Mirabella Genio Smart Home

If that’s happening often, check your Pi’s power supply is up to scratch.

It is the first time I’ve had one die. It was pretty old though… pretty sure it was the card I had in my Galaxy S3 when they were new.

hey everyone,

Looking for some advice here, trying to get more out of my HA setup, especially now that kmart is offering pretty well priced Genio items.

I got one of these - Genio Wifi Power Plug with Energy Monitoring

My aim/hope was to link this up to the dishwasher and have HA send a notification when the current dropped to inform that the dishwasher had finished.

However, setting it up via Tuya , imported it fine within HA but theres no power management/entities to read the power values. Reading this whole thread, I can’t see that even flashing this unit will offer that functionality, further than ‘off / on / change led colour’ ?

Am I better off using the TP Link HS110 power socket+energy monitor instead? As it seems to work straight out of the box without any modifications potentially.

Any advice/recommendations would be fantastic, thanks everyone.

As long as it can be flashed to ESPhome / Tasmota then you should be able to get the power monitoring data without trouble.

There is also this which has been reportly flashed without any issues and working with power monitoring in HA.

The TP Link units do work perfectly (including power monitoring) straight out of the box, but do cost a fair bit more.

cheers @sparkydave - at the moment, its only few bucks difference between the tplink and the genio, but I have the genio here in my hand :smiley: I did opt for the genio as its a slim fit unlike the tplink. Probably should of done a little more research before grabbing them.

Would be good to hopefully find someone who may have actually had some success with these little genios.

I guess the TP Link has come down in price since I bought mine.

They look extremely similar to the Kogan v2 plugs that may of us have bought, just without the USB ports. Depending on the existing firmware it’s possible that Tuya-Convert will work to get custom firmware flashed (and worth trying), but if it’s like the ones I recently bought then neither that nor wiring directly to it will work… (and opening them up is rather destructive)

oh wow, yep I see what you mean re: opening them up… thanks for the info sparkydave! Appreciate it

I’m in the process of getting some Shelly 1PM’s installed which might remove the need for any of these as it is also…

@itsame I have sucessfully got the new Genio Wifi Power Plug with Energy Monitoring to work.
It is the exact same pin out to this https://medium.com/@peter.feerick/converting-a-medion-life-smart-plug-to-tasmota-dff741bfc35e

Just wondering if anyone has ever flashed the Genio Icicle lights. I flashed some months ago which have been working fine for basic on/off above my outdoor spa. At some point recently, now some of the lights stay on at all times and when switching them ‘on’ those lights go off and the others light up. My config is incredibly basic as it was the first time setting something up like this.

  name: spa_led_lights
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

  ssid: "milutki"
  password: "wifipassword"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Spa Led Lights Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "6zeGsJ64EF0N"


# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
  password: "apipassword"

  password: "otapassword"
- platform: gpio
  pin: 12
  name: "Spa Lights"

Is anybody else having trouble with the Genio WiFi Motion Sensor? I have flashed it successfully and connected to my network but it seems to keep powering itself off and I need to push the rest button to turn it back on - it then reconnects but turns off again after about 3mins. I’ve tried resetting it and again get to the default Tasmota page ( but still having the same issue…doing my head in!

Is it battery powered?

Yes, battery powered. I’m using the batteries that it came with but I only opened it about 48hrs ago (batteries where wrapped in plastic). I guess it could have been sitting on the shelf for a while…I’ll try some new batteries.

It almost certainly has another MCU on board that is controlling the power and it’s likely a Tuya one. If the ESP doesn’t respond properly, it will eventually time out and turn off the power.

I’ll try re-flashing. Has anybody got one of these working successfully? Which firmware did you use? I used the default tasmota.bin that pulled down from GitHub with TuyaSmart-Convert.

re-flashing isn’t going to make any difference. The motion sensor should be turning it on, but it will turn off either when the ESP tells the MCU that it’s finished sending or the MCU gives up on getting a response. What are you trying to do with it?

I want to do a simple automation to trigger the bathroom lights at night. If I try to flash it back to the stock firmware and use the Tuya integration, would I have the same problem?

I’m not sure what you think the problem is. What should be happening is that the motion sensor turns on the ESP, which sends out a message with the sensor state and then shuts off. It’s running on a battery so you don’t want it running for a long time. So really, it’s currently running way longer than it should be. I don’t know how to configure Tasmota, but you need to configure the Tuya pins and have it read the sensor value from there and send it on. Is it getting turned on by motion?

Thanks @ssieb! When you mentioned configuring the Tuya pins it made me go back and check the template I was using…I hadn’t re-applied the template after resetting it. I now have it up and working (sort of) and in HA

  1. Flash with Tasmota - Tuya-Convert
  2. Apply device template (make sure you also run the SetOptions & TuyaMCU commands in the Tasmota console) - Mirabella Genio I002576 Motion Sensor Template
  3. Add to HA - Mirabella Genio Smart Home

My only problem now is that it takes about 10 seconds for the PIR to “wake up” and send the MQTT topic… That might be ok in some scenarios but I want to turn on night light in the bathroom when somebody goes in at night but nobody is going to stand there waiting for that long for the light to come on - they’ll go for the switch and end up turning off the smart bulb. Any suggestions on how I can get it to trigger more quickly?

Not much, it takes a certain amount of time to get the ESP booted and wifi connected. You could try using fast_connect: on the wifi. It could save a couple of seconds if it doesn’t have to do scanning.

Could somebody help me create a template for the Genio Icicle lights

GPIO 12 controls half of the lights and 14 the other half

How would i create a template that when turned on, it cycles between the two GPIO’s, do i do this in the template, or should i create an automation to control this?