New tuya on 2021.10 not working

Hi All

It seems specifically the “Toggle” function and updating of the state isn’t working.

I’ve managed to fix this buy not using the toggle switch, but by adding a button which sends an “ON” or “OFF” command

This is done by

  • Entity
  • Call Service
  • Turn light ON

and another button for Off.

You can add existing groups of lights so you don’t need to make a button for each light.
I’ve only just started using the system so I came accross this while setting up Tuya for the first time.


No, I didn’t as this seems to be common bug for many.
Or you are talking about local tuya?

Implemented a work arround since Tuya will solve the problem. Generated an automatization every 5 minutes to reload tuya integration, and after that devices status is updated.

This is not the best solution, but no other solutions I can imagine now.

Just to add that the devs are aware of this and working on a solution.

You can follow this GitHub issue for latest developments.


Can you show how? I tried to search such, but I can’t figure out how to make this reload…

I used
Home Assistant Core Integration: Update entity
and it also works :slight_smile:

My automation:

  • id: ‘1637966900083’
    alias: Rearrancr Tuya noche
    description: ‘’
    • platform: time_pattern
      hours: /1
    • condition: time
      after: 00:00
      before: 06:00
    • service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
      entity_id: “one entity of tuya integration”
      mode: single

parameter /1 is to execute every hour, if you want to execute it 15 minutos put /15 in the minutes field

For resolve this truble need to create new cloud project, and add device status notification in tuya.

This must be why my Tuya integration in HA has said “Failed to set up” for some weeks now with all devices offline. This is a pain in the butt as I had a LOT of automations I have been building all summer using Smart Life devices in HA. The thought of having to redo everything gives me quite the headache. I am beginning to feel that the smart home is no longer that smart if I am spending more time maintaining it than I would be manually making things happen with dumb devices lol. gasp. I’ll put this one on the back burner for now.


This error is most likely because you didn’t REMOVE Tuya V2 before upgrading to 2021.10. It is incompatible and will clash with the new Tuya integration. You should perhaps do what it says, and “Check the logs”.

I have the same problem.

After HA restart it works fine for a minute but later stauses not updating.

It’s not a problem with “Device Status Notification” API because I have it subscribed since July.

1 Like

Allegedly it’s fixed in Home Assistant 2021.12.6? I’ve been having the same issue (where reloading the integration similarly fixes the state of the entities). I updated and haven’t had the issue yet, but don’t know the frequency at which it occurred before.

If it’s not fixed in 12.6 it looks like it has been fixed in 12.7 because it’s mentioned in the release notes.
Nevermind - reading comprehension failure. It IS 12.6… Dec 27. That’s where I have misremembered the 7 from…

Hola, tengo este mismo problema, no se actualizan los estados de sensores y termómetros de Tuya, solo cuando reinicio la integración con Tuya en Home assistant.

Me gustaría poder conectar directamente los sensores Zigbee de Tuya con un hub conectado directamente a mi Raspberry Pi4.

He adquirido un coordinador Zigbee CC2531, que aún no he podido reconocer en HA

Me puedes recomendar algún tutorial o libro para aprender como programar scripts en HA?

La verdad es que voy muy perdido, tengo 50 años y mis conocimientos de programación son de plc’s de los años 90 y 2000.

Te agradezco de antemano.

I have the same problem, but just with my smart strip that has 4 outlets. Works through the smartlife app, but does not toggle them with the integration in HA.

I have the same issue… couple of devices don’t connect, state change is very unreliable… was working perfectly earlier. On Tuya (Smart Life) App everything works

This issue is still present in the 2021.12.10 version.

I have issues with a light strip other Tuya lights are working with 2022.2.3.

I have similar problems. I can’t turn on or off my heater, but I can switch it on and off via the device debugging… Any way to send custom codes to tuya iot platform? Full story here:

Klarstein Heater limited support?

Just leaving this response here as well: Is anyone else having a problem with Tuya? - #46 by vongohren

Mulitple data centers in the Tuya setup, messes up the communication