❄ Temperature Control Exhaust Fan - Inverted

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

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Version: 1.2 :fire:

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:newspaper: The Automation Process:

  • When the sensor falls below the set value it turns the fan ON.
  • When the sensor rises above the set value it turns the fan OFF.
  • If you would like the opposite values then try this blueprint. 🌡 Temperature Control Fan + Ceiling Fan Mode
  • You have the option to use the “Fan Speed - Off Switch Option”. This is useful for turning OFF fans with different speeds.
  • You have the option to use the “Trigger Sensor By-pass”. This allows you to add a switch to manually By-pass the trigger sensor so you can use the fan as normal by turning it ON and OFF manually.
  • You have the option to set a start time, an end time and select weekdays. This will only allow the automation to run between the time periods.
  • Safe guard built in for HA restart.

:rocket: CHANGELOG

  • Version: 1.2 - 21 Sep-23 - Update deprecated code.
  • Version: 1.1 - 10 July-23 - Added a 3 new option to the by-pass & a auto OFF option + more options with some bug fixes.
  • Version: 1.0 - 29 Jan-23 - Initial release


:bulb: Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time
:high_brightness: Smart Light - Entity - Sun Elevation - Ambient & Time Triggers
:infinity: Sensor Light Add On - Media & Movie Lights - House Alarm Lights - Smoke Alarm Lights & Exhaust Fans + More
:shower: Bathroom Humidity Exhaust Fan
:low_battery: Low Battery Notifications & Actions
:vibration_mode: Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC
:loudspeaker: Notifications & Announcements
:calendar: Calendar Notifications & Actions
:round_pushpin: State Notifications & Actions
:stop_button: Manual Control Status Tracker
:robot: Android Notification Channel Manager
:toilet: Toilet Exhaust Fan with time delay
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Entity - Run ON Timer
:stopwatch: Trigger - Run ON Timer
:magic_wand: Manual light control with auto OFF
:door: Closet, Pantry, and Cupboard Lighting
:timer_clock: Timer
:thermometer: Temperature Control Fan
:eight_spoked_asterisk: Toggle Switch - Turn ON & OFF Entities
:nazar_amulet: Press Button - Turn ON & OFF Entities
:on: Switch - Turn ON & OFF Entities

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Q: I don’t fully understand the “Fan Speed - Off Switch Option”, could you explain it to me?

A Sometimes you need to select a different entity to turn the fan OFF. This is normally used when having a fan that has different speeds and one of the speeds is OFF. You normally have to turn ON the switch to turn the fan OFF. If you have this scenario then select your OFF speed entity here. If you do not have this, then please leave it blank.

Q: How to use the “Trigger Sensor By-pass” without having a physical switch?

A: Go to Settings / Devices & Services / click on the “Helpers” tab / click “+ CREATE HELPER” and select “Toggle”. In the name put “Temp Exhaust Fan Sensor By-pass” and click save. Then go back into the automation and in the “Trigger Sensor By-pass” search for the name you created in this case “Temp Exhaust Fan Sensor By-pass” and click save. Now in a “Dashboard” click “Edit dashboard” then click “+ ADD CARD” click on “Button” or “Entities” in the entity field again search for the name you created in this case “Temp Exhaust Fan Sensor By-pass” and click save. Then click “DONE”. You now have a “Temp Exhaust Fan Sensor By-pass” switch to disable the Exhaust Fan.

Q: I would like to set a different value but the slider is not letting me?

A Just simply type the number value you would like in the field and click save. A red line will appear under the number you have entered but once you click save, exit the automation and go back into it the red line will not be there.

Hello, I want pretty same, but not exact this :). Can you help with blueprints for my needs (I think there are other people who want to :slight_smile: ).
I have 4 chanel switch (sonoff 4chpror3) and want control it by temp sensor (sonoff SNZB-02) my room (floor) temperature. If temp is under 22C its turn in 1 channel, and if above 22C then turn same channel off.
How it multiple for different rooms.

Switch is just switching on and of my accurator on underfloor heating conture.


@TomATom Hi Toomas,

This blueprint will do that but if you have 4 channels then you will need to create 4 automations, one for each room using the blueprint.

So go into blueprints and select this blueprint fill out everything for channel 1 and when saving it name it what you would like, example: “Underfloor Heating - Bedroom 1”. Then just do it again and select channel 2 and save it as “Underfloor Heating - Bedroom 2” and so on. Then when you click on the automations tab you will see 4 automations, one for each bedroom.

Work perfectly :slight_smile:) Thanks a lot
Can you advise is it possible to juse your bluprint :Temperature Control Exhaust Fan and Temperature Control Exhaust Fan - Inverted together (summer / winter time), to set some time (day and month) to sart one bluprint and stop at same time another? I want use my heatpump for cooling in summertimes to.

Nice, no problem :+1:

You could but I would manually turn off my boiler and manually turn on my heat pump in summer time (and visa versa for winter). Last thing you need is your boiler turning on in the summer heating your floor up and finding out later (when you come home) it came on $$$$, and now your floor is hot… that takes a while to cool down. It would also be hard to pick a date to change over from heating to cooling.

EDIT: You could also create a summer and a winter by-pass to stop all your automations. Example if you created one by-pass for all your Underfloor Heating then put the same by-pass in every automation you just created. Now when you turn that ON it will stop all the Underfloor Heating automations.

Blacky :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for advice

1 Like

New update 1.1

This is quite a big update :firecracker:. I am slowly going through my blueprint so they all look and feel the same :partying_face:

:warning: Please read this before upgrading. If you use “Fan Speed - Switch Off Option” in you automations, once you upgrade you will need to select “Enable the fan speed - switch off option” as shown below and click save.

New Features :new:

  • Added “Fan” domain to fan switch.

  • Added enable / disable option to the “Fan Speed – Switch OFF Option”.

  • Added Fan domain to “Fan Speed – Switch OFF Option”.

  • Upgraded by-pass to have 3 options. You can now choose what you would like the fan to do when you turn the by-pass ON.

    1. Turn fan ON.
    2. Turn fan OFF.
    3. Keep the current fan state.
  • Added the ability to use a “By-pass Auto OFF Option”. This is used when you turn the by-pass ON and you would like the by-pass to automatically turn OFF in a set time delay. It can also be used as a timer to turn the fan ON and then OFF if you have chosen to use “Enable the By-pass - Turn fan ON”.

  • Added end of time trigger. The fan will turn OFF when end time crosses over and your “Rising Value” is over it’s setting.

  • Added some safe guards for HA restart.

  • Cleaned up some code.

Bugs Fixes :bug:

  • Start of time trigger.
  • Some other bugs.

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Blacky :grinning:

New update 1.2

:warning: BLUEPRINT CODE UPDATE :exclamation:

Just a heads up if your still on a old HA version before you update.

From time to time Home Assistant update their code structure and the old code will become “DEPRECATED” stopping / breaking automations from working. It effected this blueprint about 4 to 6 months ago. I wanted to wait some time so everyone had a chance to update their HA version before updating the code as older HA versions can not run the new code. This blueprint has now been updated so it will still operate once HA remove the “DEPRECATED” code from their system. :wink: :+1:

If you like this blueprint? Consider hitting the :heart: button in the top post :+1:

If you like my blueprints, and would like to show your support or just say thank you? Click Here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Blacky :grinning:

So I don’t find that this shuts off when exceed the rising value. When I look at traces, I don’t see a trigger for my sensor exceeding the rising value. Time trigger works, and falling works.


This post is moved from “Temp Control Exhaust Fan” blueprint.

I tested it again here and it is working so that is okay.

What will happen.

  1. Between 8 am and 5pm if the temp sensor goes below 17 the fan will come ON. When it rises above 22 that fan will turn OFF.
  2. If the temp is below 17 and the time crosses over 8am the fan will come ON. If the time crosses over 5pm and the fan is ON the fan will go OFF.

One thing that may be happening is you are using a device in your fan switch. Please expand down to your fan entity as there could be something going wrong here.

Hope this helps.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

Yep you were correct. It was a issue with the entity, changed entity and all magically sprung into life. Thanks so much, so far working as expected. Much appreciated! Thanks for your work on this, have found your other blueprints as well, will be looking to utilise some of those soon!!


No problem your welcome. Thanks for letting us know.

Blacky :smiley:

Hello @Blacky
First of all many thanks to you Blueprint, it helped me a lot to switch my heating from Heat Pump to Gaz system when it is cold (I have dual heating system !).
I would like to ask you if it is possible to allow “falling and rising” value with negative values (eg I would like to have Falling Value to -2°C and Rising Value to -1°C because under -2°C the heat pump works tooo hard and it is mutch better to switch to gaz boiler here).
Many thanks to your code :slight_smile:


Just simply type the value in and click save.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

Thanks :slight_smile: it worked !

Nice one, thanks for the update.

Blacky :smiley:

I’m getting errors in my HA logs when using this blueprint. Any thoughts?

homeassistant    | 2024-03-07 09:39:58.294 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation] Error evaluating condition in 'Front Yard - Bird Bath Heater':
homeassistant    | In 'condition' (item 1 of 3):
homeassistant    |   In 'or' (item 6 of 7):
homeassistant    |     In 'and' (item 1 of 2):
homeassistant    |       In 'template' condition: UndefinedError: 'dict object' has no attribute 'entity_id'

Blueprint config

alias: Front Yard - Bird Bath Heater
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/temperature-control-exhaust-fan-inverted.yaml
    trigger_sensor: sensor.easyweatherpro_v5_1_1_outdoor_temperature
      device_id: 487d3f016f189663b0c64ea0d4580436
    falling_value: 32
    rising_value: 36

Enter in a entity ID and not a device. You can expand it down using the <>. This is a link to another blueprint of mine and it shows you how to expand your device down. Click Here

Blacky :smiley:

Weird. It would work as a device - just randomly gave that error. Thanks