🧿 Press Button - Turn ON & OFF Entities

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

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Version: 1.0 :fire:

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:newspaper: The Automation Process:

  • When you press the button it will turn ON the main entity input.
  • When you press the button again it will turn OFF the main entity input.
  • You have the option to input an alternating entity that will be the opposite state to the main entity.

NOTE - The button must have no state, like a button helper.

:rocket: CHANGELOG


:bulb: Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time
:high_brightness: Smart Light - Entity - Sun Elevation - Ambient & Time Triggers
:infinity: Sensor Light Add On - Media & Movie Lights - House Alarm Lights - Smoke Alarm Lights & Exhaust Fans + More
:shower: Bathroom Humidity Exhaust Fan
:low_battery: Low Battery Notifications & Actions
:vibration_mode: Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC
:loudspeaker: Notifications & Announcements
:calendar: Calendar Notifications & Actions
:round_pushpin: State Notifications & Actions
:robot: Android Notification Channel Manager
:toilet: Toilet Exhaust Fan with time delay
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Entity - Run ON Timer
:stopwatch: Trigger - Run ON Timer
:magic_wand: Manual light control with auto OFF
:door: Closet, Pantry, and Cupboard Lighting
:timer_clock: Timer
:thermometer: Temperature Control Fan
:snowflake: Temperature Control Exhaust Fan - Inverted
:eight_spoked_asterisk: Toggle Switch - Turn ON & OFF Entities
:on: Switch - Turn ON & OFF Entities

Like this blueprint? Consider hitting the :heart: button below :+1:


:construction_worker_man: :construction_worker_woman:FAQ for a new blueprint :construction: :construction:

Initial release 1.0

New blueprint :partying_face: Hope you like it :wink:

This will turn ON and OFF an entity with a stateless press button. Example, button helper.

If you like this blueprint? Consider hitting the :heart: button in the top post :+1:

If you like my blueprints, and would like to show your support or just say thank you? Click Here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Blacky :grinning:

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So does this only work with HA button helpers and not real buttons? I have a Smasung button, but it doesn’t have an entity.


Some buttons can be different and require different triggers and actions. You would probably be best to search for a blueprint that works with Samsung buttons. I can see there are some blueprints available for Samsung buttons.

Blacky :smiley:

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