New Netatmo climate component supporting multiple thermostats/valves

Thanks! I’ve updated the files/procedure in this post. (Essentially just changed the importing place to homeassistant.components.climate.const.)

Since the PR has been merged to dev, I think it won’t take a long time for this to be included in the official releases.

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I don’t complain, but lastly an ha Update always took some time to fix everything again.

But I can understand because ha is an ongoing opensource project.
Updates are good, but a lot breaking changes in the last weeks.

I have learned something new today: Did not know I could just do the direct import like you describe @Baosong_Shan.

Excellent component: I do have Netatmo thermostats and Netatmo weather station, since the official Neatmo component for climate does not work, I installed this custom_component (climate) and in my config I have as below.
The climate works perfectly, but the weather station is now nowhere, am I missing something?

  api_key: !secret netatmo_api_key
  secret_key: !secret netatmo_secret_key
  username: !secret netatmo_username
  password: !secret netatmo_password
  discovery: False

  - platform: netatmo

  - platform: netatmo
    station: Home
         - temperature
         - temperature
         - min_temp
         - max_temp
         - co2

do I have to rename one of the two? Like one Netatmo and other Netatmo2??

With 0.89 I get this error

Platform not found: sensor.netatmo

I don’t know if this has something to do with this component. When I comment out the sensors from my wheater station, than the config is ok.

Does someone here know how to fix this?

For this custom component I already added the new files to the netatmo folder in custom_components.

Error: Unable to find platform netatmo. Search path was limited to path of component: custom_components

Sorry I don’t have weather station so I cannot test this myself. Possible workaround:

Trying to remove from the directory netatmo.

If not working, then you probably have to think about pulling the other files from core/homeassistant/components/netatmo at 0.89.0 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

So thirst thing I should do is removing the init file in the custom_components/netatmo folder?
Without replacing it with something?

And if it doesn’t work where should I put the files from link?

EDIT: @Baosong_Shan you really are a rockstar, deleted the file in the netatmo folder and works again.

BUT one more thing:
I get this with 0.89.

I had this before with the old way we had it (think was home).

you need to add other files, otherwise, you will not have neatmo climate component

This means you should put back, and download others from gitlab as well, as @Molodax pointed out.

I think I will need some more information, where should I put which files? I use hassio.

  1. re-add to custom_components/netatmo from @Baosong_Shan
  2. ?
  3. ?

Let’s make everything simple! Just download all the files from core/homeassistant/components/netatmo at dev · home-assistant/core · GitHub and put into your custom_components/netatmo directory, then restart your HA. By this way you would be able to test the possible next release which includes this change.

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Did that, works again. Thanks!

like putting in your custom_component/netatmo directory? too?

Why don’t you ask to put your code as the official netatmo component?

He did “asked” and it should be official soon, this is why the files from the dev link above work when you copy it in your custom comp directory. The code from @Baosong_Shanis already in there.

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great thanks, now changed all the code from the dev branch

I copied all code (5 files from dev branch, not the camera since I do not have any), the climate thermostas work perfectly, but my weather station disappeared: no sensor created

Mine works. Try to restart ha again. Sometimes the sensors don’t show up and I have to restart another time.

Also I have no camera but I also copied that file.

Soon we will delete the custom comp netatmo folder anyway (when in official)

the netatmo sensor, after copyed all files. not appear.
there is some problem.
climate work

check if they have new entity names.

E.g if they where sensor.netatmo before, they could be sensor.netatmo_2 now.