I tried to implement support for BMP085 / BMP180, but I failed because of lack of knowledge.
The attachment is my first try to use the library Adafruit_Python_BMP as a template I used dht.py. If you like I can paste the code here, but it does not work.
Then there is a thread about a similar BME280 sensor https://community.home-assistant.io/t/anyone-tried-to-get-data-from-a-bme280-sensor/4095 => https://community.home-assistant.io/t/bmp280-pressure-and-temperature-sensor-on-rpi/4547
The code was not added to upstream. I also tried to modify the code to work with BMP180 (with address 0x77), but I failed again.
From my point of view trying to adapt the code from the BME280 is the better way as it does not need external libs.
With my code I get wrong readings.
What do you think?
Can you support me?