Shinobi Camera Component

Any update about adding
(I’ve been trying to use Zoneminder, but failed miserably and Shinobi looks way cooler and more modern)

Any updates/interest in adding in Shinobi to HA? Zoneminder is very outdated and a hassle to install. I’d love to see an alternative added to Home Assistant!

Scratch that :wink: I’ve also tested MotionEye and it does exactly what I want, is easy to setup and integration can be done using MQTT.

There is no way that a PI will handle 5+ camera’s, but if you don’t need that many and it works for you then great, but I still need something with a bit more umph… :slight_smile:

After moving house and finally (6 months later…) looking back in to getting something to ingest all my cameras i’ll be setting up CCTV software on a VM on my NAS.

Did lots of research before moving, tried out a few platforms and at the time found Zoneminder far too resource intensive and over complicated for what it was.
Shinobi on the otherhand was a breeze to set up and definitely a nicer looking GUI. Plus all the motion tracking stuff is pretty ace!

Seems since my last time looking in to it there have been a lot of updates and improvements to Shinobi yet not much movement on Zoneminder… So I know which platform i’ll be going with.

So, in short, next awesome piece of news would be a Shinobi component in HA…
+1 on this feature request from me. May give it a crack myself If I have the time

As a workaround you can add Shinobi feeds to HA using API:
for example:

- platform: generic
  name: Camera1
  still_image_url: http://[shinobihost]:8080/[apikey]/jpeg/[groupkey]/[monitorid]/s.jpg

Indeed. Though using the motion triggers in HA would be very interesting.

+1 too! Just starting to setup shinobi and would love to integrate it with HA

I have started to implement a component for Shinobi. So far automatically adding the cameras as generic cameras (as proposed by @yllar) is working. I couldn’t get the motion feature to work properly, so I can not test this atm. Will put that on github when I finished it (and have to find the proper process for a PR so it gets added in a future version)


1 word… awesome! let me know if you need help testing…

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Please have a try!
I think it is best to track issues in github but I will also have an eye on this thread here.

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give me a couple of days…

Looking good!
I shall give it a test some time tomorrow.
Did make a start on this project myself but haven’t got anywhere near as far as you have so I’ll abandon my fork.

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This is great! I will try it and test asap.

+1 for a Shinobi component.

I have a crappy NVR that I want to replace with a Shinobi build and would love to see it working with HA. add-on :muscle:t3::sunglasses::+1:t3:

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im not 100% sure a shinobi addon will work that well on an rpi3 hassio install due to resource usage, but nice to see that the docker path has come along quite well since the last time i checked it out.

Hello from the Shinobi community. I would like to confirm that Shinobi runs 4 720p cameras on an Odroid C2. I’m sure moeiscool would like to invite anyone to join his discord to say hello and give him a thanks!

As well, Shinobi is in it’s infancy, so expect some bugs/issues. That said, moe is VERY quick to fix any and all issues. He welcomes Pull Requests as well.

Shinobi CE Discord

I agree, nevertheless, is not limited and/or bound to Raspberry Pi. E.g., I’m running it on a machine with an Intel i5.

@frenck of course. Apologies, my comment may have been misworded a bit.
Personally intending to move to an intel nuc myself but I’ll be using shinobi on my main dockerhost (when I get around to finishing off building it…).

Either way, some good work has gone in to this project.

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