šŸ”¹ Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

Okā€¦ so hereā€™s my first ever custom component

It does what my lovelace plugins lovelace-player and browser-commander used to do, but with backend support.

From the readme:

  • Make the camera feed from your front door pop up on the tablett in your kitchen when someone rings the doorbell.
  • Have a message pop up on every screen in the house when itā€™s bedtime.
  • Make the browser on your workstation switch to a specific tab when the kitchen light is on after midnight
  • Play a TTS message on your work computer when the trafic sensor tells you itā€™s time to go home.

This looks awesome. I was just wondering how I could combine a magic mirror and HA and this looks like it would work perfectly.

Now I just need to build a magic mirror.


thank you for producing and sharing this. Installed and have 1 comment and 1 question:
In the installation docs it says to add browser_commander to the configuration.yaml. I believe you meant browser_mod. it wouldnt integrate otherwise.

The service call example:

service: browser_mod.command
  command: set-theme
  theme: clear_light

throws a config error.

this doesnt.

service: browser_mod.command
  command: set-theme
  theme: clear_light

is it correct?

Thank you


Yes. Thereā€™s been a lot of other plugins and stuff running through my head while writing this.
Itā€™s browser_mod. Nothing else.

Iā€™ve updated the docs.

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As usual a great mod by a great dev. I havenā€™t tried this browser commander stuff yet but it sounds great. Would this work on iPads as well?

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It should.

Thank you.
Any advice on the use of service_data vs data?
It throws and error on config.

Actuallyā€¦ it seems sound playback is blocked by apple on ipadsā€¦ Iā€™ll look into that.

service_data in lovelace, data in backend configuration. As usual.

Okā€¦ I think I found a way to make it kind of work on iPadsā€¦

Apple doesnā€™t want sound auto-playing, so the first one has to be initiated by a user.
However, it doesnā€™t have to be obvious that itā€™s initiatedā€¦ so now touching anywhere on the screen will play a silent sound once, and after that all other sounds should work.

You will need to retouch the screen if you reload the page.

Update to v0.1.1 for this change.

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Live voice with video notificationsā€¦
DIY via browser-mod Thank you kind sirā€¦
Pretty cool :sunglasses: and very useful. The ability to actually hear what event has just occurred :thinking:, instead of just hearing a ding :bellhop_bell: from my phone and then having to open it up and see what it was, makes a huge difference if you are extremely busy. A simple app to keep the screen on so I stay logged into HA and a ā€˜blackoutā€™ screen so Iā€™m not eating up my battery<ā€“???..and voila! Live voice with video notificationsā€¦
not much of a video, but enough to get the point :trophy:

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Iā€™d not trust the blackout screen to preserve any battery. It doesnā€™t turn off the screen, just makes it display a black imageā€¦

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:ok_hand:t2: but when driving this is a big plus :100: Thanks again :smiley_cat:

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Can you give an Lovelace example iam not sure where to put the following.

service: browser_mod.command
  command: more-info
  entity_id: camera.front_door
    - ded3b4dc-abedd098
    - dashboard

Thank You and this is a great addon to HA

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This is what it looks like in a script:

    - condition: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.disable_popups
      state: 'off'
    - service: browser_mod.command
        command: more-info
          - Pixel DNS
          - Pixel LAN
          - OfficePC
          - OfficeTab LAN
          - Kiosk
        entity_id: camera.front_door
        large: true

@thomasloven will this be the only remaining function for browser-commander?

    - event: browser_command
        command: lovelace-reload

Thanks @Dino-Tech

I will try it later. Nice touch on disabling the popups with a input.boolean.

Will there be the lovelace-reload command, or do i have to use the browser-commander for it?
Thanks, great Custom Component!

Hello. Iā€™ve installed via HAC, added browser_mod: to my config, and restarted HA, but Iā€™m not getting any new media_player entities. Iā€™m running Chrome browser on a win 10 machine. Am I missing something?

Oops. I forgot that one.

I was sure I added it, but while writing the documentation I accidentally rm -rfed the whole projectā€¦ and apparently I forgot to add that back the second timeā€¦

Will fix. Browser-commander is deprecated.


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