Future prototype of Home Assistant

At first I’m afraid it will be not without impacting existing installations (either custom or default dashes)

At second every newcomer turns into existing user eventually. How long it will take they found this dash not meeting their needs?

Ahh and I can imagine the next step will be using this whole pinky stuff in HA settings and development sections which look is not customizable. Personally I would keep those sections look as system-like as possible

I got here when trying to quickly find out where HA UI dev is going in the future just to make sure… I hope i haven’t seen this… There is just about everything I dislike: Round corners, pastel colors which make feel sick and insane space-taking mobile-style layout. I guess under the surface there are more insanity like oversized sliders when looking for history etc. etc.

I already run HA more or less in headless PLC-style mode because of recent UI developments and if these are really going to be released, I do everything I can not having to use HA with it’s native UI anymore.

Positive side of things is that during 2023 the time I have spent on the forum nor HA installation has drastically decreased. I do only some necessary maintenance and check some sensors, otherwise I’m pretty much avoiding to see it at all.

Well you can still make your Dashboard how you like.

I really like this design.

I think the “filter” type chips at the top are a really handy. I also appreciate the floating/persistant media player at the bottom of the screen. Also, the chin bar “tabs” seem easy to navigate without taking up too much screen space.

Great looking prototype! I came across this looking for a figma asset library to mock up some new dashboards quickly, but am glad I found this.

any news on this? Really looking forward for more easy user-friendly generated dashboards!

Hello everybody.
It’s been a long time. Does anyone have any news on these implementations?
Good day

You haven’t been following along with the latest releases have you?

Start here and like @nickrout mentioned, please catch up on the latest features