💡 Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time - Light Control - Device Tracker - Night Lights


You can’t do that it will not work correctly. Can’ have a trigger turn on a light and also have that light as a trigger because every motion event turns the light ON and then the light triggers the automation again, because the light is the trigger it need to go OFF but it just stays ON never turning the light OFF :thinking: :disappointed:

If you do it through your dashboard you could make a helper toggle add it to bypass 1. Have bypass auto OFF turn your helper toggle OFF automaticity in X amount of time like your time delay time or what ever you like. When when the bypass goes OFF and motion is detected the light will stay ON if no motion is detected the light will turn OFF.

Hope this helps

Blacky :smiley:


Looks like the config controls the light, light brightness and temp with a few conditions. Try not selecting any light control options and see if that works :crossed_fingers:

Blacky :smiley:

Your welcome

Blacky :smiley:

Try not selecting any light control options and see if that works :crossed_fingers:

Thanks for the quick reply and suggestion😁 Would you like me to try to disable the brightness control and temperature control of the light card itself or in your automation?

I believe the conditions in the config I posted is related to maintaining a constant color temperature when adjusting the brightness. I.e when selecting the warmest temperature the brightness will be limited to 50% since only the WarmWhite LED will be operating. Selecting 100% brightness will set both CW/WW to 100% and then the color temp will be the result og 100% CW and 100% WW.

In the automation as it looks like you are controlling this and all you need is to turn it ON and OFF.

I quickly look at your code but didn’t dig into it but my thinking was, we can’t have 2 things controlling the one thing.

Blacky :smiley:

The blueprint is great, I’m loving it. But it can even be greater if I can use the Dynamic Lighting. I believe I’m doing something wrong, because this is not working. Everything else works (motion, light on/off and night light).

I making use the Dynamic Lightning Option and I configured the Entity of the “Dynamic Lighting - Ambient Lights Sensor” with my Hue Motion indoor sensor with has also a Illuminance sensor.

When I create a Dashboard for the Illuminance sensor, it gives an Illuminance measure between 0 and 15. There is also an attribute “Night level” which is between 0 and approx 15000. What should I configure in min_lux and max_lux? Is that the night level (attribute) or is that the lx value of the sensor on the entity?

      - use_brightness
      - use_transition
      - enable_dynamic_lighting_brightness
    dynamic_lighting_lux_sensor: sensor.hue_motion_sensor_2_illuminance
    dynamic_lighting_min_lux: 80
    dynamic_lighting_max_lux: 400

I love this Blueprint, and its made me go buy a bunch more presence sensors with light detection for areas of the house.

Question though: My house has different booleans as “states” including “Awake”, “Sleeping”, “Night” and “day”

When “Night” turns on (when the sun goes down), all the lights on our first floor turn on. I’d like it if that included lights controlled by this Blueprint, and they didn’t shut off until “Sleeping” goes on (which triggers all lights off).

I tried doing that with Bypass, tying “Turn on” to “Night”, but it then disabled the motion detectors? Not sure the correct way to do this?


Thanks for nice blueprint. Is it possible to have time delay as “input_number” helper so I could change that from the card?

Hi Blacky,

I have updated to the latest version of the blueprint for a few days now and I have some problems with lights prematurely turning off.

Whats happening:

  • I notice a lot of times the ‘‘delay of light staying on after a trigger’’ is not lengthend if the sensor keeps detecting motion and doesnt go in its clear state. As an example:
    Sensor detected: 01:10:00
    Sensor Clear: 01:15:00
    If I set a delay of 10 minutes the light will turn off at 01:20:00 instead of 01:25:00
    I have this with both a PIR sensor(detection entity) and A MMwave sensor(occupancy entity) (Aqara FP2)

  • The second problem is that when I have multiple triggers(sensors) for 1 automation/light-group it seems they dont lengthen eachother. As an example:
    Sensor 1: 01:10:00 detected
    Sensor 2: 01:15:00 detected
    delay set at 10 min
    The lights will turn off at 01:20:00 and not 01:25:00. In a manual automation I would solve this with Condition → and → check if both sensors are clear for 10:00 if 1 of 2 sensors is clear for 10:00.

I have compared a lot of data including all sensor detections in combination with when lights turned off and this is what I think I came upon.

Sometimes the lights would stay on for like 19minutes with a set delay of 10 and with 1 of the sensors going detected within those 19minutes, So a new trigger. Very weird.

I have also looked if it has something to do with a Lux value goeing above my settings but my setting are at 20LUX and the sensor was not higher then 9. So thats not the problem.

Am I doing something wrong or did I find a problem?


Firstly welcome to the community.

Nice one.

Thanks for providing your YAML.

I can see your setting is 80 - 400 and your lux reads from 0 - 15. Your LUX will never get above 80. Your “Dynamic Lighting - Min Brightness Value” is set on the default of “0” so it will never turn ON.

I have no idea what the night level is but it looks like a better reading as it is from 0 - 15000 as that is a normal range of a LUX sensor. Having a larger range like this looks to be a normal LUX reading and 0 - 15 is not. Having a larger range will make it work better so I would use that if possible.

If you use your 0 - 15 range then to start I would set the min lux to 2 and the max lux to 13, the min brightness to 50% and the max to 100%. That should get you working as you will be in your range. Then you will have to work out what best suite your site and what is happening with your sensor.

Blacky :smiley:


What you can do is if your night has an ON OFF state include it in the trigger. So you can create a binary sensor so when night is on the binary sensor is ON then group your motion sensor with the new binary sensor. This is easy to do

go to stetting / devices and services / helper tab at the top / click on add helper / click on templates / select binary sensor / in state template input the code below but add your night entity ID in. Once your create this, then group your new binary sensor and your motion sensor. Once done, add the group to the automation and remove your motion sensor that is now in the group from your automation so you just have your group in the automation and your done :tada:

{{ is_state('your.night_entity_id_here', 'on') }}

Now every time your night is on the lights will be on. Let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

Sorry, currently it is not designed that way.

Blacky :smiley:


Sometimes when I update the blueprint things are required to do. I don’t know what version you came from so I am not sure if you were effected. I do document it but you can miss it. All the “To Do’s” are in the FAQ found down the bottom. Sometime it is easier to just recreate the automation as that way you know everything is clean. But it looks like you have a trigger issue. First I would group the triggers together. It is also in the FAQ and I have provide the link below for your convenience. If you still have problems once grouped them I would recreate the automation.

Q: I have more than one trigger sensor / binary sensor and my light will come ON then it will turn OFF and stay OFF? - or - The automation is not working correctly with 2 or more trigger sensor / binary sensor and is driving you crazy?

A: Please follow these steps Click Here

Blacky :smiley:

This makes sense. I was trying weird stuff with Bypass but this is way easier.

Thanks for the help,

  • I grouped all sensors.
  • Made the automations from scratch just to be sure (I came from version 2.2 I believe).
  • And added my TV as by-pass entity for the living room lights.

Hope it works!

What happens to the automation when the “Bypass” turns off? In the case of using “3 - Enable the By-pass - Keep the lights current state” would the automation turn the “lights, switches” off if the “trigger” is false?

I am currently looking at this wonderful Blueprint. Thank you very much for it.
But I have a problem. I use Homematic motion detectors, but I can’t select them for brightness under ambience. However, my zwave sensors are displayed there. Does anyone know the problem?

You can do it with the bypass as well if you like as long as your “night” has an on / off state and then use option 1 to turn the lights on.

Blacky :smiley:

Me too

Blacky :smiley:


Welcome to the community.

Yes after the “By-pass - Time Delay”. If you would like it to turn OFF instantly then set “By-pass - Time Delay” to 0.

Blacky :smiley: