Problem with zigbee 2 gang switch

Hello, I am very new to home assistant and this is my first time setting home assistant. I have a problem with 2 gangs tuya Zigbee switche, couple of 2 gangs switches in my house when I turn on one button, another button will turn on too. The same goes when I press turn off. Are there any suggestions for this problem?

Also, I notice that those 2 gangs switches that have problems happened to be connected two ways before I change to Zigbee switch.

Thank you

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Did you manage to resolve this?

Having same issue, any fixes out there?

Unfortunately you didnā€™t tell the brand and model of the switch(es). If those are made by Moes this thread might be of interest to you

Hi, yes itā€™s Moes TS0012 (Zigbee no neutral). Trying to understand the topic - but I guess I need MQTT? Have no idea about that, started with HA today, and trying to move my Tuya products over.

Well yes. You need to install a MQTT-broker (see addon Store) and ZHA (or Zigbee2MQTT ā†’ Addon Store). Furthermore you need a Zigbee-coordinator (or a Zigbee Hub).

This thread should be a good start.

Thanks! I have a SkyConnect Zigbee dongle. I will start the process.

Certainly a wise decision :+1:t3:

Watched lots of videos, canā€™t get the add-on to work. Something in my config?

data_path: /config/zigbee2mqtt
  enabled: false
  master: pty,raw,echo=0,link=/tmp/ttyZ2M,mode=777
  slave: tcp-listen:8485,keepalive,nodelay,reuseaddr,keepidle=1,keepintvl=1,keepcnt=5
  options: "-d -d"
  log: false
  server: mqtt://core-mosquitto
  port: >-

Also tried adding user and password in the broker settings, and tried to change the port to ā€œport: /dev/ttyUSB0ā€ and tried with and without ā€œadapter: ezspā€

What is the logfile telling?

Look also HERE

I decided to diable Zigbee add-on and getting less errors, but now getting ā€œMQTT error: Connection refused: Not authorizedā€.

Add username and password under mqtt: (and create the user in HA)

Can it be my user or a separate user? And must I log in as that user?

many create a user ā€˜mqttā€™, you donā€™t need to login as that user.

Finally got it to work, thanks all!