Monitor your solar PV system in Home Assistant

If you are a beginner to the HA, you can read this tutorial for beginners first
Which type of electrical meter best fits your needs?
Four ways to integrate the Electricity Usage Monitor (IAMMETER) into the home assistant
Subsequent tutorial: control the EV charging power with regard to the solar PV output and grid power reading
Subsequent tutorial: ESP32 + SCR module: Linearly adjust the power output of resistive loads, such as heaters

Video tutorial: Monitor your solar pv system in Home Assistant

When you want to monitor your solar PV energy in Home Assistant, there are two choices. Use a lovelace with energy dashboard or use the home energy management which has been released recently by HA.

This article is mainly about how to monitor your solar PV system in these two ways.

Energy monitoring Effect in Home Assistant

Lovelace: energy dashboard Home Energy Management username: iammeter pwd: iammeter username: iammeter pwd: iammeter

If you want to monitor your solar PV system in Home Assistant.

  1. Select an energy meter that can be integrated into Home Assistant.
  2. Install the energy meter in the solar PV system.
  3. Do the configuration in HA: read the parameters into HA, do some calculations (Ex: kwh/hour), select the parameters you are interested to display in the overview.

Select an energy meter

Select an energy meter that can be integrated into Home Assistant easily.

Advertisement time :

Integration of WEM3080T in HA :IamMeter - Home Assistant

Advantage of WEM3080T : Bi-directional measurement, measure both import and export energy simultaneously, REST API provided.

Please note: the solution has nothing to do with a specific brand energy meter, any meter that can report such parameters above to HA will be OK.

Install the energy meter in your solar PV system

After you have select the proper energy meter ,you need to install the energy meter in your solar pv system.

Generally speaking, if you want to monitor yours solar pv system ,at least five key parameters are necessary.

Five key parameters in solar PV system

In a solar PV monitoring system, such five parameters should be necessary.

  • inverter output power(w)
  • inverter yield energy(kwh)
  • feed in power(w)
  • import energy from grid(kwh)
  • export energy to grid(kwh)

You need to install the energy meter in the proper position that can read out the important parameters in a solar PV system.

Schematic diagram in solar PV system

The following pic is a schematic diagram of wiring.

This pic is use IAMMETER product WEM3080T(3 phase ,split phase,wifi , HA integration) as example. And assuming that the grid and inverter are both single phase, then all above parameters can be measured by one WEM3080T.

Please note: the solution has nothing to do with a specific brand energy meter, any meter that can report such parameters to HA will be OK.

Do the configuration in HA

This section includes two steps

1 “configuration.yaml” :configure the parameter which you want to display in solar pv monitoring system.

2 configure the lovelace display


To facilitate the test, we used a “virtual” electricity meter, you can use the HTTP command to get the parameters in solar pv monitoring system.

Command: http get


The respond is as below:

{“data”:{“values”:[[237.800,4.700,3202.000,47025.100,0.000],[237.800,4.700,-1825.000,45731.050,25512.490],[0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000]],“localTime”:“2021/9/30 12:10:03”,“gmtTime”:“2021/9/30 2:10:03”},“successful”:true,“message”:null}

This data is return by the IAMMETER-cloud API interface , the original data is the demo account in IAMMETER-cloud. As below link: Solar PV System - PowerMeter monitoring system .

This data will be refreshed every 5 mins.

This demo data can be used to testing for this solution. After you have been familiar with this solution, you can replace this data from API with the data from your real energy meter.

Generally speaking, the “configuration.yaml” includes two parts content:

  1. get the five key parameters of solar PV system by Home Assistant
  2. Calculate the other parameter by Home Assistant

Get the five key parameters of solar PV system by HA

The five key parameters of solar PV system should be able to read out directly from the energy meter.

The relationship is as below:

  • inverter output power(w): inverter_power
  • inverter yield energy(kwh): yield_energy
  • feed in power(w): feedin_power
  • import energy from grid(kwh): grid_consumption_energy
  • export energy to grid(kwh): exported_energy

Calculate the other parameters by HA

Except the five key parameters need to be read out directly, there are also some important parameters that can be calculated by the five key parameters ,such as :

load_power = inverter_power(always positive) - feedin_power (positive: export energy , negative : import energy)

selfuse_energy = yield_energy-exported_energy

load_energy = selfuse_energy+grid_consumption_energy

You can also get the kwh/period in such format


source: sensor.grid_consumption_energy

cycle: daily

This is the whole content of “configuration.yaml”, you can use it directly for testing, then replace the sensor value with your real energy data step by step.

  - platform: rest
    name: solar
      - data
      - successful
      - message
    method: GET
    #username: admin
    #password: admin
    #authentication: basic
    #value_template: '{{ value_json.SN }}'    
  - platform: template
        unit_of_measurement: 'V'
        value_template: '{{["values"][0][0] }}'
        unit_of_measurement: 'A'
        value_template: '{{["values"][0][1] }}'    
        unit_of_measurement: 'W'
        value_template: '{{["values"][0][2] }}'     
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        value_template: '{{["values"][0][3] }}'     
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        value_template: '{{["values"][0][4] }}' 

        unit_of_measurement: 'V'
        value_template: '{{["values"][1][0] }}'
        unit_of_measurement: 'A'
        value_template: '{{["values"][1][1] }}'    
        unit_of_measurement: 'W'
        value_template: '{{["values"][1][2] }}'     
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        value_template: '{{["values"][1][3] }}'     
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        value_template: '{{["values"][1][4] }}' 

        unit_of_measurement: 'V'
        value_template: '{{["values"][2][0] }}'
        unit_of_measurement: 'A'
        value_template: '{{["values"][2][1] }}'    
        unit_of_measurement: 'W'
        value_template: '{{["values"][2][2] }}'     
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        value_template: '{{["values"][2][3] }}'     
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        value_template: '{{["values"][2][4] }}' 

  - platform: template
        unit_of_measurement: 'W'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.solar_power_a') }}"   
        unit_of_measurement: 'W'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.solar_power_b')|float * (-1.0) }}"
        unit_of_measurement: 'W'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.solar_power_a')|float + states('sensor.solar_power_b')|float }}" 

        unit_of_measurement: 'W'
        value_template: '{{ 0 }}' 

        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.solar_importenergy_b') }}" 
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.solar_exportgrid_b') }}"
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.solar_importenergy_a') }}"
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.yield_energy')|float - states('sensor.exported_energy')|float }}" 
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.grid_consumption_energy')|float + states('sensor.yield_energy')|float - states('sensor.exported_energy')|float }}"

        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.selfuse_energy_daily')|float / states('sensor.yield_energy_daily')|float }}"
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.selfuse_energy_monthly')|float / states('sensor.yield_energy_monthly')|float }}"

    source: sensor.grid_consumption_energy
    cycle: daily
    source: sensor.grid_consumption_energy
    cycle: monthly

    source: sensor.exported_energy
    cycle: daily
    source: sensor.exported_energy
    cycle: monthly

    source: sensor.yield_energy
    cycle: daily
    source: sensor.yield_energy
    cycle: monthly

    source: sensor.selfuse_energy
    cycle: daily
    source: sensor.selfuse_energy
    cycle: monthly

    source: sensor.load_energy
    cycle: daily
    source: sensor.load_energy
    cycle: monthly

Configure the lovelace display

we recommend these two cards : tesla-style-solar-power-card apexcharts-card

If you integrate HACS, you can install tesla-style-solar-power-card and apexcharts-card directly, If you do not have HACS installed, you can manually install and load them.

Configure the two cards in lovelace.

You can manually add the following cards:

Add and configure “tesla-style-solar-power-card”

Copy and paste the following code :

  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: sensor
        entity: sensor.yield_energy_daily
        detail: 2
      - type: sensor
        entity: sensor.exported_energy_daily
        detail: 2
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:tesla-style-solar-power-card
        show_w_not_kw: 1
        name: Current state
        generation_to_grid_entity: sensor.feedin_power
        generation_to_house_entity: sensor.load_power
        generation_to_battery_entity: sensor.zero_power
        battery_to_house_entity: sensor.zero_power
        appliance1_consumption_entity: sensor.meter_power
        house_entity: sensor.load_power
        grid_entity: sensor.feedin_power
        generation_entity: sensor.inverter_power
        battery_entity: sensor.meter_power
        grid_icon: mdi:transmission-tower
        generation_icon: mdi:solar-panel-large
        house_icon: mdi:home
        battery_icon: mdi:battery
        appliance1_icon: mdi:server
        appliance2_icon: mdi:server
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:apexcharts-card
          show: true
          title: Proportion
          show_states: false
          colorize_states: true
          - entity: sensor.exported_energy_daily
          - entity: sensor.selfuse_energy_daily
          end: day
        chart_type: donut
type: vertical-stack

Add and configure “apexcharts-card”

Continue to copy and paste the following code :

  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: sensor
        entity: sensor.selfuse_energy_daily
        detail: 2
      - type: sensor
        entity: sensor.grid_consumption_energy_daily
        detail: 2
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:apexcharts-card
          show: true
          title: POWER
          show_states: true
          colorize_states: true
            height: 350
              type: x
              enabled: true
              autoScaleYaxis: false
              show: true
              autoSelected: zoom
            xaxis.type: datetime
            width: 1
            curve: smooth
          - entity: sensor.inverter_power
              func: avg
              duration: 5min
          - entity: sensor.feedin_power
              func: avg
              duration: 5min
          - entity: sensor.load_power
              func: avg
              duration: 5min
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:apexcharts-card
          show: true
          title: Yield Daily
          show_states: true
          colorize_states: true
            height: 350
              type: x
              enabled: true
              autoScaleYaxis: false
              show: true
              autoSelected: zoom
            xaxis.type: datetime
          - entity: sensor.yield_energy_daily
            type: column
              func: max
              duration: 24h
          - entity: sensor.exported_energy_daily
            type: column
              func: max
              duration: 24h
          - entity: sensor.selfuse_energy_daily
            type: column
              func: max
              duration: 24h
        graph_span: 8d
          end: day
type: vertical-stack

Energy management in HA

Energy management is the new feature that HA released recently.

You can try this effect in this URL

username: iammeter

password: iammeter

Comparing to the classic method(use Lovelace), this method is easier.

Because the energy management is a new feature, if the energy meter you selected has not had time to merge their new code to HA to support such feature(there is so much PR in HA repository now, so the merging is a little difficult), you can try this compromised method.

Add the following code to your configuration.yaml file,

please note,the naming of “energy”, “importenergy” and " exportgrid" are also use the WEM3080T as an example.

If you use other energy meters, please change these according to their definition in HA integration.

# Since HA 2021.09
# Example configuration.yaml entry

      last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
      device_class: DEVICE_CLASS_ENERGY
      state_class: total_increasing
      last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
      device_class: DEVICE_CLASS_ENERGY
      state_class: total_increasing
      last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
      device_class: DEVICE_CLASS_ENERGY
      state_class: total_increasing

Then you can use the energy management in HA now.

You will see the effect after saving for 2 hours.

what is more

Has someone controlled the ocpp charger to consume the excess solar output?

four ways (MQTT ,modbus/tcp, core integration,HACS) to integrate IAMMETER Energy monitor into the Home assistant

Request the data of energy meter in Home Assistant(modbus/tcp), trigger the Sonoff in realtime

Integrate a three-phase energy meter into Home assistant by Modbus TCP (over Wi-Fi)
Beginner tutorial: how to use a Wi-Fi energy meter in the home assistant
Set the TOU(Time of Use) billing mode in the Home assistant

Set the tiered rate billing in the home assistant
How do find the power meter with regard to your requirements

About WEM3050T

WEM3050T is the latest product of IAMMETER that will be released on Oct 2023.

It is a 2P ,din-rail ,WiFi, 3phase energy meter, which is more compact than WEM3080T(4P,din-rail).

For more details,please refer to

It has nearly all of the features of WEM3080T,but does not have the cloud service of IAMMETER by default.Because there is no IAMMETER-cloud service by default, the price would be cheaper than WEM3080T. If you only use the energy meter in Home assistant ,the WEM3050T would be more properly


Great writeup, but most US homes have two phases (and a netural/ground) coming in that are 180 deg. out of sync. Your diagram shows only on phase being monitored. How are you measuring the total grid power information?

If you use WEM3080T, it 3phase energy meter,with 3 ct ,also support split phase usage.

Please refer to :

you can install both CTB CTC in grid side. Then it will be able to measure the two-phase grid correctly.
Of course , you need also modify the yaml accordingly.

Is there a way to calculate de “Self-consumed solar energy” on the grid power usage for al the “grid” connecions" in stead of 1 grid connection where the solar panels are connected?

Sorry , I have not understood your question well.

Generally speaking, if you want to know the self-consumption, you need to know both the solar yield energy and export energy to the grid.
because the self-consumption energy = solar yield energy - export to grid energy.

See this topic about the energy tab

Correct, your self consumed Solar is Solar kWh - Grid Production kWh. If you add up Grid Consumed kWh you have your total household used energy. But would it not be great to also see current Power consumption for both Solar + Grid as that would help you decide if you can switch on more appliances or should turn off appliances to maximize your Solar self-consumption.

Hi Ajwk:
Of course, you can also monitor the “Grid Consumed kWh” here.
What you need to do is just install an energy meter on the grid side.

some video tutorials about this topic
Monitor your solar pv system in Home Assistant
How do add a 3 phase energy meter into the Energy management of Home Assistant

1 Like

Great topic!!! @iammeter thank you!!!

1 Like

love it, any thanks

1 Like

Is it possible to achieve something similar with 3 Shelly EM instread of the iammeter solution, right?

Although I work for IAMMETER ,as the words described in this topic
“Please note: the solution has nothing to do with a specific brand energy meter, any meter that can report such parameters to HA will be OK.”

No matter which brand of the energy meter,
The key to this solution is to get these five parameters
inverter output power(w)
inverter yield energy(kwh)
feed in power(w)
import energy from grid(kwh)
export energy to grid(kwh)

Each energy meter can report power and energy
But if you have solar inverter output, the grid power will be bi-directional,it may export energy to the grid (yield energy) or import energy from the grid(consumption energy).
So you need a bi-directional energy meter to be installed in grid side.
I think this is the only special requirement for the energy meter.

yes the shelly em3 works perfectly for this use case.
it reports both with different sensors.
used and returned

1 Like

Yes, besides using of a bi-directional energy meter,use two energy meters is also OK(one for import energy while another for export energy)

1 Like

IAMMETE energy meter begins to support Modbus/TCP from the latest firmware upgrading. You can integrate them into Home assistant with a third-party component(Modbus/TCP)
Video tutorial: Integrate a three-phase energy meter into Home assistant by Modbus TCP (over Wi-Fi) - YouTube

Register map of the Modbus

By the way, I know that the IAMMETER energy meter had been integrated into Home Assistant, you can use it directly and do not need to consider the third party component when you use it in Home Assitant.
We just use the Home Assistant to show the Modbus/TCP feature of the IAMEMTER energy meter.

Use the 3 phase Wi-Fi energy meter the way you liked(Home assistant,Openhab,NodeRed,Private server etc…)

I have also a brand new solar system and would like to monitor the power coming from the grid or sold to the grid. I have Frient pulse energy monitoring system. It worked perfectly previously. But now it reports the power/energy passed through without the direction.

I have been looking e.g. at Shelly EM3, but its operating temperature is 0…40 C and I am living in North. And the cabinet is a metallic one making wifi connections problematic.

As a cheap solution I started to think about detecting the direction from the changes. Before I start to learn how to do it and test it, I would like to ask whether anyone sees any major problems.

I’ve two reliable real time sensors:

  • Solar power: power that my panels are producing
  • Grid power: power coming to my house or going out, direction is unknown

I want to calculate two sensors:

  • Power to grid: power delivered/sold to the grid
  • Power from grid: power bought from the grid
  • One is always zero and the other one is non-zero, which one is depending on the direction
  • Bought/sold energy is calculated from these using Riemann method

Since solar power is constantly changing and used power is more static, the idea is to check how these are changing from the previous values as follows:

  • If Grid power > Solar power then
    • Power to grid = 0
    • Power from grid = Grid power
  • Else if previous Solar power < Solar power and previous Grid power > Grid power then
    • Power to grid = 0
    • Power from grid = Grid power
  • Else if previous Solar power > Solar power and previous Grid power < Grid power then
    • Power to grid = 0
    • Power from grid = Grid power
  • Else
    • Power to grid = Grid power
    • Power from grid = 0

That is, if the sensors are changing to opposite directions, I am still using energy from the grid.
I realize that this logic does not work when both Solar power and used power in the house change much, but I feel that this would work e.g. 95 % time, which would be perfectly ok for me.

I started to analyze this by implementing statistics sensors (sampling size: 2). The main problem is that the values changes do not happen in sync perhaps due to different delays in the value updates.

1 Like

Nice dashboards and visualizations :sunglasses:
Now the next step is to optimize your home energy flow >> EMHASS !!!

New updates:

Summary: How to use IAMMETER`s energy meter in Home assistant

After IAMMETER supports modbus/tcp, you can use the Modbus/TCP sensor in Home Assistant to read the data from the Wi-Fi energy meter of IAMMETER.
It means the data can be requested more faster than the IAMMETER integration.
When you want to use the energy meter`s data as a feedback value in a control loop(Ex: control the battery charge or discharge), this fast response option will be a better choice.