Bwalarm (akasma74 edition)

I did something like this previously using a small piezo buzzer on a relay. I just don’t like that it adds another element into my alarm box. I was thinking like akasma said much like commercial alarms that beep at the control device.

Did you figure out how to fix it? Have the exact same error and I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled twice to no avail

EDIT: Finally after uninstalling/reinstalling multiple times the umpteenth time worked and it’s mostly working again. Just don’t seem able to edit my settings using the GUI anymore

Yeah, I got mine working using a newer component version, but that was a long time ago now. Not sure how many times it’s been updated since

If you can reproduce the issue, I’d suggest to open a new issue on Github.

Thanks Ahmad - I got it sorted in the end so have no interest in wrecking my setup again :rofl:
Somehow I had two versions of your excellent software running in parallel. No idea how. Then one day that exploded!

Quick question - is it normal that disarming takes four seconds? Just that I have a number of automations that only run if the alarm is disarmed and these are running sort of erroneously whilst the disarm script is working to disarm the alarm! Cheers!
Screenshot 2020-09-02 at 22.44.15

I don’t quite understand what is going on in your log of events, could you comment?

Sure. Sorry for the delay.

  1. Disarm script triggered at 5:09:30 due to one of us arriving home
  2. The front door (one of the alarm triggers) is tripped while the alarm is still armed
  3. The PIR in the front hallway (another of the alarm triggers) is tripped while the alarm is still armed.
  4. House changes to ‘warning’ at 5:09:31
  5. Four seconds later at 5:09:34 the alarm disarms

ok, cool.
now tell me what disarms the alarm as it does not change from warning to disarmed by itself :wink:

@AhmadK He is saying that the script for disarming is taking too long and therefore the alarm is going into warning due to sensors tripping when it should have already been disarmed.

@daneboom What do you have in your disarm script? Something in there must be seriously slow…

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No, I think you’re misunderstanding - as @sparkydave says (and I said :slight_smile: ) these are events that are happening WHILE my disarm script is running.

Script looks like this

    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
      code: xxxxx

Could it be my hardware? Raspberry Pi 3

That should still disarm fairly well instantly. That was my old hardware and I didn’t have the issue you are facing

BWalarm, breaks in 0.115 with something to dp with html_url when registering the panel

Reported when the original deprecation notice came out. Akasma has stated he is investigating alternatives.

To be precise, I’m aware of the deprecation thanks to you guys but my investigations were (and will for a bit) far away from HA.
On top of that, Baloobs statement “who created HTML panel can create JS panel” is good and stuff but I honestly don’t know where to start.
So my advice at the moment is not to update HA to 0.115 or higher if you want to use this component.

Do you have any idea on when you might have the component updated to be compatible?

He did say far away so i wouldn’t expect it soon.

30 posts were split to a new topic: Migrating from bwalarm

I am so grateful for all the hard work of those behind most open source projects. I don’t understand why some feel the need to be rude and/or demanding of these guys that share their projects with us often asking little if anything in return.

It is a bummer that it stopped working on .115 hopefully he can get it working again soon, and maybe those that say anyone that does it on HTML can do it on JS panel perhaps they can roll up their sleeves and work on the fix.

No one was being rude. We were discussing contingencies to allow the dev time to work on a solution. I asked a mod to split it into another topic.

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