Important Note: RMD002 support is added to the November 2024 release of Home Assistant. This blueprint will not work with earlier versions.
This blueprint enables complete automation of a Philips Hue Tap Dial/Switch (RMD002) control. This includes support for rotation events as well as long press and single, double, triple, and quadruple presses of all buttons.
I’ve made another blueprint which is pre-configured for control of a “Media Player” device such as Sonos, Roon, and others. That blueprint can be found here: ZHA - Philips Hue Tap Switch Media Controls (RDM002)
How To:
Install the blueprint
Select your RDM002 controller
Follow the detailed description in the blueprint to customize all actions
This blueprint support velocity-sensitive control of the dial which means that you can provide different actions depending on how quickly the dial is rotated. Complete instructions are provided within the blueprint.
This illustrates the blueprint’s support for rotation controls. The first section is used to tweak how “small”, “medium”, and “large” rotations are determined. Below that are the automations you want to occur for each direction and size of rotation. Logbook support is available to help debug and tweak how this works for your individual setup.
This illustrates the blueprint’s support for all of the various types of button events for a specific button. The customizations exist for buttons 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Hi! Thanks for this BP this is exactly what I was looking for a while now. Slight notice, somehow the double and multiple press doesn’t work. If I check it in the traces, it shows me that it somehow completely passes the code lines on the side and comes nothing out. Press or hold works as intended.
Loving this blueprint! It is working beautifully in the kitchen to control the music.
Question for you… Is there any way to have it control the volume of a group of speakers? I currently have this configured to control the Sonos speaker in my Kitchen. But we fairly regularly group the Living Room, Office, and/or Living Room (also all Sonos). It could be any permutation of those four zones, so unfortunately, I can’t set it up to always be the the same 2 or 3 combined as it regularly changes. As it stands right now, it will just control the Kitchen when they are grouped.
You just need to provide behaviors for the three clockwise and three counter clockwise rotation events.
For each, just choose “Add Action”, then “Light”. Then choose the specific light device or the area that contains the lights you want to control and set the brightness step. You can play with what you want the brightness step to be for small, medium, and large rotations. You can make them all the same or give them different values based on the behavior you like.
Thanks for the idea, I’ll try it out! I was hoping it the brightness could be automatically proportional to how much the dial has been turned, but I will try my had at advanced automation one of these days
I liked the original, but because I use mine for lights, I though it’s more appropriate to just have two actions for rotation: Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise.
To still have proportional dimming, I just pass the step_size to the script I use for controlling the lights, this in turn calculates the brightness_step to adjust the lights by, assuming the dial’s step size is proportional to degrees turned, which seems to be the case (more or less).
This way you have more granular control. This is probably as close as you can get to having realtime control of lights using the Philips dial in Home Assistant using ZHA. Using this setup, I have a minimum brightness_step of about 5, which is perfect for my purposes.
Bugs fixed:
Long Pressing Buttons also triggered rotation action
Holding down one of the buttons also fires a step_with_on_off zha event with a transition_time of 8
Rotation action doesn’t always fire
When turning the dial I noticed that sometimes the action wouldn’t fire, this was cause because the step_mode can also be 0 and 1 not just StepMode.Up/Down
Warnings in Log
Because the variables were always rendered even when pressing buttons, you would get warnings in the logs. I removed unused variables and made them render conditionally so the step_size and step_mode are only accessed/rendered if the dial is turned
This is what an action with the step_size looks like:
alias: Dial Dimmer
mode: restart
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ is_negative }}"
- action: light.turn_on
metadata: {}
entity_id: "{{ states(dial_helper) }}"
brightness_step: "{{ -1 * (255 * (step_size) | int / 360) | int }}"
- action: light.turn_on
metadata: {}
entity_id: "{{ states(dial_helper) }}"
brightness_step: "{{ (255 * (step_size) | int / 360) | int }}"
min: 1
max: 360
step: 1
name: Step Size
required: true
entity: {}
required: true
name: Dial Helper
description: The Input Text to get the lights entity id from
boolean: {}
name: is_negative
default: false
required: true
(the dial_helper is something I came up with, to be able to dim different zones with one dial. It saves the last selected light’s entity id. So this way I can have the dial controll different lamps with the rotary encoder)
alias: Dial Zone Updater
- action: input_text.set_value
metadata: {}
entity_id: "{{ dial_helper }}"
value: "{{ lights }}"
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ feedback }}"
- action: light.toggle
metadata: {}
entity_id: "{{ lights }}"
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0
milliseconds: 250
- action: light.toggle
metadata: {}
entity_id: "{{ lights }}"
entity: {}
required: true
name: Dial Helper
description: The Input Text to update with the entity Id of the lights
entity: {}
name: Lights
description: The entity Id of the lights to be controlled
required: true
boolean: {}
name: Feedback
description: Enable to pulse the lights (toggle twice with short delay)
default: true
required: true
Thanks for sharing your blueprint and for crediting mine as inspiration
You might be better off with a new thread for you blueprint rather than posting it here, in mine. A new thread will make it discoverable and will also allow you to have conversations with your users without those being intermixed with discussions of this blueprint.
Your observation that we may be able to use transition_time to discriminate the events is very helpful. I’m investigating using that workaround in my blueprints until (or unless) the underlying issue gets fixed.
I’m working on another Blueprint which is based on yours as a start but with more functions added, like dimming/volume per button so it gets more multi functional.
I managed to filter out the wrong long press commands with:
conditions: "{{ command == 'step_with_on_off' and step_mode == 'StepMode.Down' and step_size != 255 }}"