YET another take on an alarm system

I was hoping you weren’t going to say that, no config options in that page

You may need to restart HA if the component doesn't load first time as HA will need to install a dependency (ruamel.yaml).

I see this on the readme, I can’t find that on my system so assume its related?

also have a script error

`019-01-15 09:19:47 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201901090] :0:0 Script error.``

edit: the config page loads perfectly in chrome, must be a safari issue

Hey eh50,

Here is the configuration file:

# File include
group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
alarm_control_panel: !include alarm.yaml
panel_custom: !include panel_custom.yaml
scene: !include scene.yaml

# Surveilliance
  username: !secret arlo_usr
  password: !secret arlo_pwd
  - platform: arlo
    ffmpeg_arguments: '-pred 1 -q:v 2'

Here is the alarm.yaml file:

## VERSION:  1.0.2
## MODIFIED: 18/04/18
## Add Multi Codes, names, pics
## optional code to arm alarm
## Default Interface password: HG28!!&dn

platform: bwalarm
name: House
code_to_arm: true
  cameras: []
  enable_sensors_panel: true
  enable_camera_panel: true
  enable_clock: true
  hide_sidebar: true
  round_buttons: true
    - binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    - binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    - binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    delayed: []
    override: []
    pending_time: '25'
    warning_time: '25'
    trigger_time: '300'
    immediate: []
    delayed: []
    override: []
    pending_time: 0
    warning_time: 0
    trigger_time: 600
    immediate: []
    delayed: []
    override: []
    pending_time: 0
    warning_time: 0
    trigger_time: 600
admin_password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
code: 'xxxx'
panic_code: 'xxxx'
- id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  name: User1
  enabled: false
  code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  picture: /local/images/ha.png
- id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  name: User2
  enabled: false
  code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  picture: /local/images/ha.png
- id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  name: User3
  enabled: false
  code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  picture: /local/images/ha.png

Ok, I am new here , gonna try this
I am using mqtt, on my alarm panel now , when I arm it , it instants arms the panel, without having the time to leave the building…
So is there also an arm timer that you can define, so if I actually press arm button, it will wait for like 30 seconds before sending mqtt

I see a pending timer, but I think that timer is the time before the alarm gets triggered if you enter the building?

As far as i know multiple components (at least for example service actions in automations) need a dash before it, opposed to single ones. Try this:

Make sure to fix the Indentation (spacing, dont know how to pronounced)
Also just leave it in alarm.yaml

- platform: bwalarm
  name: House
  code_to_arm: true
  cameras: []
  enable_sensors_panel: true
  enable_camera_panel: true
  enable_clock: true
  hide_sidebar: true
  round_buttons: true
    - binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    - binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    - binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    delayed: []
    override: []
    pending_time: '25'
    warning_time: '25'
    trigger_time: '300'
    immediate: []
    delayed: []
    override: []
    pending_time: 0
    warning_time: 0
    trigger_time: 600
    immediate: []
    delayed: []
    override: []
    pending_time: 0
    warning_time: 0
    trigger_time: 600
admin_password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
code: 'xxxx'
panic_code: 'xxxx'
- id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  name: User1
  enabled: false
  code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  picture: /local/images/ha.png
- id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  name: User2
  enabled: false
  code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  picture: /local/images/ha.png
- id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  name: User3
  enabled: false
  code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  picture: /local/images/ha.png

- platform: manual
  name: Manual Alarm

Why wont you use arlo?

- platform: arlo
  home_mode_name: 'disarmed'
  away_mode_name: 'armed'

I tried with the above and I don’t get any fails, but I don’t get any entities :frowning:
But I can see that Stimo already replied in another topic I had, before I implemented the alarm system.
On the git page where he show his config, I see that it looks like he is using both systems.

@Stimo perhaps you can help?

I’m so sorry, i’ve wrongly copy pasted it!

Just swap

- platform: manual 
name: Manual Alarm

with this:

- platform: arlo
  home_mode_name: 'disarmed'
  away_mode_name: 'armed'

For the arlo part, no clue, you have your 2 alarms without your initial error right? Just Arlo not showing up. Thats not on topic for here, i guess your better off in the topic you linked to.

Agreed - but I still don’t see any entities and I don’t think I can call the service then like this:

  - alias: 'Arlo armed away'
    initial_state: 'on'
      - platform: state
        to: armed_away
      - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
        entity_id: alarm_control_panel.arlo

You do see the right?

That is correct.

Did you give up on me :smile:?

Hi guys, I tried changing something in the alarm.css file, but it doesn’t appear to be loading the changes after I restart. Pretty nooby with the whole home-assistant setup… How do I get the changes in alarm.css to propagate?

No of course not. I just don’t have any experience with arlo. As discussed in the arlo topic you linked, try to remove it and install it again from ground up.

Else try IFTTT: Arlo - not showing anything at all - not even a Control Panel?

I can’t be of any more help, as i don’t have the hardware. We also should keep this topic free of off topic requests.


Thanks man! Appreciated!

1 Like

By updating to 0.85.1, I am getting this error:

Not passing an entity ID to a service to target all entities is deprecated. Use instead: entity_id: “all”

It sounds like a bwalarm thing, since the handling of entities has changed:

Slugify changed, which can impact entity ID creation if the entities had names with either a - or characters outside of A-Z and the integration has no unique IDs. We now better handle the characters and substitute it with an alternative instead of removing that character.

@gazoscalvertos Mind taking a look?

How exactly did you get it?
I updated to 0.85.1, but didn’t see any errors and alarm worked as expected…

i’m on 85.1 and even tried with a dev build and dont get any issues

what is the full error message,
Are you using the latest build of the alarm component

That is changed in 0.85, see the release notes below.

Hi al, i am also interesed in a new alarm panel , i am now using the MQTT platform and NOT the manual_mqtt platform, because all my logic is my external alam system, i am just sending/receiving mqtt for status and arm/disarm commands, therefore i cant use the manual_mqtt platform
but the mqtt platform now, is verry basic and limited,… so can i use this project instead?

now the onlt thing i can setup is like this below, thats all

#  - platform: manual_mqtt
  - platform: mqtt
    name: Risco Alarm
    state_topic: "riscopanel/armstatus"
    command_topic: "riscopanel/armstatus/SET"
    payload_disarm: "disarmed" 
    payload_arm_home: "partially"
    payload_arm_away: "armed"

I see the exact same error. It triggers when I try to arm my alarm. Unfortunately something else also happened after the update. I no longer see the keypad which I also stated in another thread.