I have a RM4C Mini with device type 0x6539 which was saying it was unsupported in homeassistant.
I spent hours reading many threads and putting together all the information which I learnt.
I found that device type 0x6539 was not in the current version of homeassistant (at the time of writing this post). I needed to update the file containing the supported device types to allow the Broadlink integration to work with the device.
I managed to find the file which is located in the homeassistant docker container on my installation.
You can either plug in a monitor and keyboard to your Pi or setup host SSH on port 22222 using the instructions here. Debugging the Home Assistant Operating System | Home Assistant Developer Docs
Once you have managed to get to the host and have a shell type:
. You should be on the hypervisor OS now. If you type:
docker ps
it will show you all the containers running on your host and you will see one called homeassistant.
If you now type:
docker exec -it homeassistant bash
you will end up in a bash shell inside the homeassistant docker container.
Now you can change to the following directory:
cd /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/broadlink
In this directory will be a file called "__init__.py "
I used vi to edit this file:
vi _init_.py
I added the following line under the SUPPORT_TYPES section
0x6539: (rm4, “RM4C mini”, “Broadlink”),
Now write and quit the file to commit your changes. You should now restart your homeassistant instance which will read in the new file and discovery should find your new Broadlink RM4C mini which has a device type of 0x6539.
After following this method I have found the new learning and sending functionality in the recent update for the Broadlink integration amazing. Thanks for the devs for all their hard work in the recent release.
I hope this post helps collate information I gathered from a number of different threads to help someone with the same issue.