šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

Hi, can I change state color ?

          - type: picture-elements
            image: /local/images/computer/synology_ds1515.png
              - type: state-icon
                entity: sensor.nas_drive_1_status
                  top: 30%
                  left: 25%
                  '--paper-item-icon-color': var(--my-icon-color)
              - type: state-icon
                entity: sensor.nas_drive_2_status
                  top: 30%
                  left: 37%

I try this code but nothing:

          style: |
            ha-card {
              --my-icon-color: {% if is_state('sensor.nas_drive_1_status', 'normal') %} green {% else %} red {% endif %}

You can just use state_filter for that without card_mod.

Thanks, but state_filter not set color.

What do you mean?

thanks all the same but i solved with this code using condition

          - type: picture-elements
            image: /local/images/computer/synology_ds1515.png
            # Synology Drive 1 Status
              - type: conditional
                  - entity: sensor.nas_drive_1_status
                    state: "normal"
                  - type: state-icon
                    entity: sensor.nas_drive_1_status
                      top: 30%
                      left: 25%
                      "--paper-item-icon-color": greenyellow
              - type: conditional
                  - entity: sensor.nas_drive_1_status
                    state_not: "normal"
                  - type: state-icon
                    entity: sensor.nas_drive_1_status
                      top: 30%
                      left: 25%
                      "--paper-item-icon-color": red```

First post here. Having some trouble applying custom color to my icons on the simple-thermostat card using card-mod. Iā€™m using the raw editor and I know card mod is installed correctly because Iā€™m able to change colors on an entities card just fine. Below is what I have for the thermostat. I used inspector in Edge/Chrome to see where the color is coming from and Iā€™m thinking it might be because it is inherited from shadow-root? I just donā€™t know why. I have no theme applied. Iā€™ve tried a lot of different ways of changing the color including rgb(), typing it, or using the #hex. No matter what I do the auto color will not change from springgreen. Iā€™m sure itā€™s something simple I am missing. Can anyone suggest a fix? heat_cool

- type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'
  entity: climate.thermostat
    - entity: sensor.thermostat_humidity
      name: Humidity
        name: false
        icon: 'mdi:fire'
        name: false
        icon: 'mdi:snowflake-variant'
        name: false
        icon: 'mdi:cached'
    style: |
      ha-card.mode-item.active.off {
        background: red;
      ha-card.mode-item.active.heat_cool {
        background: #efbd07;

I am not sure if I am getting your point.
You mentioned this code as ā€œnot workingā€:

        $: |

I am not sure what do you mean by ā€œelement-cardā€, but this code works:

type: entities
title: 'Common: color icon'
                $: |
                  ha-svg-icon {
                    color: red;
  - entity: sun.sun
  - entity: sun.sun


Try setting --heat_cool-color with !important to ha-card instead. You might need to use mod-card.

I guess the old syntax was fixed, too.

That worked! Thank you!

Well, at least using one more syntax gives us more flexibility!

just a thought, but would it all be possible have the overview posts separated into a Community Guide of sorts. No discussions there, those are done here, simply all posts like @Ildar_Gabdullin did for the various cards and stylings.

Right now, we need to go back and forth in this thread to find these (or save them locally, as I didā€¦). I think it would be very beneficial to all of us to have them on display permanently.

With the separated/dedicated community guide, checking how to style a badge, or a font-size for Entities card would be a breeze.


I would appreciate guidance for suppressing the display of the entire toggle button in an Entities card.

Iā€™ve tried enough things to confirm I donā€™t have a good grasp of the core concepts (i.e. seems straighforward in theory but not in practice). For example, I tried this but it doesnā€™t work:

type: entities
  - entity: input_boolean.test
show_header_toggle: false
    $: |
      ha-switch {
        display: none !important;

The toggle button is within a shadow-root and, based on my limitation understanding, that implies more complexity in how to define the item I wish to act on.

1 Like

The doc says:
ā€œI recommend using HACS to install and keep track of plugins.ā€
But this plug-in is nowhere to be found in HACS ?
Is a custom repository needed to install it ? If so, whatā€™s the URL ?

Thanks for all your work and help here!

Iā€™ve searched for a few days but cant seem to figure out how it actually works.
Iā€™ve also read that there might be problems with picture elemts cards, but there was a work around?

I have 2 icons, which actually should show a debug boolean state (removed to simplify) but I just want to change the color depending on on/off state and the only way to do it seems to be card-mod.

  - icon: 'mdi:android-debug-bridge'
    title: Debug
    type: icon
      '--mdc-icon-size': 40px
      color: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6)'
      background-color: 'rgba(3, 169, 244, 0.6)'
      border-radius: 50%
      top: 35%
      left: 40%
      padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px
  - icon: 'mdi:android-debug-bridge'
    title: Debug
    type: icon
    style: |
      hui-icon-element {
        color: blue;
image: /
type: picture-elements

But Iā€™m unable to make the second icon use any of the attributes of the first icon.
Iā€™ve also tryed the debug method of my browser and found some elemts names but they modify colors of the entire page.

<hui-icon-element class="element" style="--mdc-icon-size:40px; color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.6); background-color: rgba(3, 169, 244, 0.6); border-radius: 50%; top: 35%; left: 40%; padding: 10px;"></hui-icon-element>

Any help apreciated

Uh, Maybe I can hepl here!

I just made it work:

In Hacs, under Frontend, press ā€œ+ EXPLORE & ADD REPOSITURIESā€ and search for card-mod. Think thats how I made it work!

Found it :+1: Thank you!


Here all my posts which may be useful:

Do not forget to add a "card_mod:" keyword before "style:" (new in card-mod 3).
And also read this important note to create optimized code. In most examples here a code is NOT optimized - just to describe a DOM navigation.

Entity card
rotating icon (by @dolodobendan)
disabled tap_action

Entities card (including some special row elements - button, section, divider)
using standard vars for some domains

font-size for Entities card

Entities card with attributes

Slider entity inside Entities card
main post
popup baloon issue
hide the popup baloon

"hui-input-number-entity-row" - entity row for "input_number"
main post
How to make input_number rows look less different from other entity rows - part 1, part 2

input_select row
main post
How to make input_select rows look less different from other entity rows - part 1, part 2
How to add secondary_info: last-changed

input-text row
How to make input_text rows look less different from other entity rows - part 1, part 2

input_datetime row
part 1
part 2
How to make input_datetime rows look less different from other entity rows - part 1, part 2

Conditional row inside Entities card

Toggle row inside Entities card
colored checkbox
how to disable a toggle button
how to disable a toggle button - inside auto-entities
moving toggle to the left

Hiding checkboxes inside Entities card
for some entity row
for all entity rows

Animations for Entities card

ā€œChipā€ buttons
card-mod theme for chip buttons
changing styles for a particular button in a footer dependently on a state
changing an icon

Cover entity row
main post
disable a cover control conditionally
ā€œnarrowedā€ look

Light entity row
how to show lights with using only ā€œactiveā€ & ā€œinactiveā€ colors

How to manage a rowā€™s height
decrease height
increase height

How to shift rows to the right

How to center weblinks & commands

ā€œEmpty slotā€ for Entities card

Glance card
main post
changing margin
Allocate items in a compact manner

Footer / Header

main post
displaying "last-changed" or any other labels for items
distribute items evenly
animated icons

main post
How to enable / disable a ā€œfold / unfoldā€ control for fold-entity-row



Tile card
colored icon & background on hover
remove background from an icon
adding a button
custom icons for features

custom icons for features

2 text lines
displaying an image instead of an icon
centered title
hide the whole bar-card if all bars are hidden
replacing a value
adding a prefix

disabled tap_action

scrollbar for some text
markdown with images
markdown with a table: post 1, post 2, post 3
colorize only some text

Picture Glance card
changing an icon by card-mod
distributing icons

Sensor card with a graph

History-graph card
prevent clipping when using inside stack-in-card
added scrollbar
custom line colors
custom timeline colors
how to set a 0 lower bound for Y-axis
styling a tooltip
how to add an icon to a cardā€™s title
how to set a height

statistics-graph card
grouping / aligning labels
custom line colors
replacing a label
how to set a 0 lower bound for Y-axis

main post
animation - blinking name, resized & rotating icon
how to display an additional info on the card
how to display additional text items (prefixes & suffixes)
solid (non-semitransparent) fill
move a graph for the 2nd sensor to the bottom
how to set a color for the last bar
place 2 sensorsā€™ states on the left side
displaying states as a part of the legend
displaying a UoM under the state
displaying a UoM before a state
displaying a state & extrema data on the same line
using card-mod to compare mini-graph-card & history-graph
non-elegant & unstable way to show labels for X-axis
fixing an issue with a card inside state-switch
imitating statistics card
how to nicely align legendā€™s elements
compact view when used in horizontal stack or grid
styling Y-axis labelsā€™ background
how to change graphā€™s color dynamically

Weather Card

Styling a card inside ā€˜custom:config-template-cardā€™

Styling a card inside ā€˜custom:decluttering-cardā€™ + passing a style as a variable
post 1
post 2


Badges (before 2024.8)
Badges: different styling
Badges: conditional show/hide
Badges: hidden name
Square badges
Dynamic icon
Show either an icon or a value
Manually added UoM
Replacing a state
Replacing a UoM
Gradient colors for a badge dependingly on a value (by @parautenbach)

Badges (2024.8)
themes - one, two


Picture Elements card
main post
conditional elements
rotated background image
ā€œselection areaā€
3 ways to change an element dynamically
on-hover effect for elements
example: show a charging process

Logbook card
main post
styling images by using external js-module
Logbook in a Panel mode
styling a scrollbar (style is unstable)

Media Player card


vertical-stack, horizontal-stack
main post
How to fix the ā€œmargin-topā€ problem for a hidden conditional card
Stack inside ā€œhui-elementā€ card
Removing internal borders & margins inside vertical-stack
how to add an icon to a cardā€™s title

how to add an icon to a cardā€™s title

main post
example of customizing a width in a horizontal stack
styling a header
how to add an icon to a cardā€™s title

main post
How to style a header

Map card
styling markers
display values on a Map card

disable controls


main post
custom background

One of rare cases when card-mod is needed for custom:button-card
Using button-card variables in jinja card-mod code


custom: fluid-level-background-card

list of posts with styles

Sticky cards

Additional small title for any card with a title

How to scale an iframe content

custom:sun-card, custom:horizon-card

Other stuff
About these examples
Important notes about navigation
About navigation
About navigation #2
Combining ā€œ$:ā€ styles and ā€œnot $:ā€ styles
Using variables (especially after 2022.12)
Card for testing colors for binary_sensor entities (icons, history) (may be useful after 2022.12)
Using "::before" , "::after" & "content"
How to change card-mod styles for dark & light modes
How to let HA to choose a default style
How to combine icons
Possible errors when using card-mod
Conditional styles for different clients
Using global macros
Issue with re-defining a variable
Adding a color outline to icons
Showing an old HA logo (pre 2023.10)
How to add an icon to a cardā€™s title
User-defined config options - to be used inside card-mod
Using yaml-anchors
Meaning of these ā€œ{%ā€ & ā€œ{%-ā€ things for card-mod code

for beginners: where to put card-mod theme code?, also here
ā€œ-yamlā€ vs ā€œw/o -yamlā€: schema
Using classes

Styling badges
Badges-2024.8: column layout

ā€œSidebarā€ view: how to set a fixed width for a right sidebar
ā€œSidebarā€ view: moving a right sidebar to the left
ā€œSidebarā€ view: allow to scroll ā€œmainā€ area w/o scrolling a sidebar

Header: styling tabs
Header: moving a header to the bottom
Header: hiding a header
Header: how to change a headerā€™s icon size
Header: badges in a header
Header: hide a ā€œsearchā€ button (also - hide all buttons & menu)
Header: vivid selected & hovered tabs
Header: remove ā€œopacityā€ effect

Sidebar: styling a sidebar + adding badges to a sidebar



type: entities
  - entity: input_boolean.test_boolean
    name: 'Checkbox: hidden'
          $: |
            ha-switch {
             display: none;
1 Like

Thank you! I think I now understand why the many things I have tried all failed to work.

If the Entities card contains multiple entities, is there a way to make the style apply to all of them? Or does it have to be repeated for each one separately?