Samba add-on changed /config to /homeassistant

So, yes. Since we’ve been discussing the current version, clearly it has an issue.

Well… at no point did you say you used beta versions.
So “current version” is not really correct.
Anyway, nothing more to do here now :wave:

you do know that you are referring to a bug-report, where NO supervisor -versions is mentioned, not that i can see . the reporter only says core-version and Samba version, the very same Samba-Version which supposed to change the /config folder to /homeassistant , or was that somehow supervisor 2023.11.0 which did that ?

ok, so maybe the bug-reporter is also … i dont know, as he haven’t mentioned it either
But tha doesn’t explain “how it works” , when an add-on change the name of /config to /homeassistant , and how that can conflict with supervisor, so the /config folder is not changed to /homeassistant.
So why don’t you , from start actually ( as you Know How it Works ), change your attitude, and admit that is an issue for more than 1 user, most likely a handful … which must likely will “drop out” of betas, do to your attitude

I also can not access my HA from my windows computer after updating Samba 11. Windows sees the new homeassistant folder, but I can not open it. The terminal add on program see the config directory. The windows Samba does not. I thought that this was not a major update as I did not see breaking changes and I did not backup prior to this update. Is there a method to install the 10.0.2 version of Samba?


yes in /setting/system/backups, you should have the latest backup of samba, if you have autobackup that is :wink:

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I just found it. Hopefully it will work again after the restore.
Tried following this thread and other issue posted on GitHub and I don’t have a clue and what they are trying to do? This change seems to break many users stuff.

All works again and my maps all came back.


Yeah, i guess they are trying to “sort it out” , but “some” people have a strange way of “communicating” in such a “breaking” situation

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Are the people that have the new samba working on the latest HAOS (11.1)?

please everyone, read this Revert Home Assistant configuration to `/config` (#4697) · home-assistant/supervisor@16b71a2 · GitHub

and hold back with confusing or downright incorrect solutions/workarounds.

the devs are aware of the confusion and reconsidered.

  • Revert Home Assistant configuration to /config

With the new add-on config feature the intention is to provide a good
location for add-on specific configurations. Currently, add-ons such
as Node RED or ESPHome use the Home Assistant config directory because
this location is accessible to the user (via Samba VSCode add-on etc.).

To make it clear to add-on developer that the new intention is to use
add-on specific config, the implementation now bind mounts the add-on
configuration directory to /config. And since some add-ons still need
access to the Home Assistant configuration, its config folder is mounted
to /homeassistant under the new scheme.

However, users do know the path /config, and edit things e.g. through
the SSH or VS Code add-on. Also /config is still the
directory from inside the Core container.

For SSH/VS Code add-on we could work around using a symlink, but that
only works as long as these add-ons don’t have a add-on config

This all has very high confusion potential, for not much gain. The
renaming is mainly “developer friendly”, but not really user friendly.

Let’s minimize potential confusion, and keep things where they are.
The Home Assistant config directory stays at `/config, in all cases,

Map the new add-on configuration directory to /addon_config.


In short, people who have experienced this specific “issue”, does seems to have supervisor .dev installed 2023.11.2
And maybe people who currently have supervisor 2023.11.0 and updated to Samba 11.0.0, will have to update Samba again, unless it will be solved with other “symlinks” , i hope they remove the symlink my /config … having a symlink in i.e /homeassistant pointing to itself doesn’t feel right ( homeassistant → /homeassistant ) as of now , after i Updated Samba to 11.0.0


I guess Samba Dev’s just tried to “be ahead” :slight_smile: … shit happens

Look here please and wait:


Samba 12 release notes mentions that this is temporary until 11.2 supervisor is rolled out. I have 11.2 and samba 11 fails for me. 12 works with no issue.

Is supervisor 11.2 rolled out and stable? No. So stop worrying about the beta version and wait until it’s officially released.

Sorry but on my system, there is no way to know if supervisor is beta or released. My about shows 11.2. How can I tell if it is beta, dev or released if the version doesn’t show it? I.e core and os does.

Are we seriously going to have this conversation again? The answer is exactly the same the last time we had this conversation on discord which sparked your FR for having beta in the supervisor name.

View beta versions here →
view stable versions here →

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I have HAOS, samba addon. No beta channel(s). I have the issue that /config is not there anymore and changed to /homeassistant. This is a breaking change for me since I (also) backup config files that way.

I am up to date to all “latest” (again I run HAOS).

Do I understand correctly this is going to be changed back again to /config? Or is this there to stay and should I change scprits?

It’s getting reverted. Don’t do anything

I believe we should. Supervisor updates automatically (unless blocked by a user configuration). Why is it unreasonable for a user to be able to see on their system that they have a beta supervisor installed? What will supervisor 11.2 beta 2 be called?

And by the way I know of no other software that uses the same numbering for released vs beta, vs alpha, etc. Most developers that I have worked with always track software versions carefully.

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