YET another take on an alarm system

I’m on 0.90.2 (even 0.91.b2) and it is working. Gove me a shout if you want a working code.
The downside the author is not around for months… :frowning:

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I would LOVE some working code for 0.9xxx…

Can you confirm that with your alarm code and 0.9xxx the interface looks like this?
I’ve seen some horror stories of CSS etc gone awry and I’m happy with how things work and look now!

@daneboom and others:
here it is:

back up your files and make sure you have mine ones in the right folders.
If you add to your configuration.yaml

custom_components.bwalarm.alarm_control_panel: error

you’ll be able to change log level to debug in case something goes wrong and you want more information.


I cannot :wink:

:heart_eyes:Thanks buddy
And I presume your code fixes also hoovered up the existing push requests on Github which haven’t (yet?) been accepted but do fix a load of issues? I “fixed” a few issues by applying the patches to my system.
Thanks - will go ahead and patch. Appreciate you doing this.

Well, it has all GitHub fixes I consider applicable to my setup plus my (akasma74) non-merged-yet GitHub fixes.

Ah, cool! You’re the guy whose fixes I’ve been applying to my local copy. THANK YOU!

I tried setting electing my sensors, but can’t do it. As soon as I click on any of them I get this error popping up:

Failed to call service alarm_control_panel/ALARM_YAML_SAVE. 'NoneType' object does not support item assignment

What am I doing wrong?

Only God knows, seriously (without versions, logs etc)…
As the component is in a very poor state at the moment because of many errors and non-pulled fixes I could only advise to use the code I published recently - it works in my config so might help you as well.

I can at least confirm that my code does not generate any errors when I click on a sensor’s name, and it gets selected/deselected as expected.

Has anyone attempted to take BWAlarm and create a widget for HADashboard?

I was able to create a simple widget, but all the fun functionality is absent, from my Home.dash:

    widget_type: alarm
    title: Alarm

This update seems to be working for me as well. Thanks.

Never mind. I was accessing my home assistant via local IP and not via my URL.

Thanks for putting that together, I was about to abandon this (and still might) and put together a simple manual MQTT alarm in the mean time.

It appears you’ve stepped in as the defacto support for bwalarm? lol It’s a little disconcerting that support seems to have stopped on such a critical component of one’s HA system.

Any word on what’s going on with the dev?

Just to say is THIS normal?

My alarm panel (when viewed with a web browser on a desktop PC) now looks like this. It’s all perfectly usable, but just a bit overgrown!!

The other thing I noticed is the time shows correctly in the picture below, but in the alarm log, it’s an hour behind. I presume because of DST.

THANK YOU @AhmadK!!!

Well, I have all my keypad numbers etc centered - did you use my files or yours? I presume it’s not mine, I posted my screenshots with blue rectangular buttons. Give it a go :wink:

Agree, that was one of the latest changes to css made by the author.
You can easily modify it to your liking though :wink:
The most annoying bit is that bottom thing with sensors, log and settings. It takes up almost a third of my tablet’s screen :\

These NaN and Unknown are most likely down to a weather component that has been changed recently (I personally don’t use weather on my panel so don’t know when exactly it did happen).
Did it work previously at all?

Do you refer to the log you can see clicking on one of the icons at the bottom?
My time is correct in both places.

Could you create issues on Github so it’s easier to keep track of them?

I’ve just double checked and the files I have installed on my Hass exactly match the ones you so kindly linked to here

countdown360.js added missing files 9 months ago
jquery-3.2.1.min.js first commit a year ago
jscolor.js added missing files 9 months ago

The changes for centered buttons aren’t made in any of the above files, are they?

Double check your alarm.css. Did you clear your browser’s cache after replacing the files?

They are indeed. Same alarm.css :wink:

Really sorry - was some weird DuckDNS caching issue - I did a few force refreshes and after maybe the third one it REALLY seemed to reload all the files and then it displayed properly. Sorry to have wasted your time.

Anyone know what’s happened to the developer @gazoscalvertos for this add-on?


Looking at his profile his last post was in Feb and he’s only read 36 minutes recently (whatever that means).

Guessing he’s busy with life.