Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily 🍄 (Part 2)

          - type: horizontal-stack 
              - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
                  - type: template
                    entity: climate.ruimte1_airco
                    icon: mdi:fire
                    icon_color: >
                      {% if is_state("climate.ruimte1_airco", 'heat') %}
                      {% else %}
                        [84, 84, 84]
                      {% endif %}
                      action: " "
                      style: |
                        ha-state-icon {
                            {% if is_state("climate.ruimte1_airco", 'heat') %}
                            --icon-animation: fire 1.5s infinite;
                            transform-origin: 50% 85%;

                        @keyframes fire {
                            0% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            5% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            10% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            15% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            20% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            25% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            30% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            35% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            40% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            45% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            50% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            55% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            60% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            65% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            70% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            75% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            80% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            85% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            90% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            95% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                            100% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
                alignment: center

              - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
                  - type: template
                    entity: climate.ruimte1_airco
                    icon: mdi:snowflake
                    icon_color: >
                      {% if is_state("climate.ruimte1_airco", 'cool') %}
                        [3, 244, 252]
                      {% else %}
                        [84, 84, 84]
                      {% endif %}
                      action: " "                      
                      style: |
                        mushroom-shape-icon {
                          {% if is_state("climate.ruimte1_airco", 'cool') %}
                            --card-mod-icon: mdi:snowflake;
                            animation: cool 6s ease-in-out infinite;
                          {% endif %}
                        display: flex;
                        @keyframes cool {
                          0%, 100% { transform: rotate(25deg); }
                          25% { transform: rotate(-25deg); }
                          50% { transform: rotate(50deg); }
                          75% { transform: rotate(-50deg); }
                    alignment: center

so my both card mods are not working…

With how long and how many questions you have asked in this forum i do feel that you should know by now that this is not how you apply animations to chip icons.

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: template
    entity: climate.ruimte1_airco
    icon: mdi:snowflake
    icon_color: |
      {% if is_state("climate.ruimte1_airco", 'cool') %}
        [3, 244, 252]
      {% else %}
        [84, 84, 84]
      {% endif %}
      action: ' '
    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(1)$: |
      ha-state-icon {
        {% if is_state("climate.bedroom_heating", 'cool') %}
          --card-mod-icon: mdi:snowflake;
          animation: cool 6s ease-in-out infinite;
        {% endif %}
        display: flex;
      @keyframes cool {
        0%, 100% { transform: rotate(25deg); }
        25% { transform: rotate(-25deg); }
        50% { transform: rotate(50deg); }
        75% { transform: rotate(-50deg); }
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ok, i will search a little further

No, i gave you the answer too. i wouldnt just tell you that you should know.

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Ok. Thanks !

do you have a link where i can find the difference between | and .: | and when to use ?

I want to add this to your code, but I don’t know how

                    ha-card {
                      --chip-background: transparent;
                      border: none !important;
                      box-shadow: none !important;

what If I have 2 templates, where do I place the card-mod ?

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: template
 - type: template

this does not look good. Do I have to make 2 chips cards in a horizontal stack ?

        type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
          - type: template
        type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
          - type: template

This section:


Like this:

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: template
  - type: template
    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(1): |
      ha-state-icon {
    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(2): |
      ha-state-icon {

Here is the chip card section:

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    mushroom-shape-icon$: |
      .shape {
        background: blue !important;
    .: |
      ha-card {
        background: red;

note where the .: starts is the exact same place as where you initial mushroom-shape-icon$: | starts. basically treat writing .: | as writting a whole new style: | again.

so i was thinking like this

                    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(1)$: |
                      ha-state-icon {
                        {% if is_state("climate.ruimte1_airco", 'cool') %}
                          --card-mod-icon: mdi:fan;
                          animation: spin 1s linear infinite ;
                        {% endif %}
                        display: flex;
                      @keyframes spin {
                      100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }
                    .: |    
                      ha-card {
                        border: none !important;
                        box-shadow: none !important;

                    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(2)$: |
                      ha-state-icon {
                        {% if is_state('media_player.woonkamer', 'playing') %}
                        --icon-animation: music 2s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
                        transform-origin: 50% 100}
                      .shape {
                        perspective: 7px;
                      @keyframes music {
                        0%, 100% { transform: translateY(0px) scaleX(1); }
                        20% { transform: translateY(2px) scaleX(0.9); }
                        40% { transform: rotateY(10deg) rotateZ(-10deg); }
                        60% { transform: translateY(-4px) scaleX(1.1); }
                        80% { transform: rotateY(-10deg) rotateZ(10deg); }
                    .: |    
                      ha-card {
                        border: none !important;
                        box-shadow: none !important;

but that gives me a duplicate key on the ha-card


  1. Chips are quite different from normal cards in terms of the pathing, so just keep that in mind.

  2. Chips dont have a .shape i would check the element paths of the card you are trying to style. The background of a chip is just considered a card background, because each chip is considered its own card.

  3. The way you get to the icon of a chip and the background of a chip is not the same. So you would do this:

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: template
    icon: mdi:ab-testing
      style: |
        ha-card {
          border: none !important;
          box-shadow: none !important;
  - type: template
    icon: mdi:test-tube
      style: |
        ha-card {
          border: none !important;
          box-shadow: none !important;
    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(1)$: |
      ha-state-icon {
        {% if is_state("climate.ruimte1_airco", 'cool') %}
          --card-mod-icon: mdi:fan;
          animation: spin 1s linear infinite ;
        {% endif %}
        display: flex;
      @keyframes spin {
        100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }
    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(2)$: |
      ha-state-icon {
        {% if is_state('media_player.woonkamer', 'playing') %}
          animation: music 2s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
        {% endif %}
        transform-origin: 50% 100;
      @keyframes music {
        0%, 100% { transform: translateY(0px) scaleX(1); }
        20% { transform: translateY(2px) scaleX(0.9); }
        40% { transform: rotateY(10deg) rotateZ(-10deg); }
        60% { transform: translateY(-4px) scaleX(1.1); }
        80% { transform: rotateY(-10deg) rotateZ(10deg); }
1 Like

Dear friend, I apologize for not answering right away. Your method number two helped me a lot, thank you!!! There is one more small problem… How can you stretch the temperature control so that it is the same length as the sliders? In picture number two, I did it in Photoshop as I would like, but I can’t… I studied your materials but found only editing the slider… But I don’t have a slider and I can’t change the size…

type: custom:stack-in-card
mode: horizontal
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    entity: climate.otoplenie_zal
    secondary: |
      {% if states(config.entity) == 'heat' %}
        On -
       {{state_attr(config.entity, 'current_temperature')}}%
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      action: more-info
    icon: mdi:fire
    layout: horizontal
    icon_color: |
      {{ '#ff6f22' if is_state(config.entity, 'heat') else 'grey' }}
    primary: Hall
    fill_container: false
    multiline_secondary: false
      style: |
        ha-state-icon {
          {% if state_attr(config.entity, 'hvac_action') == 'heating'  %}
            animation: fire 3.5s infinite;
            transform-origin: 50% 85%;
          {% endif %} 
        ha-card {
          border: none;
          box-shadow: none;
          margin-left: -0px !important;
          margin-right: 0px !important;
          margin-bottom: 0px !important;
        @keyframes fire {
          0% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          5% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          10% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          15% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          20% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          25% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          30% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          35% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          40% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          45% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          50% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          55% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          60% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          65% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          70% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          75% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          80% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          85% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          90% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          95% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          100% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
  - type: custom:mushroom-climate-card
    entity: climate.otoplenie_zal
    collapsible_controls: false
    show_temperature_control: true
    layout: horizontal
      style: |

        ha-card {
          border: none;
        mushroom-state-item {
          display: none;
        mushroom-state-info$: |
         .container {
          flex-direction: row !important;
          align-items: baseline;
          gap: 10px;

This should do the trick. And hopefully should also “grow” correctly with different screen sizes being used.

type: custom:stack-in-card
mode: horizontal
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    entity: climate.lounge_heating
    secondary: |
      {% if states(config.entity) == 'heat' %}
        On -
       {{state_attr(config.entity, 'temperature')}}%
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      action: more-info
    icon: mdi:fire
    layout: horizontal
    icon_color: |
      {{ '#ff6f22' if is_state(config.entity, 'heat') else 'grey' }}
    primary: Hall
    fill_container: false
    multiline_secondary: false
      style: |
        ha-state-icon {
          {% if state_attr(config.entity, 'hvac_action') == 'heating'  %}
            animation: fire 3.5s infinite;
            transform-origin: 50% 85%;
          {% endif %} 
        ha-card {
          box-shadow: none;
          margin-left: 0px !important;
          margin-right: 0px !important;
          margin-bottom: 0px !important;
        @keyframes fire {
          0% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          5% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          10% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          15% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          20% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          25% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          30% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          35% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          40% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          45% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          50% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          55% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          60% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          65% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          70% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          75% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          80% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          85% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          90% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          95% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
          100% { transform: rotate({{range(-20, 20) | random / 10}}deg) scaleY({{range(9, 12) | random / 10}}); color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); opacity: {{range(7, 10) | random / 10}}; }
  - type: custom:mushroom-climate-card
    entity: climate.lounge_heating
    collapsible_controls: false
    show_temperature_control: true
    layout: horizontal
        mushroom-climate-temperature-control$: |
          mushroom-input-number {
            flex-basis: 100% !important;
        .: |
          mushroom-state-item {
            display: none;
          ha-card {
            margin-left: -8px !important;

The key bit is this:

        mushroom-climate-temperature-control$: |
          mushroom-input-number {
            flex-basis: 100% !important;

We are accessing the element that is the whole container for the number selection and telling it. Hey you are a flex element of multiple elements that could be there. Please take up 100% of the available width to you.

1 Like

This helped me!!! Thank you very much!!!

top ! thanks for being so patient with me !

Friend, please help me with one more small problem… In the photo of Fan1 and Fan 2, the icon continues to light up when turned off. I found information that it can be made gray by adding this line of code “{{ ‘#00bcd4’ if is_state(config.entity, ‘on’) else ‘grey’ }}” but I spent several hours of time and could not integrate it into existing code… It looks like I’m making some syntax errors… Please help me, how to put this code correctly?

type: custom:mushroom-fan-card
entity: fan.ventilation_pwm_fan4
fill_container: false
icon_animation: true
show_percentage_control: true
show_oscillate_control: false
collapsible_controls: false
secondary_info: state
  grid_columns: 4
  grid_rows: 1
layout: horizontal
name: Fan1
    mushroom-shape-icon$: |
      .shape {
        --shape-color: #163c40 !important;
    .: |
      ha-state-icon {
       color: #00bcd4;
    mushroom-fan-percentage-control$: |
      mushroom-slider {
          --main-color: #00bcd4 !important;
          --bg-color: #163c40 !important;

I also moved your sections around a bit. But thats just my preference in order.

type: custom:mushroom-fan-card
entity: fan.downstairs_bathroom_relay_l1
fill_container: false
icon_animation: true
show_percentage_control: true
show_oscillate_control: false
collapsible_controls: false
secondary_info: state
  grid_columns: 4
  grid_rows: 1
layout: horizontal
name: Fan1
    mushroom-shape-icon$: |
      .shape {
        --shape-color: #163c40 !important;
    mushroom-fan-percentage-control$: |
      mushroom-slider {
        --main-color: #00bcd4 !important;
        --bg-color: #163c40 !important;
    .: |
      ha-state-icon {
        color: {{'#00bcd4' if is_state(config.entity, 'on') else 'grey'}};

You can also do this instead, IMO a bit easier to read:

type: custom:mushroom-fan-card
entity: fan.downstairs_bathroom_relay_l1
fill_container: false
icon_animation: true
show_percentage_control: true
show_oscillate_control: false
collapsible_controls: false
secondary_info: state
  grid_columns: 4
  grid_rows: 1
layout: horizontal
name: Fan1
    mushroom-shape-icon$: |
      .shape {
        --shape-color: #163c40 !important;
    mushroom-fan-percentage-control$: |
      mushroom-slider {
        --main-color: #00bcd4 !important;
        --bg-color: #163c40 !important;
    .: |
      ha-state-icon {
        {% if is_state(config.entity, 'on') %}
          color: #00bcd4;
        {% else %}
          color: grey;
        {% endif %}
1 Like

Thank you very much!!! You helped me a lot!!!

Hello my friends, currently handling a nightmare.
I haven’t been “up to date” with Mushroom, or even last updates.

I have my entire dashboard designed in Mushroom and Lovelace, but now it seems to be all broken. I have hundres of animated icons that now don’t even show (it’s like a secondary row under the ones on the screenshot).

They’re in the code, just doesn’t show. I attach a old screenshot so you can see what I mean. Can you help me fix it or explain what’s going on here? It’s only happening since I updated both HA and my HACS modules.

Thank you so much.
Code here: type: vertical-stackcards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type -

this happened since 2024.7.
see some older posts with workarounds.
it has been discussed a lot.