MyQ Alternatives

This post is to list alternatives to using the MyQ integration for those using Chamerlain or Liftmaster garage doors. The integration breaks frequently due to changes and issues on the MyQ side.

Some history:

List updated 2021-01-17

Here are some alternatives. If you know of any more please post a reply.

MyQ App Integrations

In the MyQ app on your phone there are several 3rd party integrations such as IFTTT. Full functionality (ie. open/close/status) may be limited.

MyQ Home Bridge

You can purchase the MyQ Home Bridge and then add the HomeKit Controller Integration. Some users have reported good success with controlling their garage door this way but results seem to be mixed so YMMV.

Meross Smart Garage Door Opener Remote” You can then install the Meross integration using HACS.

@qoheleth Is trying this out

Expert way with soldering

Read the blog post here. You can then use the GoControl Garage Door Opener. More info here

Sonoff SV + Wired Magnetic Reed Switch

YouTube Link courtesy of @kanga_who

OpenGarage makes a product that @zenko18 has reported success with. Will add more details later.

Liftmaster Home Bridge

@otter has a write up here about setting up and using the Liftmaster 819LMB home bridge.

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This last incident with MyQ finally pushed me to make a long desired change. I wanted to add this to my Vera z-wave network that has been fast and reliable for the last several years. I went with the GoControl GD00Z-8. It took a bit of wrangling to get it working with Vera as they don’t seem to be adding much to their legacy stuff. I then used mcavoya’s mod to the GD00Z-8 in this thread to get things working with my LiftMaster MyQ garage door opener.

Operation is almost instantaneous (as with the rest of my z-wave devices) and the garage door has performed flawlessly (so far).

Happy to remove one of the last cloud-based elements in my installation, and extremely pleased to say goodbye to MyQ.

Keep in mind:

  1. that the Meross option will require an additional piece of hardware to make it work.
  2. that the GoControl Garage Door Opener will require soldering (as noted by oliwa). Specifically, it requires soldering the leads to the contacts on the main button of the in-garage panel.
    The reason is that Chamberlain/Liftmaster sends a coded signal to the opener rather than simply a closed contact.

What hardware is required for Meross besides the Meross garage door opener?

I changed to local control of my LiftMaster GDO a while ago using a Sonoff 4CH with Tasmota and MQTT as well as a ZWave Tilt Sensor. Here are the details on how I did it:

I am just getting started on a new house HA project. I had an insteon garage door kit at my old house, worked well, but new house has MyQ LiftMaster garage doors. I have the internet gateway that lets it work, but not with HASS unless i use the currently broken api/integration.

I was hoping to maybe get the Chamberlain myQ Home Bridge MYQ-G0303-SP which has apple homekit support. Would I be able to connect HASS directly to that thing and control them? (I have insteon and z-wave stick hooked up via usb and that is it right now. I assume homekit is tcp/ip stuff? I haven’t messed with it before). Running hassos on a virtualbox on my mac pro.

Thanks for any advice.

It’s not still broken. It’s been fixed in the latest update.
See here: MYQ not working again - Home Assistant Community (

That is great to hear. I am a software engineer/architect so I know how it goes. Happy to be patient on that sort of thing. Do you have any thoughts on my question about the myq home bridge? Would that give me a more local connection the the garage doors? I assume it would then in turn talk to the myq apis and update that stuff rather than coming from them?

I’ll read up on it a bit more but I figured someone would know about that home bridge thing.

As has been noted in a number of other threads discussing the (constantly) breaking MyQ integration, the best cheap alternative (I use personally) is a Sonoff SV plus a wired magnetic reed switch.

Total cost of about $15 AUD and half an hour of your time. It works with 99.9% reliability, uses WiFi and works locally using MQTT so never breaks with an integration update or the need of a cloud instruction from something like IFTTT.

I got sick of the MyQ integration breaking, so moved to this option and have never had it fail.

I followed this video from @DrZzs. Simple to follow and get working.

Yes it’s working today but it has failed many times in the past and will fail again in the future. MyQ keeps making changes that require code fixes. This thread is meant to discuss alternatives to using the MyQ integration.

Having already used a “solution” that involved creatively adding electronic bits to the hardware of my garage door opener and controller, I can understand why some folks aren’t really up for that.

I would prefer not to install another solution since the garage door itself is capable of reporting status and opening/closing. Adding relays or any other solution lacks the simplicity. Now I fully agree that the myq integration is not good. Its polling a cloud service which is worse than adding a bunch of hardware. That is why I brought up the question of the Chamberlain myQ Home Bridge MYQ-G0303-SP with homekit support.

Does anyone know if the myq homebridge/homekit solution would allow local network control or the garage doors?

Each to their own.

If you want an off-the-shelf solution, it will cost. I wish I had saved the nearly $200 AUD and not purchased the MyQ kit and used the Sonoff SV solution from the start.

No 3rd party app, no cloud, no broken integration, and as far as DIY solutions go, it’s one of the easier to do.

Sure, I get that. I had a similar setup with insteon before and it works well, I just want to try the cleanest way I can to start.

I went ahead and bought the LiftMaster MYQ 819LMB MyQ Home Bridge (since I have liftmaster myq garage doors). I’ll try replacing my myq intenet gateway thing with that first. If that fails or is too flakey I will be back here asking about your solution.

Please report your experiences, good or bad!

Is it just one device in total or the device plus an additional piece that I can’t find any information on?

I’ve ordered the Meross controller and my Chamberlain setup requires the additional piece so as soon as I have it I can let you know the details.


I am very interested in your findings. Keep us posted.

I have the 819LMB connected to both HomeKit and HA. MyQ API changes effect operation on the HA side. A solution mentioned elsewhere, but one I haven’t tried yet, is to use the HomeKit Controller instead of the MyQ Integration. Read about it here.

Dr Zzz, has an updated model with car detection.