There have been a number of threads across the forum to have the ability to define an offset for various sensor values, see a few linked here:
The current solution seems to be to create a second template sensor from the original with the offset, which to me seems a bit cumbersome. I also searched for this as a feature request and didn’t find anything this wide ranged just a couple of threads specific to Tado devices.
Could we get a setting to define a numeric offset on any numeric sensor value so that people can quickly and easily do this without having to write YAML and duplicate sensors please?
I’ve edited the original post to cover any numeric sensor value, as limiting to just temperature sensors seemed unwise. If it’s numeric it’s likely there is some possible variance from the sensor so having a calibration value is worthwhile.
That does somewhat make this a duplicate of the request mentioned above, so if there are any admins who can close this and migrate the votes that would be helpful.
In my head something like this:
Open the settings entitie you’d like to adjust.
Along with name, icon++ there is a new box called “sensor offset” where you can type value like “0.1” or “-2”
Plus one from me too, I have numerous Hue Motion sensors and none of them are close when in the same spot. They essentially need calibrating against a trusted source then offsetting.