Why are people asking the same questions over and over again? (Or the Regulars' Chatroom) 🤷

That’s why I made the energy FAQ.

Mainly because I was getting tired of answering the same questions over and over again :slight_smile:


Added a link from the cookbook post. :grin:


I like that.
Looks like it could be pulled into a community guide here as well. This should be able to handle the markdown.

I have many things I maintain on git and just copy the md file into here. When I edit them for my Blueprints and custom templates, the README is what I share in the forum.

The pictures have to be a global link so the forum can see them, but otherwise it just goes.


Here’s one that maybe don’t fit, but maybe it does…
We have a search one, how about one to help them with discourse itself?
How to get the Certified Badge - community - Discourse Meta.
There is 2 courses people can take to learn the discourse tools. Hard to find, no one clicks on them on their first interaction when they do their first post, and after that you don’t know how to find them…

They came up in a convo about the strange badges discourse has and how many people have them. Well I have proof that I am certifiable because discobot tells me I and licensed and certified.

I’ll be glad to write something up if we agree it fits. I’m fine if not as well.

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I have another one for your cookbook.

I answer this question every couple of weeks:


Another one from an answer Petro gave to me earlier. I knew some of it, but not all of it, and not as nicely put together as here to explain how template sensors will update:


Pull it out into a post, give Petro credit, and add the tag…

I am about to do the same for something else.

It looks like it’s getting a bit unworldly editing all the posts to have all the links…
How about we create a cookbook index post.
WE reference this one in all the cookbook posts, then when we add one we also edit that one post to add the new one.
We could have it listed with categories and such, make easier to navigate.


Should we add a link to how to ask a good question to the cookbook? Or maybe just a bit a formating code in posts?


Maybe a bot that scans the new post for unformatted YAML and replies with the link to go read?


It would seem possible, but a bit beyond the scope of the cookbook,
Creating bot on discourse - dev - Discourse Meta.

I currently drop the specific FAQ item link on them. Not certain more words are actually needed.
How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question.

The main problem with that is that the page is quite long, and the info re quoting info is way down near the bottom.

That’s a link right to that item, though.

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Yes, by the way how do you all manage your bookmarks for commonly pointed to info?

3 things.
I have an Ubuntu toolbar thing called sticky notes for extended links, external links, quotes, paragraphs, and copy out stuff.
I still have some stuff in bookmarks, but that is getting replaced by…
Discourse bookmarks are great. Moving to these for full length links to posts…

They are well hidden. I didn’t find them the first 4 years here either. always wondered what happened when I clicked that funny box with the hole in the bottom.

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Holy crap…
I just found something else Regulars can do…
Anyone that’s a regular, did you click the (…) so your toolbar opens and look at the wrench?

Do you want to edit this post?

Yes i found it ! :grin: :+1:


Well it would be rude to edit your post, but I can’t find the (…)

Found it, the (…) that is per post.

(That’s it) :tada:

I had to be cheeky :rofl:

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click the wrench, what does it say

“Make wiki”, you should be able to edit my last post.