If you want to go bleeding edge, hop on the pre release train. It now includes the public weather sensors.
It finally is back! Check out 0.113.
Thanks, it was important for some.
Yeah, I know, I use(d) it myself, I felt the pain. Sorry about the inconvenience.
hi @cgtobi, thanks a million for the nice work done here! do you see ever happening to be able to point ton one specific location?
Also, I’m extremely interested in obtaining instant rain values. Could you advise on the best configuration for achieving that? should I go for avg or max?
thanks again!
Thanks for the kind feedback.
Instant feedback is not provided by the API. Values are only updated every 10 minutes.
For the other question, are you asking about picking a specific station?
Oh my god. I totally overlooked this change, though I looked for netatmo changes in every release notes…
So I built my own scipt which downloads first the current public accesstoken and then downloading the current stations to a text file running as a cronjob. Errors are filtered out.
For the HA sensors I made a set of REST, template and average sensor.
Advantage: I learned a lot of scripting, I can read out all single stations in the whole area, no netamo account needed
Disadvantage: from time to time some sensors are down which results in errors in the HA logfile, probably you need to have a full linux and can’t use home assistant OS
So I would like to share here my results. Maybe it’s usefull in some way for somehow
while (( $n <= 3 ))
token=$(curl -i https://weathermap.netatmo.com/ | grep accessToken | awk '{print substr($3, 2, length($3)-3)}')
status_code=$(curl --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /opt/scripts/netatmo_temp.txt -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" "https://api.netatmo.com/api/getpublicdata?lat_ne=51.144288&lon_ne=9.525850&lat_sw=51.139198&lon_sw=9.514476&required_data=rain&filter=false")
word_count=$(wc -c /opt/scripts/netatmo_temp.txt | awk '{print $1}')
echo "Statuscode: $status_code"
n=$(( n+1 ))
if [[ "$status_code" -ne 200 ]] ; then
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Site status changed to $status_code" > /opt/scripts/netatmo_error.txt
if [[ "$word_count" -gt 1000 ]] ; then
cp /opt/scripts/netatmo_temp.txt /opt/docker/homeassistant/www/netatmo.txt
echo "$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") Word Count zu niedrig: $word_count" > /scripts/netatmo_error_wc.txt
- platform: rest
name: Rain Example Street
json_attributes_path: "$.body[*].measures.05:00:00:06:a6:cc"
- rain_24h
- rain_60min
- rain_live
value_template: "{{ 'Rain Example Street' }}"
- platform: template
friendly_name: Rain Today Example Street
value_template: "{{ states.sensor.rain_today_example_street.attributes.rain_24h | float | round(2) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "mm"
# same for rain_60min and rain_live
- platform: average
name: "Rain Today City"
- sensor.rain_today_example_street
- sensor.rain_today_example_street_1
- sensor.rain_today_example_street_2
- sensor.rain_today_example_street_3
# same for rain_60min and rain_live
Did HA 21.7 break the Netatmo Public Weather sensor integration?
I upgraded HA to 21.7.3 now and still all my public sensors are unavailable.
You may have this error too
Yes, I do. Thanks for the link.