Problem with zigbee 2 gang switch

Hello, I am very new to home assistant and this is my first time setting home assistant. I have a problem with 2 gangs tuya Zigbee switche, couple of 2 gangs switches in my house when I turn on one button, another button will turn on too. The same goes when I press turn off. Are there any suggestions for this problem?

Also, I notice that those 2 gangs switches that have problems happened to be connected two ways before I change to Zigbee switch.

Thank you

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Did you manage to resolve this?

Having same issue, any fixes out there?

Unfortunately you didn’t tell the brand and model of the switch(es). If those are made by Moes this thread might be of interest to you

Hi, yes it’s Moes TS0012 (Zigbee no neutral). Trying to understand the topic - but I guess I need MQTT? Have no idea about that, started with HA today, and trying to move my Tuya products over.

Well yes. You need to install a MQTT-broker (see addon Store) and ZHA (or Zigbee2MQTT → Addon Store). Furthermore you need a Zigbee-coordinator (or a Zigbee Hub).

This thread should be a good start.

Thanks! I have a SkyConnect Zigbee dongle. I will start the process.

Certainly a wise decision :+1:t3:

Watched lots of videos, can’t get the add-on to work. Something in my config?

data_path: /config/zigbee2mqtt
  enabled: false
  master: pty,raw,echo=0,link=/tmp/ttyZ2M,mode=777
  slave: tcp-listen:8485,keepalive,nodelay,reuseaddr,keepidle=1,keepintvl=1,keepcnt=5
  options: "-d -d"
  log: false
  server: mqtt://core-mosquitto
  port: >-

Also tried adding user and password in the broker settings, and tried to change the port to “port: /dev/ttyUSB0” and tried with and without “adapter: ezsp”

What is the logfile telling?

Look also HERE

I decided to diable Zigbee add-on and getting less errors, but now getting “MQTT error: Connection refused: Not authorized”.

Add username and password under mqtt: (and create the user in HA)

Can it be my user or a separate user? And must I log in as that user?

many create a user ‘mqtt’, you don’t need to login as that user.

Finally got it to work, thanks all!