform: sm2135
id: output_white
channel: 3 - platform: sm2135
id: output_warmwhite
channel: 4
- platform: rgbww
name: “keuken_led_01”
red: output_red
green: output_green
blue: output_blue
default_transition_length: 3s
cold_white: output_white
warm_white: output_warmwhite
cold_white_color_temperature: 6536 K
warm_white_color_temperature: 2000 K
- platform: version
name: “keuken_led_01 ESPHome version”
Interesting, I got about 25 GU10 LSC lights here which I would love to convert to ESPHome.
You can’t turn the lights to “warm light” right now?
I try with E14 , same problem
now with tasmota no problem, but I cant conect with HASSIO
Open the Tasmota console, enter setoption19 1
Hi @francisp
I flashed the GU10 Lights to tasmota, generic 18
{"NAME":"LSC RGBCW GU10","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,181,0,180,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}
But my slider is acting weird. When I turn the light off it goes to colormode and I have to re-enable the light and then turn off to completely turn off. Did you turn into this by any chance?
are there more people with this problem : i bought 2 new LSC plugs and flashed them using tuya convert with this config
name: stekker_spare
platform: ESP8266
board: esp01_1m
devicename: Stekker spare
ssid: "xxxx"
password: "xxxx"
fast_connect: true
- platform: gpio
number: GPIO14
inverted: true
name: "$devicename Power Button"
internal: true
- switch.toggle: relay
- platform: status
name: "$devicename Status"
- platform: gpio
id: led
number: GPIO4
inverted: true
- platform: gpio
name: "$devicename"
icon: "mdi:power-plug"
pin: GPIO12
id: relay
- switch.turn_off: led
- switch.turn_on: led
- platform: restart
name: ${devicename}_restart
# Sensors with specific and general information
# Extra sensor to keep an eye on the Wi-Fi signal
- platform: wifi_signal
name: ${devicename}_Wi-Fi_Signal
update_interval: 60s
# Extra sensor to keep track of plug uptime
- platform: uptime
name: Uptime
id: uptime_s
update_interval: 15s
# Text sensors with general information
# Expose ESPHome version as sensor.
- platform: version
name: ${devicename}_esphome_version
# Expose WiFi information as sensors.
- platform: wifi_info
name: ${devicename}_wifi_ip
icon: mdi:ip
name: ${devicename}_wifi_ssid
icon: mdi:wifi
- platform: template
name: ${devicename}_Uptime_Sensor
lambda: |-
uint32_t dur = id(uptime_s).state;
int dys = 0;
int hrs = 0;
int mnts = 0;
if (dur > 86399) {
dys = trunc(dur / 86400);
dur = dur - (dys * 86400);
if (dur > 3599) {
hrs = trunc(dur / 3600);
dur = dur - (hrs * 3600);
if (dur > 59) {
mnts = trunc(dur / 60);
dur = dur - (mnts * 60);
char buffer[17];
sprintf(buffer, "%ud %02uh %02um %02us", dys, hrs, mnts, dur);
return {buffer};
icon: mdi:clock-start
update_interval: 15s
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
port: 80
But when i press the button in front of the plug , the relay doesn’t toggle .
When i use this config on any older plug , the button is working fine, and the relay toggles .
Is there something changed maybe ?
GPIO has changed on v2. Test with gpio 13. See here:
Has anyone tried flashing the Action PIR sensor? It contains the ESP8266-TYWE3S chip, but I have no idea how to configure the gpio pins for ESPHome …
Also is it battery based? And if so, will ESPhome drain the battery quickly?
So i found the following github repo that was able to reflash the PIR: The biggest problem is that there is an additional component that is responsible for power control, since the whole device works on batteries.
The repo hasnt been worked on recently. Wondering if it is worth trying out …
Cool gonna test this out thx!
Hi all,
Recently bought a GU10 spot from the Action but it doesn’t seem to pick up the intermediate firmware from tuya-convert. I’m using this repo ( - should that still work for these GU10 spots? I did make the rookie mistake to hook them up to the official LSC app so it might have the newest firmware. Any idea if this will still work?
I did one last week but did not connect it to the app first and it worked
If it is stuck at the second part, it normally is because you were to slow connecting your phone to the vtrust AP.
Thanks all, after some retrying and changing config.txt, it worked fine.
Today I picked up some new light types that Action sells here in NL. They only control light temperature and do not have colors.
- LSC Smart Connect G10 Ambiance 345 Lumen €5.95 (Art. 970703 v1.0)
- LSC Smart Connect E27 Ambiance 806 Lumen €4.95 (Art 979715 v1.0)
I used tuya-convert, but no success. It seems that they are not ESP8266 …
There is also another light bulb LSC Smart Connect E27 1400 Lumen €8,96 and appartently they have a new version of the LSC Smart Connect Power Plug €8,49.
I did not buy those, so cannot say anything about that.
Hope someone else has better luck.