ZigStar - ZigBee Coordinators and Routers

@mercenaruss Thank you.
Today I received my lan gateway. Six days from Germany to Dubai(my door).

Plugged it, spun a z2m docker container and it worked right away.

A stark contrast to my “unhappy” experience reported here.

Good product, good order confirmation feedback. Overall good experience.

Highly recommended!

poe switch with this works perfect.


Never had change to measure power consumption, just took inform from datasheets.
Thank you very much for your test.

@juan11perez Yeah, i forgot to add this to documentation. Thank you, will add to docs when will get some free time.

Very surprised, even better than in some EU countries.
DHL Germany have issues.

Yes, I ordered from tindie November 1 and received it today.

Will be thankful for a review.

Nice! mercenaruss will soon be able to add ZHA automatic USB discovery to ZigStar stick feature list:


ZigStar Stick USB discovery to be added here (core PR patch by mercenaruss = the maker of ZigStar):

Not a big feature however it still makes ZHA in HA more user-friendly to new users just getting started.

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Hi Did you manage to get the Zigstar Lan to work with HA on Synology NAS ?

You can connect to any NAS or VM over network, by just making this adjustment to Z2M or to ZHA:


port: ‘tcp://ip_or_hostname:6638’

For check HERE

when do you have the product in stock again?

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Is currently available we managed to have a big stock, stable at the moment.

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Just ordered zigstar lan, looking forward to replacing my conbeeII which is just messing with me.

Just one more question right now, where can I find the 3d model to be printed

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For connecting Zigbee2MQTT to any remote Zigbee adapter you can also refer to these guides:



ZigStar LAN Gateway will of course also work with the ZHA integration in Home Assistant via socket:


Automatic network discovery in ZHA via mDNS Zeroconf is not yet working with ZigStar LAN Gateway howvever it is being worked on so likely a feature that will be added to firmware and HA in the future.



I am running LAN version over network from my Synology. I have no idea why people would even want to use it via USB…

It on GitHub of the project. STL

Agreed. It’s working great for me now using LAN with Z2MQTT on Synology NAS with HA and so much better than the Sonoff/Tasmota Zigbee coordinator I was using previously!

Hello today came my long awaited zigstar lan gateway. plugged it in and updated the lan gateway and got everything started. moved over all my lights and sensors. However, I realized that I had not updated my Coordinator. Now the question is if anyone knows how to do it? Do you have to disconnect from the gateway or can you do it with it connected. then the next question is what software should you have in it? will all my lights be gone or do I have to take a backup before and if so where do I do it.

I managed with courage and hope to upgrade.
Followed the guide here: Quick Start - ZigStar

@Johan71 Sorry for late reply. Wanted to understand what you actually wanted to update?
Zigbee firmware or ESP firmware. But now i see you already updated ESP firmware according to instructions.