🤖 Android Notification Channel Manager

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

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Channel Your Alerts, Easily Create and Delete Notification Channels on Android Devices📲

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Version: 1.0 :fire:

Need help? :eyes: See our FAQ: Click Here

:newspaper: The Automation Process:

  • Trigger Options:

    • Press a button to create a notification channel.
    • Press a button to remove a notification channel.
  • Notification:

    • Receive a message when a notification channel is created.
    • Receive a message when a notification channel is removed.

:rocket: CHANGELOG


:bulb: Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time
:high_brightness: Smart Light - Entity - Sun Elevation - Ambient & Time Triggers
:infinity: Sensor Light Add On - Media & Movie Lights - House Alarm Lights - Smoke Alarm Lights & Exhaust Fans + More
:shower: Bathroom Humidity Exhaust Fan
:low_battery: Low Battery Notifications & Actions
:vibration_mode: Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC
:loudspeaker: Notifications & Announcements
:calendar: Calendar Notifications & Actions
:round_pushpin: State Notifications & Actions
:toilet: Toilet Exhaust Fan with time delay
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Entity - Run ON Timer
:stopwatch: Trigger - Run ON Timer
:magic_wand: Manual light control with auto OFF
:door: Closet, Pantry, and Cupboard Lighting
:timer_clock: Timer
:thermometer: Temperature Control Fan
:snowflake: Temperature Control Exhaust Fan - Inverted
:eight_spoked_asterisk: Toggle Switch - Turn ON & OFF Entities
:nazar_amulet: Press Button - Turn ON & OFF Entities
:on: Switch - Turn ON & OFF Entities

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Q: What are channels?

A: Please click here for more information.

FAQ - Notification Channels

What are Notification Channels?

Notification channels are a feature for Android devices only. They allow you to categorize notifications, making it easier to manage and prioritize them. Each channel can have its own settings, such as notification style, sound, vibration, blink light, app icon badges, locked screen, and do not disturb, ensuring that you receive notifications in the manner most appropriate for each type of notification you receive.

I am going through my blueprints to allow you to use channels in your notifications. Once you create a channel you just simply add the channel name into the input of one of my blueprints.

Once I create a Channel on a device can I modify it?

Yes, once a channel has been created on a device the user can modify it to suit their needs. This way everyone has full control on how they receive the notification.

To modify a channel on the device there are a few ways to do this:

  1. On your device, go into Settings > Notifications > Home Assistant and you will see categories. These are your channels. Select the one you would like to customize and make your adjustments.
  2. When a notification is received, slowly slide it to the left and you will see a settings icon. Click on it, and it will take you to categories. These are your channels. Select the one you would like to customize and make your adjustments.

Guide On Structuring A Channel?

Before creating channels, it is best to consider what channels you would like to have for your notifications. This will help you structure it correctly, as once you create a channel, it can be removed but will never be deleted unless you reset your app. Taking the time to consider how you would like it structured will help you in the long run.

Some ideas for a channel structure are as follows:

You could just set the notification type. Emergency, General Notification, Dinner Ready, Time for Bed, Appliance Finished, etc.

Or maybe something like this.

  1. Critical
  • Sound and pop-up.
  • Vibrate.
  • Blink light.
  • Locked screen.
  • Ignore Do Not Disturb.
  • Description : Notifications for emergency situations (e.g., fire alarm, flood alert, smoke detector, carbon monoxide detector, security breaches).
  1. High
  • Sound and pop-up.
  • Vibrate.
  • Locked screen.
  • Ignore Do Not Disturb.
  • Description : Notifications for reminders (e.g., upcoming appointment, power outage, rubbish reminder).
  1. General (Default)
  • Sound.
  • Vibrate.
  • Description : Notifications for general updates (e.g., appliance finished, battery low).
  1. Low
  • Silent.
  • Vibrate.
  • Description : Notifications for less critical updates (e.g., appliance started, unavailable sensor, battery low).
  1. Minimal
  • Silent and minimized.
  • Description : Notifications for non-urgent updates (e.g., reminder, Home Assistant update avalible).

This allows you to create and remove notification channels on Android devices. Please ensure you fully understand notification channels before creating or removing them.


Blacky :smiley:

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