Script for Sonos Speakers to Stop Current Alarm or Temporarily Disable Upcoming Alarm

This script blueprint provides a convenient way to stop the current or upcoming
alarm on a Sonos speaker. When called, the script checks if audio is currently
playing and if so, stops the audio. If not, the script checks if an alarm is coming soon
and prevents it from going off by disabling the alarm and re-enabling after it
would have gone off. At most, one alarm is impacted.

The following field parameters can be given when the script is called:

  • [required] Sonos speaker (that the alarms are attached to)
  • [optional] Time window that is used to find and disable a future alarm. 60 minutes if not specified. Maximum of 360 minutes (or 6 hours).

This script is particularly convenient when:

  • You wake up earlier than your alarm and don’t want to wake others
  • You don’t want to fiddle with your phone or speaker when you wake up
  • You have have a phyiscal button near your bed (e.g. a Lutron Caseta Pico remote)

Additional notes

  • I recommend setting the mode to parallel when using the same script for multiple automations
  • This blueprint has no inputs, but is meant to be a script to call from automations

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

# ***************************************************************************
# *  Copyright 2022 Joseph Molnar
# *
# *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# *  limitations under the License.
# ***************************************************************************

# Stops a currently playing or future alarm on a Sonos speaker.

  name: "Stop Sonos Alarm"
    This blueprint is used to add a script that stops current audio on the specified Sonos speaker 
    but if nothing is playing the script checks if an alarm is coming soon and if so, prevents it 
    from going off by disabling the alarm and then re-enabling after it would have gone off. Only 
    one alarm is impacted. 
    This is perfect for when you wake up earlier than your alarm and don't want the alarm to wake 

    I recommend setting the mode to parallel if you will use this script on more than one speaker.
  domain: script

    description: The entity id of the device to stop the alarm on.
    name: Entity
    required: true
        domain: media_player
        integration: sonos
    name: Time Window
      If music isn't playing this is the number of minutes (up to 6 hours) the script will look forward
      to find an active alarm to disable. The alarm is re-enabled about 5 minutes after the time it
      would have gone off.
    required: false
    default: 60
        min: 0
        max: 360
        unit_of_measurement: minutes
        mode: slider
  valid_time_window: >-
    {# make sure we have a valid time window to use #}
    {{ 60 if ( time_window is undefined or time_window < 0 ) else 360 if time_window > 360 else time_window }}
  alarm: >-
    {# Note: I'm new to jinja so there may be more efficient ways to do this...if so, contact me #}
    {%- set entities = device_entities( device_id( entity_id ) ) -%}
    {# since the current day can flip while running this script and we want this as accurate as #}
    {# possible, we capture the current time right away and base all calculations on it so there #}
    {# are no oddities but does mean up front math and more variables to use later #}
    {%- set current_time = now() -%}
    {# set for current midnight to help with calculating alarms for today below #}
    {# again, doesn't use today_at() to ensure no cross-over in the day during execution #}
    {%- set current_midnight = current_time.replace(hour=0,minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0) %} 
    {# we track tomorrow to help with cross-overs at midnight #}
    {%- set tomorrow_midnight = current_midnight + timedelta(days=1) -%} 
    {# the Sonos alarms start the week on Sunday but start at 0 and the ISO week starts on Monday #}
    {# but starts at 1, so to correct the math we just modulo against 7 #}
    {%- set current_weekday = current_midnight.isoweekday() % 7 -%}
    {%- set tomorrow_weekday = ( current_weekday + 1 ) % 7 -%}
    {# we use this namespace to track the alarm time info we find #}
    {%- set alarm_timing = namespace( days = "", time={}) -%}
    {# we set initial delta to help processing later #}    
    {%- set found_alarm = namespace( found = false, entity_id = "", time = "", delta = timedelta(minutes=valid_time_window )) -%} 
    {# we iterate through all the entities on the specified entity looking for alarms #}
    {%- for entity_id in entities -%}
      {%- set entity_id_parts = entity_id.split('.') -%}
      {%- set entity = states[entity_id_parts[0]][entity_id_parts[1]] -%}
      {%- set alarm_id = state_attr( entity_id, "alarm_id") -%}
      {# we see if we found a switch that has an alarm #}
      {%- if entity.domain == "switch" and alarm_id != None and entity.state == "on" -%}
        {# we need to figure out which days the alarm is on #}
        {%- set recurrence = state_attr( entity_id, "recurrence") -%}
        {%- if recurrence == "DAILY" -%}
          {# if a daily alarm, we just indicate we will look across all the days #}
          {%- set alarm_timing.days = "0123456" -%}
        {%- elif recurrence == "WEEKDAYS" -%}
          {# if weekdays we just indicate we will look across Monday through Friday #}
          {%- set alarm_timing.days = "12345" -%}
        {%- elif recurrence == "WEEKENDS" -%}
          {# if a daily alarm, we just indicate we will look across Saturday and Sunday #}
          {%- set alarm_timing.days = "06" -%}
        {%- else -%}
          {# if not a daily alarm, the format is ON_#### (e.g. ON_1236), where ### are numbers of the weekdays #}
          {%- set alarm_timing.days = recurrence.split('_')[1] -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {# we need the time as a delta so we can add later, yes this is hefty work #}
        {# but I don't know another way to take a string and turn into a timedelta #}
        {%- set alarm_time = state_attr( entity_id, "time") -%}
        {%- set alarm_time_parts = alarm_time.split(':') -%}
        {%- set alarm_timing.time = timedelta( hours=alarm_time_parts[0] | int, minutes=alarm_time_parts[1] | int ) -%}
        {# so now we loop through each day to see if we have a matching alarm #}
        {# ideally we'd shortcircuit once we find it or go too far #}
        {%- for day_string in alarm_timing.days %}
          {%- set day = day_string | int -%}
          {%- if day == current_weekday -%}
            {# if the alarm is for today then we use current_midnight as a basis for time comparison #}
            {%- set alarm_timestamp = current_midnight + alarm_timing.time-%}
            {%- set delta = alarm_timestamp - current_time -%}
            {# delta can't be negative, and replace alarm if delta is less than the last found (which includes never found) #}
            {%- if delta >= timedelta() and >= delta -%}
              {%- set found_alarm.found = true -%}
              {%- set found_alarm.entity_id = entity_id %}
              {%- set found_alarm.time = alarm_time %}
              {%- set found_alarm.call_timestamp = current_time %}
              {%- set = delta %}
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- elif day == tomorrow_weekday %}
            {# if the alarm is for tomorrow then we use tomorrow_midnight as a basis for time comparison #}
            {%- set alarm_timestamp = tomorrow_midnight + alarm_timing.time-%}
            {%- set delta = alarm_timestamp - current_time -%}
            {# delta can't be negative, and replace alarm if delta is less than the last found (which includes never found) #}
            {%- if delta >= timedelta() and >= delta -%}
              {%- set found_alarm.found = true -%}
              {%- set found_alarm.entity_id = entity_id %}
              {%- set found_alarm.time = alarm_time %}
              {%- set found_alarm.call_timestamp = current_time %}
              {%- set = delta %}
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- endif -%}
        {%- endfor %}
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
    {# if we find the alarm then we can stop / pause it #}
    {%- if found_alarm.found == true %}
      {# return back the delta to help calculate when to re-enable the alarm, yes missing microseconds, but close enough #}
      {% set delta_hours = ( / ( 3600 ) ) | int -%}
      {% set remaining_seconds = - ( delta_hours * 3600 ) | int -%}
      {% set delta_minutes = ( remaining_seconds / 60 ) | int  %}
      {% set remaining_seconds = remaining_seconds - ( delta_minutes * 60 ) -%}
      {{ { "found": true, "entity_id": found_alarm.entity_id, "time": found_alarm.time, "call_timestamp" : found_alarm.call_timestamp | string, "delta": { "hours": delta_hours,"minutes": delta_minutes, "seconds" : remaining_seconds } } }}
    {%- else -%}
      {{ { "found": false } }}
    {%- endif -%}

  - choose:
      # we see if the speaker is playing and if so stop it
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: >
              {{ is_state(entity_id, 'playing') }}
          - service: media_player.media_stop
              entity_id: >
                {{ entity_id }}
      # if device isn't playing then we see if we found an alarm and if not, do nothing
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: >
              {{ alarm.found == false }}
        sequence: []
      # if we got here the speaker isn't playing and we found a suitable alarm
      - service: switch.turn_off
          entity_id: >
            {{ alarm.entity_id }}
      - delay:
          # we now wait to re-enable the alarm by using the delta to when the alarm
          # was suppose to go off, but adding five minutes, just to be safe
          hours: >
            {{  }} 
          minutes: >
            {{ + 5 }} 
          seconds: >
            {{ }} 
      - service: switch.turn_on
          entity_id: >
            {{ alarm.entity_id }}

# we run in parallel since this may take some time to run and more than one alarm
# may be attempted to be turned off in a household
mode: parallel
icon: mdi:alarm



  • 2022-05-13: Fixed bug when Sonos reports recurrence as WEEKDAYS and WEEKENDS
  • 2022-05-01: Initial release

List of Blueprints

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Hey all, this script was more complicated to implement than I originally anticipated but it is heavily commented so you can see what I did and why, and hopefully provides an opportunity for others to learn. One key principle was getting the time from the system only once to prevent weird edge cases should the day flip in the middle of the script.

Anyhow, enjoy. Definitely a convenient script if you have Sonos speakers in your bedroom and some form of physical programmable button (e.g. Lutron Caseta Pico remote) since it turns off a currently playing alarm but more importantly will temporarily disable an upcoming alarm if you get up early (so your significant other will not be bothered and you don’t need to hunt into an app on your phone to disable and later re-enable an alarm).

Nice work
That’s one heck of a template but very well documented.

Bestus snooze button ever!

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Thanks! Was definitely a fun one to figure out :slight_smile:.

1 Like

Just updated the script to fix a bug. When the Sonos alarm is either setup for only weekdays or only weekends it reports a different style of recurrence value than observed for other day configurations.

Thanks, great job. Here a part of (hopefully Jinja optimization, I’m new to):

      {# we iterate through all the entities on the specified entity looking for alarms #}
      {% for entity_id in entities %}
        {# we see if we found a switch that has an alarm #}
        {% if states[entity_id].domain == "switch" and is_state(entity_id,'on') and not(state_attr(entity_id,'alarm_id') is none) %}
          {# we need to figure out which days the alarm is on #}
          {% set recurrence = state_attr( entity_id, 'recurrence') %}


With the latest Sonos update, this script no longer seems to work. :frowning: