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The Automation Process
- When you press the toggle switch it will turn ON the main entity input.
- When you press the toggle switch again it will turn OFF the main entity input.
- You have the option to input an alternating entity that will be the opposite state to the main entity.
NOTE - The toggle switch must have a quick ON & OFF state normally found when using ESPHome toggle switches.
Version: 1.3 - 1 Nov-23 major code update.
Version: 1.2 - 30 Oct-22 update description and wording.
Version: 1.1 - 30 Oct-22 initial release
Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time
Smart Light - Entity - Sun Elevation - Ambient & Time Triggers
Sensor Light Add On - Media & Movie Lights - House Alarm Lights - Smoke Alarm Lights & Exhaust Fans + More
Bathroom Humidity Exhaust Fan
Low Battery Notifications & Actions
Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC
Notifications & Announcements
Calendar Notifications & Actions
State Notifications & Actions
Manual Control Status Tracker
Bee In The Hive Sensor
Android Notification Channel Manager
Toilet Exhaust Fan with time delay
Entity - Run ON Timer
Trigger - Run ON Timer
Manual light control with auto OFF
Closet, Pantry, and Cupboard Lighting
Temperature Control Fan
Temperature Control Exhaust Fan - Inverted
Press Button - Turn ON & OFF Entities
Switch - Turn ON & OFF Entities
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